Red pimples on fingers

The human body always reacts to all processes occurring in it. Any factors that affect health also manifest themselves externally, including on the skin in the form of irritation or small pimples. This symptom may be one of the first bells signaling the presence of problems with the functioning of an organ or even an organ system.

In this article we will try to figure out why acne appears on the fingers, what it is, and how to deal with these manifestations.

Causes of rashes on hands

Rashes on the hands can appear as a result of various processes. The most commonly diagnosed causes are:

  1. Allergic reaction;
  2. Diseases of infectious etiology;
  3. Diseases of a fungal nature;
  4. Violation of the body's metabolic processes;
  5. Genetic pathologies;
  6. Changes in hormonal levels;
  7. Diseases and conditions caused by various nervous disorders;
  8. Failure to comply with personal hygiene standards.

Let's look at each of these reasons in more detail.

Allergic reaction

The manifestation of allergies in the form of pimples between the fingers can occur as a result of contact with various irritants. This can be food, aggressive household chemicals, unnatural types of fabrics, pollen of some plants, animal hair and many other sources.

The factors that cause allergies are so diverse that it is not always possible to independently determine the cause.

Special tests will help identify all allergens that can affect the appearance of pimples on the hands.

Diseases of infectious etiology

Among the diseases accompanied by the appearance of acne that itch are:

  1. Rubella – the rash appears in the form of spots or papules of a pink hue, in addition, with rubella, the lymph nodes become enlarged;
  2. Measles – in addition to papular or spot-like rashes, it is characterized by an increase in body temperature, silty intoxication of the body and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and respiratory organs;
  3. Chickenpox – the formation of a papulovesicular rash is accompanied by a febrile state.

Diseases of a fungal nature

Infection with various fungi occurs most often in the presence of even the smallest wounds and microcracks on the skin. Once inside, bacteria penetrate deeper, damaging tissues and causing inflammatory processes.

In this case, pimples are localized near the affected area, located in groups. They itch and turn red, causing discomfort to the patient.

Violation of the body's metabolic processes

Impaired metabolism can be caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or a general imbalance in the body.

Genetic pathologies

If acne is inherited from parents, then it may not respond to any therapeutic methods for a long period of time, continuing to spread throughout the entire skin.

Hormonal changes

An increase or decrease in the content of certain hormones can cause various rashes, including on the hands. Most often, hormonal surges are observed during puberty or during pregnancy.

Such processes are due to the fact that during this period of time the sebaceous glands function extremely actively, the skin, in turn, is not able to cope with the excess volume of fat, as a result of which the ducts of the epidermis become clogged, which causes the formation of acne.

Diseases and conditions caused by various nervous disorders

Severe nervous tension or resulting stress often results in disruptions in the functioning of various internal organs. And already developing diseases manifest themselves, among other things, in the form of acne on the patient’s hands.

In this case, rashes are not the only signs of the disease, but are only one of several striking symptoms.

Failure to comply with personal hygiene standards

Since bacteria have a high reproduction rate, it will not be possible to destroy them without using hygienic methods.

If you systematically neglect basic hygiene standards, the skin will become a favorable environment for bacteria to attack and for their development and reproduction. This is justified by the fact that human hands are in greatest contact with a variety of objects and surfaces that are in public use.

Microbes, once on the epidermis, will almost certainly cause itching and rashes.


When the first unpleasant symptoms appear, the question arises of how to deal with them and how to treat them. A specialist can answer it. It is necessary to undergo an examination by a dermatologist and pass all the necessary tests. After this, the doctor will be able to determine the diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment. It will depend on the etiology of the cause that caused the rash.

Subcutaneous acne

This type of rash can appear under many circumstances. Darier's disease can be called the most dangerous for the patient.

This disease is classified as genetically determined and is transmitted from parents to children.

It should be treated exclusively under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Most often, the treatment course includes taking vitamins such as A and E. If an infection is present, you should take:

  1. Antibiotics;
  2. Topical creams;
  3. Aerosols.

There are several more effective methods for getting rid of subcutaneous acne.

Salt baths

To reduce the number of existing pimples and prevent the appearance of new ones, you should arrange water treatments with sea salt.

To do this, add salt to warm water in a bowl, and after it is completely dissolved, put your hands in there for 15 minutes. You can add sea salt directly to the bath when bathing.

Iodine lubrication

Iodine is applied to the surface of the pimple without affecting healthy areas of the skin - pointwise. Prolonged cauterization or frequent application of iodine can have an undesirable effect, damaging the skin even more.

This method is used if it is possible not to leave the house for several days so as not to attract undue attention from passers-by.

Application of ichthyol ointment

By treating acne on your hands with ichthyol ointment, you can achieve their disappearance due to the antimicrobial effect of the drug. In addition, the ointment has excellent soothing properties.

