Red pimples on feet

Pimples on the legs may be itchy or not cause discomfort. But in any case, their appearance cannot be ignored. The reasons for changes in the skin vary: from minor irritation, which goes away in a couple of days, to serious pathologies of internal organs. Therefore, when pimples appear on the legs and itch, it is better to check with a doctor if there are no provoking factors.

Non-pathological causes of acne formation

It is necessary to analyze the previous circumstances on the first day the defect appears. It may be enough to eliminate the cause of small acne on the legs, and treatment will not be needed.

Mechanical damage

The skin on the inner thighs is the most sensitive, so when irritated, a red, painful rash appears. Mechanical stress occurs from rough seams of clothing, friction of legs in the summer when sand hits the beach.

Shaving with a machine or epilator

If the procedure is performed incorrectly, the hairs grow in, the skin in this area becomes inflamed, and the small pimples that appear on the legs itch. A seemingly small problem can grow into a complication if an infection gets into an open wound when scratching.

Insect bites

For this reason, red pimples on the legs are most often noticeable after relaxing in nature, but in urban conditions they are not excluded. Insects inject poison, so swelling and itching are possible. Sensitive skin is especially affected.

Diseases that cause itchy pimples on the legs

Skin rashes caused by viruses or autoimmune pathologies must be diagnosed in a clinical setting. The same symptoms may indicate different problems and may not respond to self-treatment. Therefore, if red pimples appear on your legs and itch, it’s worth reading the photos to see how to treat them, but only for general information.

Allergic contact dermatitis

A small rash appears that is very itchy. Provoking factors include: washing powder, caring cosmetics, synthetic clothing fabric, impurities in tap water.


First, the skin “tugs”, then the legs itch, and pimples filled with clear liquid appear. The inner or back of the thighs are usually affected.

A yellowish crust forms in place of the burst bubbles. It must go away on its own, otherwise healing will be long and the herpes will spread to healthy areas.

Hemorrhagic vasculitis

This is inflammation of the walls of blood vessels. The symptom is small purple pimples that cover a large area. Then dark spots form in their place.


Characteristic pimples appear on the legs, like a nettle burn. Their color can range from white to scarlet. Pimples on the legs itch and connect with each other, forming spots. When hives appear on the toes, it becomes painful to walk.

Molluscum contagiosum

An infection, the patient may find out about its infection six months later. The minimum incubation period is 2 weeks. Small nodules with a smooth surface appear on the body. They do not change or increase to the size of a pea. When pressed, a white mass of semi-liquid consistency is released.

Dyshidrotic eczema

The main symptom of the disease is watery blisters. When cracked, they release a clear liquid.

Increased blood sugar

Excess glucose is transported to the skin, causing itching, rashes, and dryness. Symptoms may appear long before diabetes is diagnosed and occur periodically. They are usually expressed as small itchy pimples with unchanged skin color.


The causative agent of the infection is a microscopic mite that, when it gets on the skin, makes moves inside and lays eggs. The process is accompanied by the appearance of small watery pimples; they heal quickly, but new ones form nearby. Pimples on the legs itch, causing more discomfort in the evening and at night. The inner thighs, shins, and skin between the toes are most often affected.

Dangerous accompanying symptoms

When red bumps appear on your legs and itch, you need to carefully evaluate your general condition. Heralds of infections or serious pathologies of internal organs, along with changes in the skin, are:

  1. heat;
  2. dizziness;
  3. weakness;
  4. aching joints;
  5. enlarged lymph nodes;
  6. low blood pressure;
  7. blurry vision;
  8. swelling of the legs.

In addition, a common allergen can cause anaphylactic shock. And this is already a threat to life.

Drug treatment

For easily removable reasons, you can get rid of the discomfort yourself. The main thing is not to scratch the itchy area to prevent infection.

