
Craniostenosis is the premature fusion of the sutures between individual bones of the skull in a child. As a result of this abnormal formation of the skull, the bones of the skull remain abnormally small, resulting in impaired growth and development of the brain.

Craniostenosis can be caused by various factors, including genetics, metabolic disorders, and exposure to certain medications. They can appear in various forms and can be either unilateral or bilateral.

One of the most common craniostenoses is craniosynostosis, which manifests itself at an early age. This condition is characterized by fusion of the sutures between the parietal bones and the frontal bones, resulting in abnormal formation of the skull and disruption of normal brain growth and development.

Craniostenosis may require surgery to correct the shape of the skull and allow normal brain development. However, such operations can be complex and require highly qualified surgeons.

It is important to note that craniostenosis is a congenital condition that can lead to serious consequences for the child's health. Therefore, if you suspect that your child may have craniostenosis, it is important to see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Craniostenosis leads to the birth of children with an abnormally small skull, the presence of small moles and crosses, and they are often bald or hairless. Most often, the anomaly is accompanied by various malformations of other organs, such as visual and hearing impairments, cardiac development defects and maxillofacial lesions.

This abnormality is usually congenital and can be caused by genetic problems, the development of a new cyst, or random events during pregnancy. If craniostenosis is not treated at an early age, it can cause serious health problems in the child in the future, such as impaired brain development, breathing problems and, in extreme cases. Treatment for craniosthenos involves a variety of medical procedures and devices that include widening certain cranial sutures, as well as the use of duning devices and stimulating exercises to improve brain development and control pressure in the skull. So let's learn more about this pathology.