Cutaneous Sinus Congenital

The cutaneous sinus is a canal in and around the ear that connects the external auditory meatus to the eustachian tube. It is most often present in newborns at birth, but can also be found in adults. The cutaneous sinus is part of the eustachian tube system, which provides communication between the middle ear and the pharynx. This channel allows air to pass through the pinna and enter the Eustachian tube, so that the pressure from the middle ear is equalized with the air pressure in the nasal cavity and pharynx.

However, sometimes the eustachian sinus system can develop abnormally, leading to weakening, rupture, or atrophy. This is accompanied by the development of a congenital canal disorder called cutaneous sinus. In this case, the canal narrows or closes completely, which can cause hearing impairment and problems with