  1. When small pimples appear on the legs and itch, relieve the itching by taking antihistamines: Suprastin, Claritin, Erius. Then you need to analyze the circumstances preceding this and identify the approximate cause of the rash.
  1. After mechanical stress, shaving, or contact with an allergen, you can use medications from your home medicine cabinet. Creams and ointments have bactericidal, healing and analgesic properties: Eplan, Skin-Cap, Radevit, Bepanten. Salicylic acid dries well, but its use is contraindicated for delicate skin. Akriderm cream relieves swelling and eliminates itching.
  1. For hemorrhagic vasculitis, Prednisolone, Indomethacin, and Cyclophosphamide are taken. At the same time, you need to do self-massage and baths with herbal teas.
  1. To get rid of molluscum contagiosum, curettage is performed. Moreover, the procedure is allowed at home with sterility and further treatment with iodine. Modern and more comfortable methods are laser removal and cryodestruction.
  2. For scabies, you need to treat the rash with Sulfur ointment 6 times a day.
  1. For small red pimples on the legs that itch, it is recommended to apply Fenistil gel and Psilo-balm. You can use hormonal ointments with caution: Flucinar, Advantan, Cloveit.

Self-administration of medications can cause complications if the drug contains components that are allergens for a particular person. The treated area will become inflamed, local swelling will appear, or the general condition will worsen.

Traditional methods

Homemade recipes for some people completely eliminate the problem, while for others they add complications. Therefore, the planned use of any means should be agreed with the doctor, with the exception of treating mild allergic rashes with decoctions of pharmaceutical preparations.

  1. To eliminate itching and heal small pimples, baths, compresses, applications of chamomile, calendula, nettle, oak bark, string, and sage are recommended. The procedure depends on the location of the pimples. A decoction is prepared from one herb or mixture. Dip your feet into the filtered and cooled liquid or soak a gauze pad and apply to the affected area for 15 minutes.
  2. For molluscum contagiosum:
  3. chop the garlic, mix with butter and apply to the nodules;
  4. treat pimples with celandine juice;
  5. apply a tampon soaked in a saturated solution of potassium permanganate;
  6. treat with apple cider vinegar.

All of these products are aggressive and can cause burns. When processing, care must be taken to ensure that healthy skin is not touched.

For scabies, rub your feet with lard. For allergies and hives, it is recommended to take castor oil to cleanse the intestines, and an infusion of lemon balm, linden or mint to calm the nerves.

External causes of acne can be excluded if you do not forget about prevention. Increased hygiene, compliance with precautions in public locker rooms will reduce the risk of infection, good cosmetics and detergents, clothing and shoes made from natural materials, a suit for the weather, and shoes that fit properly will prevent allergies and urticaria.

Practicing doctor
Specialization: Dermatovenereology

Acne on the legs appears much less frequently than on the face or back.

Basically, less attention is paid to them, because they are not visible under clothes.

And if women are still worried about how their legs will look when they put on a skirt, then men do not consider such rashes a problem at all.

  1. All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  2. Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  3. We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  4. Health to you and your loved ones!

But in vain! After all, there are no large sebaceous glands on the legs, and therefore acne in this area can indicate serious diseases.

Acne on the feet should be especially alarming.

What are there

Various rashes may appear on the skin of the legs:

  1. watery – such rashes are distinguished from blisters only by their denser surface and small size; inside they are also filled with clear or light-colored liquid;
  2. red – these are small tubercles of uniform color without visible contents, the color of these elements does not transfer to the surrounding skin and it does not have any signs of inflammation;
  3. dry – small, hard pimples, most often formed on the front and outer surface of the thighs; they can have a scaly structure and peel off;
  4. purulent – similar to acne that forms on the face, looking like tubercles with a white top;
  5. subcutaneous – these pimples resemble bumps, consist of compacted tissue to the touch, can become inflamed and very painful.

Even though some types of acne on the legs are the same as those on the face, the way to deal with them is completely different.

