Beautiful eye makeup step by step photo for green eyes

Happy owners of rare green eyes always want to emphasize this advantage, how to do this? Let's talk about 10 makeup ideas for green eyes with step-by-step photos for different occasions.

1. Delicate haze

Smokey eye makeup is more suitable for an evening out. It’s not at all difficult to do, following the step-by-step photos, you will emphasize the beauty of green eyes. First step: lightly powder the area around the eyes to remove oiliness. Next, carefully draw an arrow along the edge of the upper eyelashes with a blue pencil. We shade it, then use blue shadows to create a darkening in the corner of the eyelid, stretching the gradient to a very light shade at the bridge of the nose. Blend with a brush to get a soft transition.

Next step: using a blue pencil, again draw a clear arrow on the upper eyelid. Apply blue shadows to the corner of the lower eyelid, and also gently blend them from the temple to the nose. Next, use a white pencil to draw the inner part of the eyelash edge of the lower eyelid to open the eye. Finally, coat the eyelashes with velvet black mascara. Makeup in blue-green tones is well suited for girls of a cold color type and those with light brown hair.

2. Study in orange and gold tones

Despite the bright colors of the shadows, this makeup is suitable for both day and evening. Orange color creates a winning contrast for green eyes and is ideal for girls with reddish and dark copper hair. First you need to apply orange shadows with a brush, gently blending the pigment over the entire moving part of the upper eyelid. The crease of the eyelid should be worked out with brown-chocolate shadows. Next, use orange shadows to paint the area of ​​the lower eyelashes.

Next step: paint the lower eyelash area with chocolate shadows with a golden glitter, drawing an arrow and stretching the eye towards the temples. Using thin eyeliner we draw the ciliary space of the upper eyelid, carefully outline the part of the eye at the bridge of the nose. Lightly paint the lower eyelash area with golden shadows. The last stage of makeup: applying mascara.

3. Peppermint tea

Mint-colored makeup will help highlight the beauty of green eyes. It is suitable for fair-skinned young ladies with light brown or red hair. By repeating all the steps presented in the photo, you will get exquisite daytime makeup. In the first step, use mint-colored shadows with a golden sheen to paint the corner at the bridge of the nose. Then we apply matte shadows to the center and begin to stretch the color towards the temple.

Using a flat brush, apply mint-colored eyeshadow to the skin under the lower eyelashes. Then, using dark beige shadows, we draw a fold on the border of the upper eyelid, create a darkening in the temporal part with dark beige shadows, and shade the entire line along the fold. We paint the lower eyelash area with the same color. The most crucial moment: on the upper eyelid, draw a thin arrow with gold liquid eyeliner. Final stage: applying mascara.

4. Tenderness: gold + turquoise

Green-eyed girls can afford daytime makeup in soft spring tones, which will emphasize the green tint and reddish hair. First, cover the upper eyelid with light powder. Then we paint the entire upper eyelid with turquoise shadows, so that the most intense color is in the outer corner, and the lightest in the inner corner. Next, apply golden shadows to the moving part of the eyelid, blending the color from the middle to the edges. Using gel eyeliner, we draw a thin line along the upper eyelash edge, and work the lower edge with dark shadows, slightly shading the line. The last step is to apply mascara.

5. Sophisticated elegance

Wine-colored makeup is quite suitable for brunettes with green eyes. The complex contrast of wine and green will very advantageously emphasize the color of the eyes. Despite the shade, the makeup will be appropriate for daytime looks. Step one: apply wine-colored shadows to the center of the upper eyelid, then shade them a little, the greatest intensity should be concentrated closer to the temples. Then we use graphite shadows to decorate the corner of the eyes at the temple to create a softly shaded shadow. Using eyeliner, draw a thin line along the upper eyelashes. At the last stage, apply mascara.

6. Cat eyes

For an evening out, expressive makeup in the cat eye style is suitable. A step-by-step makeup photo shows in detail the transformation of green eyes. At the first stage, we paint the upper eyelid with sand-colored shadows, intensifying the color in the outer corner. Apply white shadows near the nose. We darken the temple corner with golden brown shadows. We apply the same under the lower eyelashes, slightly shading. Using gel eyeliner and a pencil, draw a line on the upper eyelid and in the corner of the lower eyelid to create a “cat” line. We complete the make-up by applying black mascara.