Lemon juice treatment

To get rid of the discomfort caused by a rash on your hands, you can use this effective method: take the juice of one lemon, mix it with boiled water (you need to squeeze half a lemon into a glass of water). Then the resulting solution is treated with the affected skin.

This allows you to get rid of discomfort and cleanse the skin.

Red pimples

A distinctive feature of red acne is the inflammatory process and hyperemia of the skin, as well as pain.

To eliminate inflammation and severe pain, you should dry out the pimples. To achieve this as quickly as possible, you can use salicylic acid. Another equally effective remedy is aloe. A leaf of a plant that has not been watered for three days is cut in half lengthwise and the moisture-containing side is wiped over the inflamed area of ​​skin.

If red pimples appear on any part of the body, including the hands, then it is not recommended to sunbathe during this period or stay in direct sunlight for too long. Despite the fact that at first, under the influence of the sun, acne goes away, and the skin becomes much clearer, as soon as the tan is washed off, acne appears again. Sometimes their number increases noticeably, since adequate treatment has not been used all this time.

Calendula tincture is often used to soothe irritated skin.

Dry acne

This type of rash is usually a residual symptom after treatment for other types of acne. They remain due to the fact that the epidermis is not able to get rid of dried cells on its own. This condition can also be triggered by exposure to frosty air with wet hands.

Dry rashes do not cause pain, but they look unattractive and cause discomfort.

To eliminate this problem, they resort to cleansing the skin of dead cells and moisturizing the epidermis.

Watery pimples appearing on the hands

Most often, watery pimples appear on the fingers, and this process is accompanied by severe itching and other uncomfortable sensations. This condition is called dyshidrosis, the second name is dyshidrotic eczema.

If you find yourself with similar symptoms, you should seek advice from a dermatology department, without under any circumstances starting self-treatment. In this case, complex therapy is most often resorted to.

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Purulent rash

If the rash contains pus, then treatment with improvised means can play a cruel joke and lead to infection, so it is better to immediately seek qualified help. If this cannot be done quickly, then you can try to alleviate the condition with aloe juice, soothing chamomile infusion or celandine.

Under no circumstances should purulent bags be opened; an open wound is an excellent refuge for pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, any manipulations that could lead to inadvertent damage to the rash should be avoided.

If these methods of relieving symptoms do not have the slightest effect, this means that the problem lies somewhere inside. It must be diagnosed immediately to avoid more serious consequences.

A woman’s hands are a “calling card” that tells a lot about its owner. This is precisely why caring for them is very important for the fair half of humanity. And acne on the fingers may seem like a real tragedy. Red, small, watery - they can create many problems. But don’t panic: you need to start an active fight against them immediately, as soon as the smallest pimples appear, sometimes signaling very serious disorders of the internal organs.

Where do they come from?

Pimples on the fingers can appear at the most unexpected time in women of any age, and no one is immune from this. It is important to find out the reason why they began to form. There are many such reasons, let's look at the main ones:

  1. The first thing you should pay attention to is the body’s allergic reactions, because they are very different for each person. Any substance can cause an allergic rash: from food products and household chemicals, to fabrics from which clothes or bedding are made. It is often impossible to find out on your own what exactly the body reacts to. But modern methods of conducting special analyzes can accurately detect the true “culprit.”
  2. If watery pimples suddenly begin to appear on your fingers, and your body temperature rises significantly, these are most likely symptoms of an infectious disease: chickenpox, rubella or measles.
  3. With fungal diseases, infection usually occurs in places where the skin is damaged or there are invisible cracks.
  4. Often, pimples formed between the fingers indicate a metabolic disorder. This problem causes diseases of various organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Heredity also plays an important role: in such cases, subcutaneous acne takes a long time and is difficult to treat. Such inflammations tend to spread throughout the skin.
  6. Very often, pimples that appear on the palms, back of the hands, or between the fingers are the result of active hormonal changes, which is typical for teenagers and pregnant women.
  7. The appearance of acne during severe nervous shock is also quite understandable. Stressful situations and “shaky” nerves disrupt the functioning of some internal organs, which, in turn, causes a rash to appear on the hands.
  8. And, finally, violation of basic rules of personal hygiene. Bacteria multiplying at an incredible rate can become another cause of acne on the skin. So wash your hands often!

How to get rid of “uninvited guests”

Just as the causes that cause the formation of different types of acne are different, the methods of treating them are just as different. It should be especially noted: each case of the disease is purely individual, and only a doctor can prescribe one or another type of treatment.