Reasons for appearance

Acne on the legs can appear for various reasons:

  1. due to shaving legs;
  2. clothing and underwear made of synthetic fabrics that make it difficult for the skin of the legs to breathe;
  3. excessively warm clothing, which causes overheating of the skin;
  4. hormonal imbalance;
  5. lack of essential vitamins and microelements;
  6. allergic reaction to products or household chemicals, components in clothing;
  7. colds accompanied by decreased immunity;
  8. infectious diseases (scabies, molluscum contagiosum) or fungal infections;
  9. incorrectly selected care products (foot creams, soap or shower gel, etc.);
  10. ingrown hair;
  11. nervous disorders.

Photo: Ingrown hairs can cause acne to form on the skin

Many reasons can be determined by changing cosmetics, clothes, and washing powder. Others require some testing and a visit to the doctor.

But each type of rash is usually caused by its own range of factors.


More often, watery pimples appear in the cold season.

This is how the body can react to hypothermia or, conversely, overheating from excessively warm, tight-fitting clothing.

Sometimes water pimples go away on their own, but sometimes they are not easy to get rid of.

On the inner thighs

Acne on the inner thighs causes particular discomfort.

Photo: molluscum contagiosum

The skin here is thin and sensitive, and in overweight people it also chafes a lot if you don’t wear special underwear.

As a result, it simply hurts for a person to walk, and the rashes themselves can not only itch, but also become inflamed.

Such acne can appear due to:

  1. synthetic underwear and tights, which disrupt normal breathing and heat exchange of the skin;
  2. body reactions to cosmetics or washing powder;
  3. metabolic disorders in the body (diabetes);
  4. infection with molluscum contagiosum, which can occur when trying on clothes in a store;
  5. infection with genital herpes, in this case the rash will spread to the groin area and the back of the thigh, and the pimples will contain clear fluid.

It is clear that only in the first two cases a person can help himself by eliminating the cause of the rash. In all other cases, you should consult a doctor.

Pimples on feet

Acne on the foot is the most dangerous, because there are no sebaceous glands, blockage of the ducts of which can lead to the formation of a pimple.

Usually rashes are caused by more serious problems:

  1. dyshidrotic eczema – appears when the sweat glands malfunction, when fluid accumulates under the skin, forming a blistering rash. The elements usually itch very much, and the area of ​​the rash begins to peel and hurt. It is also possible that the opened blisters may become infected, which only makes the situation more complicated. Typically, such rashes appear first on the palms and then on the soles. The disease most often manifests itself in adults;
  2. dyshidrosis – usually occurs against the background of excessive sweating and leads to blockage of the sweat glands. The blisters that appear eventually turn into pustules, they itch, and a burning sensation may be felt. This disease often occurs in children. Bubbles appear on the palms and soles. They can merge and become inflamed;

Photo: itchy dermatitis

  1. pruritic dermatitis - What is this? This phrase refers to various skin rashes accompanied by severe itching. The disease can develop against a background of stress; it can be caused by an allergic reaction to foods, household chemicals, or synthetic fabrics. The rash can be located on any part of the body, including the feet. They are often scratched to the point of abrasions.

As a result of allergies

Acne on the legs can appear as a result of the body's reaction to certain products, washing powder, cosmetics, and unnatural fabrics.

Video: “Treating acne in girls”

Features of rashes in various diseases

A huge number of diseases and different conditions of the body are manifested by rashes on the skin of the legs.

Here are the features of acne in some diseases and conditions:

  1. allergy - usually all such rashes are red (but not bright) and express themselves with itching. They appear some time after contact with the allergen (from several minutes to a day). The rash is usually localized to areas of thinner skin - between the fingers and toes, in the bends of the elbows and knees, on the palms and soles of the feet;

Photo: manifestation of an allergic reaction

  1. hypothermia and colds – cause a decrease in immunity and the formation of watery pimples;
  2. avitaminosis – rashes are usually dry and flaky;
  3. hormonal disorders – rashes can be different, more often they are red, inflamed, with a purulent top. On the legs, usually located on the thighs;
  4. improperly selected clothes and shoes – the rash appears clearly in a place covered by these clothes or shoes. The rashes are similar to allergic ones, but may not cause itching. The cause is unnatural fabrics and artificial leather substitutes when sewing shoes, which provoke increased sweating, overheating, and impaired air exchange in cells;

