Beautiful evening makeup for green eyes photo

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My friends and I were talking about beautiful makeup for green eyes, and I thought - why not write a guide? After all, I even once took courses for makeup artists, and I can explain many issues more or less professionally. In general, if you have green eyes and want to learn how to color them, read on.

Eye color and secrets

Let's first go over the theory - what colors can makeup be used for green eyes? Some will say that it is easiest to use green, and... and will be wrong. Because if you are not sure that you have an amazing sense of color and you have chosen exactly the shade that will make your eyes charming and not kill them, it is better to stay away from green.

By and large, you can use almost any color - the shades and their temperature scale are important. There are cold pink and warm brown, it’s better to know such nuances.

I advise every girl to sort through her makeup bag and take hundreds of swatches - in normal daylight, in artificial light and in direct sunlight - so you can figure out exactly what temperature characteristics your cosmetics have.

Surely everyone has seen unsuccessful makeup, which when going out looks simply terrible - and so, its owner simply did not take this nuance into account.

The next important point that all owners of green eyes need to take into account is the tonal saturation of certain shades. When I say that you can do makeup for gray-green eyes in any shade, I am not saying something - it all depends on your needs, on what impression you want to make.

Do you want to make your look dark, a little mysterious and magical? Learn smokey eye makeup for green eyes using blue and purple shades; even the Mariana Trench will envy the depth of your eyes.

Do you want to look like a boring teacher? It couldn't be simpler, take an inexpensive satin eyeshadow and highlight the corners of your eyes with light gray-earth shades. Your eyes won't look green, but they will look gorgeous.

Get several different concealers - this way you can keep your skin perfect. And if possible, buy a couple of bronzers for your face and body - there is nothing more beautiful than bright green eyes, shaded with a golden tan.

Choosing cosmetics

How to choose cosmetics? The easiest option is to go to a good store where a stylist or makeup artist is present for consultations, and ask them to try out several types of different makeup on you, and then purchase the colors and shades that were used in the process. However, this is only suitable for residents of large cities - such luxury is difficult to find in small cities.

Another option that will cost you is to visit a makeup artist privately and ask them to give you a good makeover, or better yet, two. A competent specialist will not only select the ideal combinations, but will also be able to recommend brands of cosmetics and individual names of certain products. The downside of this option is that the makeup artist needs to pay for the consultation.

And the last option that I like is to regularly review makeup for green eyes, photos and videos with shade analysis. You can learn a lot this way. And:

  1. you will find interesting lessons that you will want to repeat;
  2. you will become much better versed in modern trends;
  3. you can easily navigate the world of cosmetics;
  4. As a result, you will build your own collection of makeup products that suit you.

What should you pay attention to when choosing cosmetics? For quality and color. With quality, everything is simple - if you doubt your ability to choose good inexpensive cosmetics, then try to bribe a little and buy a good eyeshadow palette from any luxury brand. Believe me, you will never regret it.

With flowers everything is a little more complicated. Are you unsure about your choice? Ask for advice from a consultant, or even better, several. Swatch it on your wrist and apply the color to your eye to see how the tone will look next to your beautiful eyes.

Consider your color type - naturally, makeup for brown-green eyes for a blonde and a brunette will be completely different and done with different means.

Be sure to get a beige eyeshadow palette - preferably satin or even matte. This will be a so-called workhorse - if the shadows are of good enough quality, and there are at least 3 shades in the palette from light to dark, you can do several different makeup looks and not look monotonous.

Buy one doublet with a bright color combination. Pink-blue, yellow-blue, turquoise and peach, gold and brown, mint and chocolate - these combinations will never go out of style, and you will always have the opportunity to add a little color to your makeup, making it brighter and more interesting.
Be sure to use all modern beauty products that will help you improve your make-up, namely:

  1. correctors and concealers - to make your skin perfect;
  2. tints and pigments - for applying bright colors;
  3. black and white kajals - for an open and open look;
  4. combinations of shadows with different finishes - for texturing.

How to make an everyday version

Watch a simple tutorial on how to do daytime makeup for green eyes in natural tones. I would like to remind you that following the order of actions, as in the photograph, is very important. The fact is that different layers of makeup must have time to adhere well to the skin, and therefore make-up must be done consistently and in strict accordance with the instructions.

Try daytime makeup for green eyes in a pin-up style - all you need is a good black kajal, absolutely any light shadow and that mascara that gives triple volume.

First, prepare your skin by applying an eyeshadow base. Then draw the arrows. By the way, if you are not sure that you can draw a straight line, use a credit card instead of a ruler. Cover the moving part of the eyelid with shadows, and then paint the arrow a second time. Add a few highlights - for example, under the eyebrow and near the inner corner of the eye using a highlighter. Apply mascara and your makeup is ready.

Life hacks for a chic evening option

Do you want to learn how to do stylish makeup for green eyes step by step at home? See how you can do your makeup step by step in just a couple of minutes.

Every woman is capable of bewitching those around her with her beauty and charm. Sometimes natural charm is enough; in some cases, you need to dilute the image with attractive notes. Correctly selected evening makeup for green eyes can not only please the eyes of friends and acquaintances, but also increase your own self-esteem. To create a harmonious image, you should think through the color scheme, correctly highlight the main details, and take into account the style and shade of the evening outfit.


Green eyes: shades and suitable shadows

Most often, green eyes are complemented by multi-colored inclusions, combining several shades. You need to create evening makeup taking into account the overall picture of the eye, so as not to overshadow the natural charm.


