
Cranio is the international term used in medicine to refer to the skull. The term comes from the Greek word "kranion", meaning "skull", and the Latin word "cranium", meaning "brain". The word "cranio" is commonly used to describe various diseases and conditions related to the skull or brain.

Cranio - what kind of treatment method is it? First of all, you need to understand what craniosacral therapy is. This is a special method of manual therapy that uses gentle techniques to influence the bones of the human skull. It is carried out by specialists - craniotherapists. Outwardly, they look like massage therapists, but their methods of influence are very different from classical massage. Craniotherapists have access to a special range of manual influence techniques aimed at pathological processes developing in the bones of the skull (with disruption of their correct shape).

The full list of indications for craniosacral therapy is impressive. This can include:

Kidney diseases; Osteochondrosis; Heart problems; Headache; Skin pathologies; Scoliosis,