Photo: foot dyshidrosis

  1. dyshidrosis – the bubbles are small, with transparent contents, burst. They cause itching, and when infected, they fester and become inflamed;
  2. scabies – blistering rash on the foot or between the toes. Severe itching, especially at night. The blisters turn into red spots, inflamed stripes can be seen under the skin - traces of scabies mites;

Photo: fungal disease

  1. fungal infection – the rash is white or transparent. It occurs closer to the toes, but then spreads to the entire foot. The skin begins to peel off severely. An unpleasant odor begins to emanate from the feet;
  2. nerve rash – similar to an allergic reaction to food. There is a correlation between a stressful situation and the rapid formation of spots and red rashes that are very itchy. Usually appears in the elbow and knee bends, on the ankle. When mental balance is restored, it may go away on its own;
  3. chickenpox – the rash is blistering and appears last on the legs, as it starts from the upper part of the body. Accompanied by an increase in temperature and the rapid formation of new elements;

Photo: chickenpox rash

  1. genital herpes – a rash, like chickenpox, is only localized around the intimate area (groin, butt, inner thighs).

This is not a complete list of all possible problems that are accompanied by rashes on the legs.

It is difficult for an ordinary person to determine the cause on his own.

Therefore, it is always better to consult a specialist, especially since some diseases require treatment started as early as possible.

Photo: examination by a doctor


Each type of acne on the legs has its own treatment method.

The main thing is not to squeeze or scrape them, as this can result in infection and widespread inflammation.

Try this treatment:

  1. if the acne is watery, prepare a light pink solution of manganese and apply it to the spots 1-2 times a day;
  2. for dry rashes during an evening bath or shower, rub the area with a soft washcloth, and at the end of the procedure, apply a moisturizer;
  3. You can try to burn purulent pimples with iodine solution, but no more than 2 times a day. And try not to get it on healthy skin, this can lead to burns;

Photo: pharmaceutical drugs that will help cope with the rash

  1. for inflamed rashes, you can use salicylic ointment; it should be applied directly to the tubercles. Antibacterial agents Zenerit, Dalatsin, Skinoren can also help. But they need to be used for no more than 7 days; if during this time there is no result, then it is better to consult a dermatologist;
  2. start taking small doses of vitamin A (retinol acetate, Videstim, Radevit), follow the instructions or consult a doctor, since an excess of vitamin is as harmful as a deficiency;
  3. small rashes can be wiped several times a day with decoctions of chamomile or calendula;
  4. if the rashes look like acne on the face, crush an aspirin tablet, mix with the same amount of glycerin and apply to the areas that appear. Rinse off after 20 minutes;

Photo: a mask with aspirin will soothe the skin and relieve inflammation

  1. During water procedures, replace shower gel with tar soap. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties and does not dry the skin;
  2. Consider whether the acne could be the result of an allergic reaction. Change your diet, clothing, washing powder and cosmetics, and the intensity of the rash may decrease.

If the condition does not improve after 7-10 days of such treatment, consult a doctor. This means that the cause of the rash is more serious.


It is difficult to completely protect yourself from leg rashes because it is impossible to anticipate all situations.

But you can reduce this risk if:

When will acne go away during adolescence? Find out here.

  1. monitor your diet, try to eat healthy foods, more vegetables and fruits;
  2. take care of your immunity, monitor your intestines; digestive problems can cause skin rashes;
  3. when choosing clothes, especially underwear, give preference to natural fabrics (cotton, linen, excluding natural wool, as it can cause severe irritation when in contact with the skin);
  4. when washing clothes, rinse them well, set the washing machine program for additional rinsing, keep in mind that air conditioners can also cause allergic reactions, like powder;
  5. If you remember about personal hygiene, you can avoid contracting many infectious and fungal diseases.

Skin Care Tips

Proper skin care can prevent the appearance of acne on your legs. What is it?

  1. Give your feet air baths every day. After water procedures, do not cover them with clothing for at least 20-30 minutes.
  2. Replace synthetic socks with cotton ones, and put a fabric, leather or special “breathable” insole into your shoes.
  3. Tights for cold weather can also be selected with a high (up to 70%) cotton content.