7. Charming almonds

Makeup in natural tones will give your eyes a beautiful almond shape; this make-up is suitable for every day. We start by drawing a line in the corner of the eye with a soft brown pencil, continuing the direction given by the eyelashes. From below and above we draw the outer corner of the eye, creating an tonsil. Use a pencil or shadows to match the corner, gently shading the middle of the eye from below and above. Next step: using eyeliner or a black pencil, draw an arrow along the row of upper eyelashes, and also make a small arrow on the lower, outer corner. All that remains is to apply makeup on your eyelashes.

8. Mysterious shadows

Smoky makeup will be appropriate in evening looks; it will perfectly emphasize the depth of green eyes. Makeup is created in several stages. First, we apply sandy beige shadows to the temporal part of the upper eyelid, then apply smoky brown shadows to the moving part, so that the darker gradient goes to the outer corner, and it becomes lighter towards the inner corner. Using a flat brush, apply the same shadows along the lower eyelash edge. Then we strengthen the outer corner with darker shadows, which are applied with blending movements.

At the next stage, use a pencil to draw an arrow along the upper and lower eyelids, which slightly lengthens the eyelash line towards the temple. Then, using a brush, place small spots of white eyeshadow under the arch of the eyebrows and near the nose. Now you need to apply mascara to your eyelashes.

9. Warm look

Makeup in warm natural shades is perfect for a daytime look. It is especially recommended for red-haired girls. In the first step, draw an arrow on the upper eyelid with a pencil. Then use dark chocolate shadows to create a shadow in the outer corner of the eye. Next, we cover the entire moving part of the eyelid with sandy beige shadows. Next step: using a flat brush, draw a line along the bottom of the eyelid using chocolate eyeshadow. Apply a spot of white shadow near the bridge of the nose. Now a small layer of golden shadow is applied over the entire moving eyelid.

10. Open look

Makeup in silver tones is suitable for both daytime and evening outings. It allows you to hide drooping eyelids, open your eyes and emphasize the effectiveness of the green shade. First step: apply snow-white shadows under the arch of the eyebrows. Then use beige shadows to highlight the area of ​​the eyelid at the temple, then use gray-blue dark shadows to draw a corner in the outer corner, capturing the fold of the moving eyelid. Cover the surface of the eyelid with silver shadows. Using a flat brush, apply dark shadow along the lower eyelashes. Shade the surface a little. Now you need to paint your eyelashes.

In what colors and shades would you like to see makeup for green eyes with step-by-step photos? Leave your wishes, and we will additionally publish a step-by-step photo of applying makeup.

Eyes are not only a woman’s secret weapon, but also the gateway to her inner world. Therefore, it is not surprising that every lady wants her the look was memorable, sometimes tender, and sometimes passionate. You can emphasize it with the help of one or another type of makeup, the choice of which will depend on various factors, one of which is eye color. Therefore, next we will talk about the most popular types of makeup in the colors that are suitable for green-eyed beauties.

Types of makeup

Type of eye makeup determined by the following main factors:

  1. execution technique;
  2. the color of the young lady's hair;
  3. the event the woman is going to attend;
  4. choosing an outfit.

Makeup for green, brown-green and gray-green eyes looks beautiful in brown and green colors with their different shades, as well as in peach, soft emerald, purple, turquoise. The color of the pencil and mascara will depend on whether the woman has dark or light hair.

And now more about types of makeup.

Everyday makeup for brunettes with green eyes

  1. Brunettes coffee shades, dark gray, golden, green are perfect. However, it should be noted that green shadows should not blend with the eye color.
  2. If a woman does not want to highlight her look too much, more delicate shades are suitable: beige, golden white.
  3. Visually enlarge green eyes brunettes can use lilac, violet and metallic shadows.
  4. It is best to frame cosmetic creativity with black, brown or dark gray eyeliner.

Everyday makeup for blondes with green eyes

  1. Green-eyed blondes brown shades are suitable: from soft golden hue to dark chocolate. Also light green shades.
  2. It is better to avoid black eyeliners, unless, of course, this is an evening makeup option.
  3. And here bronze and brown pencils for these purposes just right.