Shade of green eyes Matching Shadows
Light green The classic tone of green eyes is complemented by light tones that match the iris of the eyes. Dark chords can be used in the outer corner of the eye.
Green-blue Charming eyes play with clear tints, at a certain angle of incidence of light. Evening makeup involves the use of blue shadows and a pencil of a similar color.
Gray-green Experts recommend using soft, restrained chords. To focus on the gray component, you should resort to dark, cool shades. You can add brightness to the emerald component using light green accents. Beautiful evening makeup is created with the help of peach, plum, lavender, lilac shadows.
Aquamarine The presented shade has a changeable character and can look different depending on the weather and other factors. Evening makeup involves painting the eyelids with light shades of green and blue.
Jade The rich tone of green eyes is emphasized with dark chords. This eye color encourages bold experiments, applying eyeliner and several layers of mascara.

Beautiful evening makeup and hair color

To make the image memorable, you need to take into account every nuance; we pay special attention to the color of the eyes and hair.

For green-eyed brunettes

Evening makeup for brunettes with fair skin involves the use of golden or silver chords. Such shadows help give the look openness and expressiveness. Silver accents harmonize well with cold skin and color the makeup in luxurious tones. The color of silver can be combined with purple or lilac chords. Brunettes with dark skin look charming with warm accents in makeup. It can be peach, beige or brown.


The shadows of the same tone with the eyes look beautiful. Green-colored cosmetics are combined with brown flowers.
It is not recommended to resort to bright colors with green pigment in order to preserve the natural charm of the eyes against the background of evening makeup.

We complement the make-up with long-lasting black or brown mascara, thin eyeliner in a golden, silver or classic black shade. Evening makeup for brunettes involves the use of pink blush. Cover the lips with lipstick with red or pink pigment. Lips painted in beige or caramel tones help create emphasis on the eyes. To maintain a natural appearance, do not use bronzers.


For spectacular blondes

Evening makeup for green-eyed blondes involves the following accents:

  1. milk chocolate;
  2. golden;
  3. olive;
  4. dark green;
  5. all kinds of brown chords.

For evening makeup, owners of green eyes often choose plum tones. The bright image is complemented by black arrows, shading the boundaries of the shades.


We pay special attention to the eyebrows. The graceful shape and natural appearance are complemented with a pencil, with a tone close to the color of the curls. Platinum blondes choose light gray tones, and brown accents for warm, sunny curls.


When choosing blush, blondes with green eyes pay attention to soft pink and beige options. For summer makeup, you can choose darker accords that will highlight your natural tan. Sponges for evening events are painted in red, beige or pink tones.


For green-eyed brown-haired women

Evening makeup for brown-haired women with green eyes involves the use of brown and turquoise shadows. You should not use blue and pink options; they add vulgar and rude notes to the image of a brown-haired woman.


In addition to green shadows, you can use a contour pencil or eyeliner of a similar shade. The liner is suitable for girls who want to quickly and beautifully draw a thin line. The arrow runs from the inner to the outer section, with a gradual rise upward.


The choice of mascara color should not be limited to the standard black option; eyelashes that match the curls look beautiful.
Well-groomed eyebrows should match the shade of your hair as closely as possible. For lips we use cherry and ruby ​​lipsticks that do not overshadow the charming eyes.


When choosing blush, brown-haired women opt for light shades. Neat beige strokes on the cheekbones will complement the harmonious picture.
For girls with dark hair, you can use a variety of lipstick shades. Soft pink, light peach, bright red, violet - together with the presented tones, the female image will not go unnoticed.


For red-haired beauties

Red curls and green eyes are a magical combination that attracts with its brightness and contrast. Red-haired beasts often have a green tint in their makeup, accessories and outfits. An evening outing is complemented by make-up to match the eyes, with the addition of brown, plum, copper or bronze accents.


We paint the eyebrows with an accent, a little lighter than the hair color. Cover the eyelashes with brown or black mascara. The spectacular image of a girl with red curls requires an experimental determination of the most suitable means. Correctly chosen tones emphasize the healthy shine of the eyes and fill the look with playful notes.


Blush should not distract much attention; the ideal evening option is light brown tones. Soft touches will gently correct the shape of the face and refresh the appearance. When choosing lipstick, we give preference to dark chords with brown or red pigment.


Evening makeup for green eyes (photo)

Graceful make-up

You can emphasize the natural shape of your eyes using neat arrows on the upper and lower eyelids. Light brown shadows over the moving area give the makeup a delicate character. An elegant turquoise touch on the bottom border dilutes the monochromatic look with an interesting solution. The presented option is suitable for evening events with friends and acquaintances, for romantic meetings and going to the cinema.


Evening makeup in silver tones

The charming color of silver transforms an ordinary look into a festive one, attracts the attention of others and fascinates with its beauty. We cover the upper eyelid with the main chords, touching the inner corner. We apply blue shadows over the working surface, using a similar color to create an elegant touch. We emphasize the lower eyelid with dark accents, adding expressiveness to an elegant look.


Blue Dream

A cool glow emphasizes the depth and brightness of the eyes. An elegant winged liner on the upper eyelid harmoniously complements evening make-up. We emphasize the lower contour with clear blue and dark strokes. Beautiful makeup will match an outfit of a similar shade. A similar look can be created for weddings, graduations and other special events.


Bright makeup

For green eyes, rich plum and olive accords are suitable. The exuberant combination can be complemented with false eyelashes or several layers of mascara. A bright image will look appropriate at themed parties, parties until the morning and friendly meetings.


Smokey eyes for green eyes

A rich smokey eye involves smooth color transitions and careful shading of borders. As a base tone for green eyes, you can select shadows with a similar pigment. Olive accords look rich, complemented by black arrows along the eye contour. A luxurious evening look emphasizes the depth of the look and attracts with its uniqueness and brightness.