Photo: foot baths with herbs

  1. Pamper your feet with sea salt baths or herbal infusions.
  2. Do not forget about daily hygiene procedures, wipe your feet dry after a bath or shower.
  3. Use your rubber slippers when in the pool or sauna to prevent fungal infections.
  4. Don't forget to moisturize your feet with special products.
  5. Examine your feet regularly to identify problems early. For various skin and nail problems, contact a specialist.

Questions and answers

What to do if legs appear after shaving

Most likely, in this case, shaving your legs is done incorrectly.

Use these tips:

  1. take a new machine, preferably with a floating head;
  2. for a better fit of the machine, before the procedure, clean the skin with a soft scrub (mix shower gel with soda and gently massage your legs), this will ensure a tighter fit of the head of the machine;
  3. Instead of shaving foam, use gel; hair conditioner is also suitable; these products will ensure easy glide;
  4. The direction of shaving should be against hair growth;
  5. Upon completion of the procedure, apply moisturizer to your feet.

Photo: after shaving your legs, rashes may appear on your skin

How to remove marks after rashes

After a rash, marks in the form of dark spots and scars may remain on the legs. It looks unaesthetic.

The following recipes will help combat such consequences:

  1. buy wheat germ oil at the pharmacy and lubricate problem areas with it 3 times daily;
  2. a kefir mask will help with scars on the skin, just apply this fermented milk product for 20 minutes and then rinse off;
  3. A mask of 2 tsp will help whiten the skin and smooth out scars. lemon juice and white from one egg, mix everything and apply to the problem area for 20 minutes;
  4. Dead Sea mud masks are good for getting rid of stagnant spots after acne.

What to do if it hurts and itches

In this case, it is better to consult a doctor, especially if the symptoms increase.

Such acne can be the consequences of serious disturbances in the functioning of the body, but only a specialist can figure it out.

Acne on the legs is a more serious sign than rashes on the face. They cannot be ignored.

Do laundry soap and salt help with acne? Find out here.

Why is my whole face covered with small pimples? Read on.

Whereas a consultation with a specialist, identifying the cause of the rash and proper treatment will help you forget about this problem for a long time, and maybe forever.

Video: “What happens if you squeeze pimples”


Hello, dear readers. For centuries, men have admired female beauty. Inspired by perfect forms, they sculpted unsurpassed sculptures, created brilliant novels, and painted delightful paintings. And all this for her - the Woman, divine and irresistible. But, unfortunately, not all women always feel like this. Sometimes they experience discomfort, become shy and hide their perfect curves under long skirts to hide the rash that has arisen. If acne appears on the legs of women, the causes of this condition require detailed study.

Types of acne

The appearance of a rash on the legs is a real tragedy for a woman who is accustomed to wearing short skirts. After all, acne on your face can be hidden even without makeup, but with your legs you can only wear something longer and hope that no one will see. Most often, young ladies attribute this problem to an aesthetic defect, without thinking at all about the reasons for its occurrence.

This happened to my friend. White pimples appeared on her slender legs. How much effort was spent, how many drugs she tested on herself. And everything was to no avail until she found out the reason.

Of course, you won’t be able to determine on your own why the rash appeared on your legs. But you can suspect the reasons by the appearance of acne.


Why do white pimples appear?

Small white pimples, like the one in the photo below, can appear as a result of the following factors:

  1. Vitamin deficiency. Most often this problem occurs in the first months of spring. The body lacks vitamins and minerals, heat and sunlight. This leads to decreased immunity. Inaction in such a situation is dangerous. After all, the body is not able to cope with inflammation, so acne, without adequate treatment, can turn into ulcers.
  2. Blockage of glands. White rashes on your legs may be the result of improperly fitting clothing. Synthetic items do not allow the skin to “breathe” freely. Tightly fitting, poor-quality clothing or shoes increase sweating. Tights are especially harmful for women's legs. By the way, it was they that caused a terrible rash on my friend’s legs.
  3. Diseases. White pimples can signal venereal or dermatological pathologies. But most often they indicate a hormonal imbalance. This problem is often faced by women after childbirth. Acne appears on the legs, the skin begins to peel.