Everyday makeup for women with green eyes and light brown and red hair

But brown-haired and red-haired ones for an everyday option can choose colors that suit both brunettes and blondes. In the first case, the look will be more expressive, and in the second, more tender.

Light daytime makeup for green eyes

For those women who want to just slightly emphasize their eyes, light daytime makeup or, as it is also called, nude makeup, which is for green eyes should be done in soft coffee, peach, beige tones. Not only blondes, but also those with black and light brown hair should avoid black eyeliner. Even black mascara is better replaced with brown.

Relief makeup for green eyes

Technique for this type of makeup considered a classic. It is easy to perform and involves a soft transition from one shade to another.

Evening smokey eye makeup for green eyes

  1. This technique implies smooth shading of shadows, which creates the feeling of enveloping the eyes with smoke, which is why this makeup is also called smoky.
  2. He looks better on brunettes, brown-haired women and redheads, but if the shadows are not very dark, “smoky eye” will also suit blondes.
  3. This makeup is considered evening.
  4. It should also be noted that “smoky eyes” are not the best makeup option for small eyes: in a dark haze, small eyes visually appear even smaller, as if they are buried in the socket.

Makeup "Banana" for green eyes

Don't know how to make your eyes look bigger with makeup? Then use the Banana technique. It got its name because of the external resemblance of the moving part of the eyelid, on which the shadows are applied, to an exotic fruit - a banana.

Makeup with arrows for green eyes

For many women arrows on the eyes are associated with the image of an Egyptian beauty. Indeed, this cosmetic technique makes the look clearer and even playful.

Of course, eyeliner is traditionally made black, but other colors are also great for green eyes: dark brown, purple, dark gray... If you are doing makeup for deep-set eyes, choose a lighter eyeliner color, such as gold or bronze.

Wedding makeup for green eyes

Traditionally, delicate eye makeup is done for a wedding, often using glitter. However, for women with drooping eyelids, it’s better to avoid glitter, as they put even more emphasis on this issue. Makeup for the impending eyelid involves pastel colors.

Depending The palette for wedding makeup will differ depending on the hair color. For a blonde with green eyes, it is better to choose muted tones: soft lilac or light gray. It is better to frame the growth line of the upper eyelashes with a dark gray pencil, and it is also better to choose mascara of the same color. The lower eyelid can be outlined with a white contour pencil.

Red-haired woman with green eyes on her wedding day brown, peach, turquoise and gray tones are perfect. The recommended color of mascara and pencil for the upper eyelids is brown. The lower eyelids are traditionally decorated with a light contour pencil.

The charm of green-eyed brunettes and brown-haired women on their wedding day rich colors are emphasized. Brides have a full range of chocolate shades at their disposal, as well as lilac, violet, and plum.

Makeup under a green dress for green eyes

Often women like to wear something green to match the color of their green eyes. It could be a small accessory in the form of decoration or an entire outfit, for example a dress. In this case, you can use coffee, emerald, and dark blue shadows.

How to properly do evening makeup for green eyes - instructions with step-by-step photos

  1. A little bit powder your eyelids or apply primer to them. Next, paint the space between the eyelashes of the upper eyelids with a black or dark gray pencil, which will make the eyelashes look visually thicker.
  2. Using a flat brush, lightly patting apply dark gray eyeshadow over the entire moving eyelid.
  3. As an intermediate color use pink, brick or purple. Blend the shadows along the lower eyelids and orbital line, creating a so-called haze.
  4. Do lower eyeliner green pencil.
  5. Paint your eyelashes black ink.
  6. And here is the result!

Daytime makeup for green eyes

With a well-groomed, elegant woman, everyday life will never be gray. After all, her a beautiful look can brighten up any space, including a study. But for this, a fashionista must know some beauty secrets. You will learn about one of these secrets from this video, namely how to learn how to do beautiful daytime makeup for green eyes.

Spectacular evening makeup for green eyes

How highlight your green eyes a woman who is going for an evening walk, to the theater or to a festive dinner? You will learn about this from this video.

Makeup artists characterize green eyes as the most attractive and versatile for performing any type of makeup.


