Krebich's neurodermatitis

Kreibich, Karl (Kreibich, Karl; May 16, 1868, Vienna - July 24, 1932, Vienna) - Austrian dermatologist.

Kreibich is the author of the term “neurodermatitis”. In 1896, in his dissertation “On the Doctrine of Neurodermatitis,” he proved that this disease is neurogenic in nature and proposed the name “atopic dermatitis” for it.

In 1910, Kreibich proposed a classification of neurodermatitis, which later became widespread.

The scientist is the author of many works on dermatology and general pathology, including monographs on dermatological diseases. In 1928, his book “Dermatology” was published - one of the first books in the world dedicated to skin diseases.

Kreibich's works had a great influence on the development of dermatology.

Kreibich, Karl Alois (Kreibich)

(German Karl Alois Kreibich, May 9, 1832 (1835), Walbrunn, Vienna - January 3, 1908, Brussels) - Austrian dermatologist at Moscow University, professor, editor of "Arzneipflanze" and head of the physiological department of the pharmacological laboratory established in connection with the discovery of potassium sulfate in Vienna in 1790

Karl had a good education. This is an educated person: he writes articles on medical topics, many of them were published in a Venetian magazine