Sources of red pimples

A red rash that disfigures a woman’s legs can be caused by:

  1. Leg shaving or hair removal. In almost 50% of cases, a red rash indicates errors associated with the removal of unwanted vegetation. Skin irritation is caused by cuts and microtraumas received during hair removal.
  2. Allergic reactions. If the rash that appears on your legs is itchy and tends to grow, then there is a high risk that you have an allergy. This reaction may be based on various provocateurs: food, detergents, powders, clothing. In case of allergies, correct and adequate treatment is necessary, otherwise the pathology may be complicated by dermatitis or eczema.
  3. Colds. A small rash that appears in autumn and spring may be a symptom of respiratory diseases. Dampness and cold lead to weakened immunity. And a woman’s desire to look attractive (light clothes, short skirts) leads to hypothermia and worsens her condition.
  4. Hormonal disorders. Red pimples may indicate a hormonal imbalance. Such a rash can appear during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or as a girl grows up.

Causes of rash on the inner thigh

Sometimes the appearance of acne causes serious discomfort to a woman, so it is simply impossible not to notice or ignore such a rash. But even in such situations, few go to the doctor, because the rash appears between the legs or even on the butt.


A similar rash is provoked by:

  1. Mechanical friction. This is a serious problem that is typical for obese women. It is especially relevant in the summer. Friction leads to irritation on the inner thigh. As a result of inflammation, rashes appear.
  2. Endocrine diseases. High blood sugar can cause an unpleasant, itchy rash. This is typical for diabetes. In most cases, rashes are accompanied by a whole bunch of unpleasant symptoms. The disease is very difficult and dangerous due to its complications, so at the first unpleasant sensation you need to consult a doctor and start treatment as early as possible.
  3. Infectious diseases. Pimples can signal the occurrence of infectious diseases in the body, such as genital herpes or molluscum contagiosum. Don't be so quick to dismiss these reasons. Molluscum contagiosum can be very easily picked up at the pool or in a store while trying on clothes.

Causes of rash on feet

But here, dear ladies, you must definitely contact a dermatologist as soon as possible. Regular acne never appears on the feet, since there are no sebaceous glands in this area. This rash requires careful examination and proper treatment.

Acne on the feet can be one of the symptoms of the following diseases:

  1. Dyshidrosis. This is a serious pathology that is provoked by toxic substances, mycosis (fungus), hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). The main symptom of dyshidrosis is the presence of a small itchy rash filled with watery contents. These pimples appear on the feet and palms.
  2. Dyshidrotic eczema. A serious illness that manifests itself as a serous rash affecting the feet and palms. Pimples resemble small blisters that leave behind a clear liquid.
  3. Itchy dermatitis. The disease is indicated by redness and watery pimples that cause unbearable itching. Exacerbation of dermatitis occurs after taking antibiotics, contact with aggressive chemicals, or wearing poor-quality tight shoes.

Treatment methods

Of course, you can determine the correct tactics for treating acne only after establishing the causes of the pathology. But there are a number of measures that can help reduce discomfort.



Start with the following recommendations:

  1. Wear natural clothing of appropriate sizes.
  2. Watch your diet, eliminate allergens.
  3. Use baby soap and hypoallergenic powders.


For local treatment, you can use ointments with a drying effect:

Such ointments will not eliminate the cause of the rash, but will significantly reduce its amount and relieve you of itching.

Herbal treatment

Baths with the addition of:

  1. strings - especially with purulent rashes;
  2. calendula - for the treatment of red pimples, microtraumas, wounds;
  3. oak bark - in case of excessive sweating;
  4. chamomile - to combat any rashes.

Don't despair if an unsightly rash appears on your legs. You will definitely get rid of acne if you put in a little effort, and you will be able to once again delight men’s eyes with your beautiful forms.