According to psychologists, green eyes of warm shades add mystery to the image and create the impression of openness to communicate with people, the person’s friendliness.

Green is in the center of the color spectrum and combines harmoniously with many shades of both warm and cool tones, which makes it possible to expand the choice of makeup for a new look.

Features of makeup for girls with green eyes

How to apply everyday makeup for green eyes is shown step by step in the photos below. However, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances associated with the choice of color shades.

Cosmetologists and makeup artists say that those with green eyes you need to adhere to the principle of complementation when choosing an eyeshadow color palette. It is acceptable to use soft warm shades of yellow, blue, green and their combinations.

Strong contrasting shades are not suitable for everyday makeup, but you can use light colors that contain red, purple and orange.


Colors located next to each other complement each other, and opposite ones create contrast.

For everyday makeup, golden, olive and beige shades are optimal., however, it is not recommended to use bright glitter. The tone of the shadows should also be harmonious with your skin color.

As you know, everyday makeup differs not only in the choice of color palette, but also in the application technique, which we will talk about later.

Step-by-step instructions for everyday makeup for green eyes


What supplies and tools will you need?

To apply makeup you will need the following tools:

  1. cotton pads;
  2. set of brushes (narrow, medium, beveled);
  3. cosmetic sponges;
  4. tweezers for plucking eyebrows;
  5. eyebrow brush;
  6. eyelash comb;
  7. applicator for applying eye shadow.

Products needed to prepare eyelid skin and apply makeup:

  1. micellar water;
  2. moisturizing cream;
  3. Foundation;
  4. powder;
  5. shadow base;
  6. concealer;
  7. contour pencil;
  8. eyeliner;
  9. set of shadows;
  10. mascara with curling effect;
  11. face corrector.

Preparing the eyelid skin

Before applying makeup, eyelid skin defects (redness, swelling, peeling) should be eliminated. using a nourishing mask, compress or moisturizer. After eliminating the defects, you need to cleanse the skin with micellar water applied to a cotton pad.

If the skin of the eyelids is dry, then before applying makeup it should be treated with a foundation that contains moisturizing components, remove its excess and set with powder, and then apply a colorless base.


When using an eyeshadow base with a tinted effect, there is no need to apply foundation
, but before using it you need to treat the skin with a moisturizer and remove its excess.

Oily skin does not require additional moisturizing. After cleaning it from dirt, apply a base under the shadows with a tinting effect.

Makeup artists do not recommend over-hydrating your skin as this will cause your makeup to clump.

Concealing wrinkles and dark circles with concealer

If the skin of the eyelids has wrinkles, dark circles or pigmentation, then after applying foundation it is necessary to hide the imperfections with concealer. It should be applied evenly, in a thin layer, avoiding the formation of excess.

It is recommended to blend with a brush, a moistened sponge or warm fingers, avoiding smearing the product on the skin.

It is necessary to choose a concealer that is 1-2 shades lighter than the foundation - this will help lighten the skin of the eyelids and give freshness to the face.

After applying and shading the product, it must be set with powder, on top of which the shadow base should be applied.


Before applying makeup, you should hide imperfections in the skin around your eyes with concealer.

When applying concealer, you need to consider the following nuances:

  1. Do not apply the product to dry skin without foundation or open wounds;
  2. Concealer should be used in a well-lit room, otherwise it will have the opposite effect;
  3. when masking acne, you need to apply and shade the concealer around the defect, gradually approaching the center;
  4. an incorrectly chosen shade of concealer emphasizes imperfections rather than hiding them;
  5. To blend the product on oily skin, you can only use a brush.

Getting your eyebrows in order

Eyebrows highlight the contours of the face. An incorrect arch of the eyebrows can ruin your appearance, so don’t get carried away with plucking them. Experts recommend outlining the contour of the eyebrow with a pencil, and then proceeding to plucking the hairs located behind the line.


Eyebrow makeup step by step.

Further you need to comb your eyebrows with a special brush and fill in their contours with a pencil or shadow, which should be applied in short strokes with an angled brush as the hair grows and shaded as you go. This will visually increase the volume of the eyebrows and make them darker or highlight the shade.