Subcutaneous acne on hands

The appearance of this type of acne can be due to various reasons. The most unpleasant and dangerous disease is Daria's hereditary disease: it should be treated only under the supervision of a specialist. Vitamins A, E, antibiotics, and all kinds of cosmetics are prescribed. If, fortunately, such a diagnosis is not confirmed, other methods of combating subcutaneous acne are used:

  1. Systematic procedures using warm baths with sea salt will stop the appearance of new acne and remove existing ones.
  2. The use of iodine, which is applied to the very top of the pimple, will help get rid of the scourge. But in order not to harm healthy skin, you should not frequently apply iodine to the same place.
  3. Ichthyol ointment, which has excellent antimicrobial properties, has proven itself very well in the fight against such acne.
  4. Fresh lemon juice is a reliable assistant in the fight against subcutaneous acne on the hands. Squeeze the juice of half a fruit into 200 g. water - get an excellent mixture for cleansing the surface of your hands.

Red rash

If red pimples appear on your fingers, they will certainly be accompanied by noticeable pain and severe inflammation. To quickly get rid of these sensations, pimples need to be dried out; salicylic acid is indispensable here. Also a proven treatment will be the miracle plant – aloe. Twice a day you need to wipe your hands with a sheet cut lengthwise. Another good way is to use calendula tincture. Don’t listen to advice to spend more time in the sun: they say, acne will go away quickly. Unfortunately, this is the wrong recipe.

Dry acne

Small pimples on the fingers can appear either independently or as residual effects after other types of acne. This happens in cases where the skin is not able to cope with the “extra” layer on its own in order to shed it.

Dry pimples also appear if you had to go out into the cold with wet hands. In this case, there is nothing terrible: you need to moisturize and remove the dead layer of skin. Baths with medicinal herbs (chamomile, for example), and various softening cosmetic preparations will help. Heated olive or sunflower oil gives excellent results. To enhance the therapeutic effect, after applying the drug to your hands, you need to put on plastic gloves and leave them on overnight.

Why pimples appear on fingers: Video

Watery and purulent pimples on fingers

When small pimples filled with liquid appear on the fingers, this is a symptom of the development of dyshidrotic eczema or dyshidrosis. It is useless to try to treat such diseases on your own - you need to immediately go to a dermatologist. Such diseases are treated in several stages, comprehensively.

You should also immediately consult a doctor if purulent pimples appear. If for some reason it is impossible to immediately consult a dermatologist, at first try using traditional methods: celandine juice, aloe, herbal decoctions. Ichthyol ointment can help a lot, but it needs to be applied pointwise, on the pimple itself, if possible, without touching the healthy body around it. Never try to open purulent pimples on your fingers, as there is a very high risk of infection in the resulting wound! And then long and difficult treatment cannot be avoided.

If home treatment for purulent acne does not produce results within several days, you should definitely consult a doctor. Obviously, the problem of acne is internal and hidden for the time being. It needs to be detected and eliminated before much harm is done to the health of the entire body.

Pimples on the fingers are an unpleasant phenomenon that interferes with normal life activities, causing pain and psychological discomfort. The article will discuss the factors of their occurrence, symptoms, features of treatment and prevention.


What can cause acne on your fingers?

There is a general group of reasons that cause the formation of acne, and there are several specific diseases of which they are manifestations. Common reasons are as follows:

  1. genetic predisposition;
  2. hormonal imbalance due to natural and pathological changes in the body;
  3. stress and depressive disorders, overexertion;
  4. physical fatigue, insomnia, lack of a fixed sleep and rest schedule;
  5. presence of bad habits;
  6. prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  7. insufficient quality of body hygiene;


  8. irritation from cosmetics and synthetic materials.

Rashes in the finger area also appear against the background of skin and internal diseases.


With this pathology, pairs of red dots form between the fingers. They cause the patient to suffer from itching, especially at night, and white stripes, the so-called tick burrows, become visible under the epidermis. The disease is contagious, and constant scratching of the spots leads to infection of the wounds. Pimples are localized on the stomach, buttocks and fingers, and are absent on the face.

Allergic reaction

If small itchy sores appear on your fingers, you should pay attention to allergies.

The reaction occurs several hours after contact with the allergen:

  1. cleaning agent;
  2. synthetic clothing;
  3. cosmetics;
  4. bed linen;
  5. food product;
  6. a medicinal product;
  7. plant pollen.

In some situations, allergies are characterized by sneezing, runny nose, cough syndrome, watery eyes, and itching.

Infectious lesions

The first of these is chickenpox, in which the rash is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the face and body. At first, there is a clear liquid inside the rash, and then its surface becomes wrinkled and dries out. In children, pimples are not as painful as in adults.


In 40% of practical situations of skin lesions, neurodermatitis is diagnosed. More often it makes itself felt at an early age, and disappears during puberty. Small plaques appear on the arms, elbows, under the knees, on the neck, and in the groin.

Problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

It often happens that small pimples appear due to metabolic disorders. This is typical for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and dysbacteriosis. The cause of the problem is non-compliance with the diet. This situation requires a medical examination and adequate treatment.

Fungal infections

When pimples on your fingers hurt, itch, and are accompanied by peeling, you should talk about a fungus. Mycosis is contagious and requires urgent medical attention.

Failure to comply with hygiene rules

Uncleanliness is another common cause of lesions on the skin of the fingers. There are more and more bacteria on their surface, they begin to penetrate into pores, cracks and lead to inflammatory processes. To avoid complications, you need to wash your hands with soap after every trip outside, contact with animals, or going to the toilet.

Symptoms and signs of acne on fingers

They depend on the type of acne.

The general symptomatic picture is usually accompanied by the following signs:

  1. pain;
  2. itching;
  3. desire to scratch the affected area;
  4. the pimple is filled with liquid (blood, lymph, pus);
  5. peeling;
  6. the formation of a dry crust at the site of the lesion.

In addition, the patient may suffer from fever, fever, cough, weakness and lethargy.


Pimples on the fingers have a broad classification:

  1. blisters (harbingers of purulent dermatitis, chickenpox) look like convex lesions that rise above the skin;
  2. allergic pimples of a watery nature (these are unattractive lesions that are the result of allergies), appear during the use of low-quality cosmetics or contact with chemicals;
  3. infectious blisters appear as a result of bites of dangerous animals and insects (wasps, scabies mites, rats), they are red in color and are contagious;
  4. watery blisters appear due to disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract and contribute to the deterioration of the general health of the individual, and sometimes speak of hormonal imbalances;
  5. small skin blisters appear due to fungal infections, accompanied by excessive dryness, flaking of the skin, and redness;


  6. ulcers can indicate internal lesions of the body, they burrow, and after opening, purulent-bloody contents come out from the inside.

As you can see, acne in the arm area has a wide classification and manifestations.

Differential diagnosis

To ensure adequate treatment, it is necessary to carry out differential diagnosis with a complex of diseases:

What you can do on your own for acne

Therapy includes medications and traditional methods; let’s look at the main ones.

Pharmaceutical preparations for acne on fingers

You can overcome small and large rashes with the help of the following pharmaceutical products:

  1. vitamin groups of preparations (A, E, C), necessary for skin regeneration and increased immune defense;
  2. ointments and gels for external use (the prescription of certain drugs depends on the nature of pimples, universal drugs) - Zinc ointment, Sulfur ointment, Vishnevsky balm - these cheap drugs will help get rid of the disease instantly;
  3. brilliant green for drying weeping rashes, as well as a solution of iodine, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide;
  4. Clotrimazole, Triderm, Advantan, Protopic - these products are ideal for combating allergic reactions, and antibacterial compounds Levomekol, Levosin, Ficidin are also used;
  5. in case of damage to the fingers due to a fungal infection, the appropriate groups of drugs are used (Difluzol, Fluconazole, Zalain, Ketoconazole).


Despite the abundance of drugs, the appropriate composition is prescribed by a physician.

Traditional medicine recipes

  1. Baths. They are made with the addition of sea salt, potassium permanganate, decoctions of medicinal plants, and essential oils. Take 2 tbsp. l. raw materials for 1 basin of water. They will prevent the inflammatory process, ensure disinfection of the skin surface and dry out the rash.
  2. Lemon juice. Take the juice of ½ lemon, dilute it with a glass of boiled, but not hot water, and use it to lubricate pimples on your hands. The mixture can also be used for special baths. It cleanses, disinfects the skin, and quickly heals it.
  3. Aloe juice. A fresh product is taken and used to lubricate problem skin areas twice a day. The method helps eliminate the inflammatory process and itching sensation.
  4. Calendula infusion. The composition has an antimicrobial effect, provides the skin with disinfection and relieves the inflammatory process.

Methods of preventive work

To prevent spots and sores that hurt and itch from arising, it is necessary to provide a preventive complex:

  1. sleep fully, get enough sleep, which will prevent stressful situations (at least 8 hours a day);
  2. avoid stress factors (if this fails, you need to calmly perceive any changes and not take them to heart);
  3. create a proper nutrition regimen and carefully monitor the functioning of the intestines (include fruits, vegetables, as many greens and natural juices as possible in the diet, exclude baked goods, smoked meats, canned food);
  4. when working with household chemicals, wear protective rubber gloves;
  5. observe hygiene standards of the upper extremities;


  6. often be in the sun and tan in moderation.

Thus, pimples on the fingers appear for a number of reasons and are accompanied by unfavorable symptoms. Knowing the big picture will allow you to quickly get rid of them and feel great.