Drawing the eye contour with a pencil

In the process of drawing the contour of the eyelids with a pencil, you should carefully work out the space between the eyelashesto ensure uniformity of the applied layer.

It is necessary to paint only the eyelash growth line in the direction from the outer and inner corners to the center, while you need to retreat 3-5 mm from the inner corner of the eyelid. The line should taper as it moves from the outer to the inner corner of the eyelid.


To facilitate the process of drawing a contour, stylists recommend using the point method: several points should be drawn along the intended contour and then connected.

When drawing a contour line, it is necessary to rest your elbow on a hard surface to ensure control of movements.

The drawn contour should clearly coincide with the eyelash growth line, and not act as its parallel double. The lines of the upper and lower eyelids should be connected at the outer corner. The contour of the lower eyelid should be made soft and thin to prevent the effect of running mascara.

Don't forget about the arrows

Narrow winged lines are ideal for everyday makeup, however, the final choice of their shape and application technology directly depends on the configuration of the eyes.


Drawing arrows step by step.

When drawing arrows, the following features must be taken into account:

  1. Round eyes can be visually lengthened with makeup by extending the arrows to the inner corners of the eyelids. The lines should be of medium width.
  2. For narrow eyes, you should apply arrows that widen in the center of the eyelids and do not extend beyond their corners. The line must be shaded along the edges.
  3. To visually shorten the wideness of the eyes, you need to draw an arrow along the entire length of the upper eyelid, extending its line to the bridge of the nose. The arrow of the lower eyelid should deviate from the inner corner by 2-3 mm.
  4. To visually widen the narrow fit of the eyes, when drawing arrows, it is necessary to make an indent of 3-5 mm from the inner corners of the eyelids, and on the outside of the line the line should be rounded upward.
  5. If the eyes are small, then the arrow on the lower eyelid will reduce them even more. Only the upper eyelids can be lined, and wide lines are not allowed. The types of arrows and the features of their design when applying everyday makeup for small and other types of green eyes are shown step by step in the photo.


Types of arrows for different types of eyes.

It is important to know! Drawing the arrows must be done extremely carefully, using a sharpened pencil or eyeliner with a thin brush, to prevent distortion of the line.

Traces from contour pencil and eyeliner are difficult to remove, so if unsuccessful, you will need to clean the eyelid skin and repeat all the steps described above.

Applying shadows

Shadows must be applied in the direction from the arrow to the eyebrow. Stylists recommend applying the main color of the shadow with a low intensity using an applicator and evenly distributing it over the entire eyelid to the eyebrow using a brush.

Next, you should apply a medium intensity shadow to the eyelid and distribute it from the arrow line to the fold under the eyebrow. In the crease of the eyelid, you need to blend the shadows using a soft small brush. to achieve a smooth transition.

On the upper eyelid from the middle and closer to the outer corner, apply shadows one tone darker and shade them so that the distinct border disappears - this will give the eyes depth and expressiveness. In conclusion set the shadows with transparent powder.

How to apply everyday makeup for green eyes step by step. Photos and recommendations of makeup artists are given below.

Makeup artists' recommendations for choosing and using eye shadow:

  1. When using liquid eyeshadow, do not open your eyes until the composition has completely dried. This must be taken into account before applying each layer.
  2. Avoid applying powder to your eyelids when using cream eyeshadow. - the ingredients will mix and ruin your makeup.
  3. When wearing contact lenses, it is not recommended to use dry eyeshadow. Their small components can get under the lens, which will lead to discomfort and irritation of the mucous membrane.
  4. If the eyes are too close, then color accents should be placed correctly: dark shades on the outer corners of the eyelids, and light shades on the inner corners.
  5. Women with deep-set eyes are recommended to use shadows with mother-of-pearl to create color accents.

Curling mascara

This mascara will increase the volume of eyelashes and give expressiveness to the eyes. It should be applied from the roots of the eyelashes to their tips, moving the brush from left to right when treating the right eye, and from right to left when coloring the eyelashes of the left eye. This technique will help distribute a layer of mascara evenly across your eyelashes.


To increase the volume of eyelashes, you need to apply mascara with a curling effect as shown in the image.

The procedure should be performed in 3 stages: apply the first layer of mascara, after it dries, separate the eyelashes with a special comb, and then apply the second layer.

Before applying mascara to the lower eyelids, they should be treated with a thin layer of colorless powder to facilitate the process of removing crumbled particles.

Features of makeup in specific cases:

Makeup for green eyes and dark hair

The features of applying everyday makeup for green eyes and dark hair are revealed step by step in the photos below. Girls with such data Makeup artists recommend using pastel colors that complement eye color and create contrast with dark hair.

To apply everyday makeup, you cannot use shadows in dark shades close to black, since in combination with green eyes they will look vulgar, and against the background of dark hair, the makeup will be overloaded. You should also avoid neon shades - they make the eyes tired and dull, and the look looks heavy.


Pink eyeshadow should be used with extreme caution.
Much depends on the skin tone, but in most cases, when using pink eyeshadow, the face takes on a sickly, tired look.

Makeup for green eyes and light brown (blond) hair

Girls with this appearance When applying everyday makeup, you should complement your hair color and create a contrast with your eye color. Makeup artists recommend using soft purple shades for those with pure green irises and light brown hair.

To complement the color of hair that is too light, pale pink shadows are optimal. Hair with a golden tint will be well complemented by a bronze shade of makeup. Girls with blond hair and green eyes with shades of warm colors will suit makeup in delicate sand tones.


If green eyes have shades of cool colors, then it is recommended to use purple and green tones, based on the principles of contrast and complementation.

You should be careful when choosing the color palette of shadows and exclude variegated shades, as they are not suitable for everyday makeup.

Makeup for green eyes with drooping eyelids

When applying makeup to eyes with drooping eyelids, stylists recommend avoiding the use of excessively dark shades close to black, clear lines and arrows, unless they are used to visually correct the location of the eyes.

It is permissible to use only dry shadows, since their liquid and cream types will collect in the folds between the upper eyelids and eyebrows, worsening the appearance.


Along the edge of the overhanging eyelid, apply matte shadows of a dark shade of medium intensity, as if drawing a crease. Closer to the eyelash line, it is necessary to apply golden or sandy shades, as well as lighten the inner corners of the eyelids and the area under the eyebrows to visually increase the volume of the eyes. The border between transitions should be carefully shaded.

Lifehacks: How to use makeup to give your face a rejuvenating lifting effect

The following remedies will help visually tighten the oval of the face and hide age-related changes:

  1. Using a corrector, you need to lighten the inner corners of the eyelids and other wrinkles that distort the oval of the face.
  2. Dark areas of the eyelid skin should be treated with a light concealer. If there are bags under the eyes, then you need to lighten the skin directly under the defect in order to visually push it into the background.
  3. A reflective makeup base will help even out your skin tone and visually rejuvenate it. This foundation refracts light rays before reflecting them, creating a lifting effect.
  4. Makeup artists recommend avoiding foundation with a tanning effect, as it visually ages the skin. The shade of the foundation should exactly match the skin tone, and you should choose a product with a translucent soft structure so that it does not emphasize wrinkles.
  5. Soft pink shades of blush will give your face a healthy, rested look and hide age-related skin pigmentation.


With the help of makeup you can achieve a lifting effect. To do this, you need to choose the right cosmetics.

Stylists recommend visually lifting the outer corners of the eyelids using a gray contour pencil to create a more expressive look. Black eyeliner is not suitable for this purpose and will look out of place.

Pastel eyeshadow colors will help refresh the skin, and mascara with a curling effect will visually lift the eyelid and rejuvenate the look.

How to properly apply everyday makeup for green eyes is shown step by step in the photos above, but you need to choose cosmetics taking into account your individual appearance - this will help emphasize your strengths and hide your flaws.

According to most stylists, green eyes are optimal for applying everyday makeup, since they are attractive and mesmerizing in themselves. Cosmetics are required only to add color accents and complement the image.

Useful videos about the features of applying everyday makeup for green eyes

This video explains in detail how to apply everyday makeup for green eyes step by step. Photo instructions are given in the article:

Features of applying everyday makeup for green eyes with step-by-step instructions:

Step-by-step photo instructions for applying everyday makeup for green eyes - in this video: