Be loved anti-cellulite cream reviews

It is not always possible to cope with the problem of cellulite. “Active Control” anti-cellulite gel, when used correctly, can lead to positive results.

Composition and principle of action

Active Control anti-cellulite cream has already received thousands of different reviews from women who have tried the product on themselves. The manufacturer claims that the figure will change right before your eyes, and the hated centimeters will disappear one by one.

The anti-cellulite product works due to the fact that the skin areas at the site of application of the gel begin to warm up. The active components are aimed at dissolving fat cells. This result is achieved due to the presence of red pepper in the composition, which causes a strong burning sensation.

Active Control cream for the fight against cellulite was created by NL International. If you use the product regularly, you can achieve visible skin firmness and elasticity. Soon the “orange peel” in problem areas will disappear completely.

Anti-cellulite cream from the Be loved line from NL has the following effects:

  1. warms the subcutaneous fat layer, accelerating metabolic processes there;
  2. improves blood microcirculation;
  3. strengthens muscle tone;
  4. promotes the breakdown of lipids;
  5. activates the burning of fatty compounds.

But irritation of problem areas is not the only purpose of this product. The product provides skin care, nourishing and moisturizing it, as well as making it more elastic. Due to the presence of herbal extracts and oils in the cream, the skin is saturated with nutritional compounds.

Anti-cellulite cream does not contain parabens. Thanks to this, the skin does not receive negative effects from using the product.

Many women who correctly and regularly used anti-cellulite gel noted that improvements occurred after just two weeks of use. The bumps became less pronounced and gradually smoothed out completely. The overall appearance of the figure has changed for the better: the hips have become slimmer, the contours of the body have become toned.

Instructions for use

In order for an anti-cellulite cream to have a pronounced effect and help correct your figure, it is important to strictly follow the rules for using the product. The procedure should be carried out slowly, regularly and in accordance with the recommendations set out in the instructions.

Before buying a cream to get rid of cellulite, you need to familiarize yourself with how to apply it correctly. Before using the product, you should steam your body. The warmer the skin is before the procedure, the greater the effect you can get from using the cream.

The anti-cellulite product must be applied to problem areas twice a day. Rub over the skin, leaving only a thin layer of cream. It is important to follow the following order:

  1. cleanse the skin;
  2. rub in the cream;
  3. take care of your whole body.

It is best to cleanse your skin after a bath or hot shower. The body should be cleansed with a sugar scrub. This product perfectly opens pores and removes dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. This makes it easier for the anti-cellulite product to penetrate the epidermis and produce the desired effect.

Apply the cream to problem areas using massage movements. It is important to do the procedures daily for 30 days. To achieve long-term results, it is allowed to use the product for no more than 3 months.

Those who have used the product to combat cellulite note that within a few minutes after applying the product, a strong burning sensation begins. The moderate warming effect lasts throughout the day, although it is better to use the product twice a day, approximately every 12 hours.

Although the burning sensation when using anti-cellulite cream is strong, there are no burns. The product is safe to use. The risk of skin damage occurs if you combine the drug with sports activities. If you treat the skin, insulate it and immediately go to the gym, there may be problems. Anti-cellulite gel quite effectively fights fat deposits without any additional stimulation.

The product should not be applied to the skin if it is not yet dry after showering. The skin must be completely dry, otherwise the burning sensation may intensify and the effect will not be as pronounced.

When using an anti-cellulite product, it is important to avoid any contact with mucous membranes. You need to take special care of your eyes. Immediately after applying the product, you should wash your hands thoroughly, and if disposable gloves are used, then discard them.

How to wash off properly

Those who used the Active Control anti-cellulite gel noticed that the product was difficult to wash off with water. In addition, if moisture gets into these areas immediately after application, the burning will only intensify. Conclusion: You should not shower after using an anti-cellulite product.

It is not easy to wash off the composition. If enough time has passed and you are sure that water on the treated areas will not cause severe burning, you can remove the remaining product as follows:

  1. moisten problem areas with water;
  2. thoroughly treat with soap or shower gel;
  3. rinse with water.

To completely remove the remnants of the anti-cellulite gel from the skin, the procedure must be repeated 2-3 times. Only then can you be sure that the product has been completely washed off.

Rinsing may be necessary if an allergic reaction develops. In this case, you should wash off the product as soon as possible. If necessary, call an ambulance or take an antihistamine.

Gel cost

Compared to other products designed to combat cellulite, the effective Be Loved gel has an objective cost. You can buy the product for only 690 rubles.

It is important to beware of counterfeits, so it is best to purchase anti-cellulite gel directly through the official website. It also features sugar scrub and other skin care products.


You cannot use anti-cellulite gel if you have the following conditions:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. high skin sensitivity;
  3. intolerance to the components of the product.

If you have severe damage to internal organs, infectious skin diseases and other health problems, you should consult a specialist before using anti-cellulite cream.


Irina, 36 years old: “After giving birth, I gained several kilograms and unpleasant bumps immediately appeared on my butt. I used anti-cellulite cream for 3 weeks. There is an effect, the skin has become smoother. Due to illness, I had to interrupt the course, but I plan to resume the fight against cellulite.”

Olga, 26 years old: “Several years ago I lost 10 kg of excess weight. Although my appearance changed, cellulite remained, and I could not overcome it. When I started using this gel, amazing things began to happen. To completely cope with the problem, I had to use it for 2 months. After application, the skin begins to burn strongly, and cold water only makes the sensation worse.”

Carolina, 41 years old: “Thanks to the cream, my body contours were outlined. Now I don’t hesitate to wear open swimsuits and any clothes. My legs became slimmer, and the bumps disappeared from my hips and butt. I’m happy with the anti-cellulite product!”

The anti-cellulite cream from Be Loved by NL International has won the hearts of women all over the Internet. A huge number of reviews prove the real effectiveness of the gel. The anti-cellulite effect is achieved by heating it with a composition based on red pepper, as a result of which the skin smeared with the cream bakes and “burns,” which is why girls jokingly call it “Gorizhop.”

Be Loved Active Control Gel tightens the epithelium, smoothes out the “orange peel”. The skin becomes elastic, smooth, and velvety.

How does Be Loved Active Control anti-cellulite gel work?

Anti-cellulite professional cream Bee Loved, unlike similar products, acts in several directions at once:
It warms up epithelial tissue. Red pepper, by warming subcutaneous fat tissue, improves metabolism in cells, activates blood circulation, and increases muscle and skin tone. In the heated fat layer, thermal processes develop, leading to the breakdown and burning of lipids.
A pleasant warmth is felt in the places where the gel is applied, in fact, because of this it was nicknamed “Burn Ass”.
In addition, Be Loved cellulite cream nourishes and moisturizes the epidermis. Herbal extracts and natural oils saturate epithelial cells with bioactive substances, vitamins, and minerals.

The gel gently cares for the skin and does not contain parabens.

Visual result. Women who regularly use the cream achieve visible results after 2 weeks of use. The orange peel disappears from the surface of the skin, it becomes even, elastic and smooth. The figure is tightened and becomes slender. Positive changes are noticeable not only to the owner of the gel, but also to others.

Mode of application

Anti-cellulite cream Be Loved from Nl International is applied to problem areas 2 times a day. Distribute it over the surface of the skin in a thin layer.
Technique for using the gel:

  1. To begin with, it is best to cleanse your body with a sugar scrub from Be Loved (you can order it there, on the official website). It removes dead skin cells and opens pores. Due to this, the bioactive substances included in the cellulite cream easily penetrate deep into the epithelial tissues.
  2. Rub the gel into areas affected by cellulite with gentle massage movements.
  3. Apply a nourishing cream to the rest of your body, also from Be Loved.

Use anti-cellulite cream for at least 30 days. To consolidate the results and achieve a lasting effect, use the gel for at least 3 months.

No need to rinse off. But keep in mind that the gel bakes, so it may be more convenient for you to apply it with rubber gloves. Or, wash your hands thoroughly after applying to avoid accidentally touching your eyes.

Gorizhopa cream lives up to its name - the product strongly “bakes” the skin. The burning sensation intensifies after water enters the areas treated with anti-cellulite gel. Therefore, a shower, bath or sauna is visited before using the cream. F yfyjcbnm tuj kexit d gthxfnrf[/

The warming effect lasts 24 hours. Bioactive substances that have penetrated deep into the epithelium are actively working. However, there is no burn left on the skin.

There is a risk of burning the skin if you apply the product in a thick layer, wrap it in film and go to training. Anti-cellulite cream works great without additional stimuli. After applying it, it is not at all necessary to perform one or another exercise designed to sculpt the figure. You should not enhance the effect of the cream using dangerous methods. Even if you don't feel a burning sensation, this is only due to the nature of your skin. There is no need to apply a thicker layer - the gel still works.

Bi Loved anti-cellulite gel should not be applied to moisturized skin. Avoid contact with eyes. The product is difficult to wash off with water.

Where to buy Be Loved anti-cellulite gel

The gel can be ordered on the official NL International website here (scroll down to “body care”). Its cost is 830 rubles, the same for both clients and company consultants. In the same product category you can order a sugar scrub and a nourishing body cream from Be loved.

Anti-cellulite gel Be Loved: before and after reviews

Photos of the results of using Be Loved anti-cellulite cream before and after


Everyone's favorite gel horizhopa.

Anti-cellulite gel Active control, commonly known as gorizhopa gel, eliminates cellulite and stretch marks. This is a godsend for any woman, it works 100%
The composition includes red pepper and it is this that activates blood circulation due to which the skin is tightened. It becomes elastic and elastic.
I myself personally use this miracle gel, because after pregnancy there is simply not a single living place on my stomach, everything is covered in stretch marks.
Big and small and all red, like fresh scars.
After a couple of weeks of using the gel, I noticed that the large stretch marks turned white, and the small ones gradually began to disappear.
Recommended for anyone who wants to tighten their skin or get rid of stretch marks. For greater effect, you need to take a shower with a scrub and then apply the gel.

Why is this anti-cellulite gel so good?

  1. Nourishes and moisturizes the skin.
  2. Absorbs well without leaving greasy stains.
  3. Does not dry out the skin.
  4. Very rarely in stock.
  5. After 2 weeks of daily use, a little more than half the tube is used.
  6. The result is already in a couple of weeks.
  7. It is especially good to use before training or just before physical activity (for example, cleaning the house.)


Why is anti-cellulite cream needed?

  1. Do you want smooth thighs?
  2. Do you want to wear short skirts and shorts in the summer, and at home show off your nut in front of your husband, without hiding it in a wide, stretched robe?!

Then you definitely need to buy it.

How to use Gorizhopa cream?

  1. Every day you apply in the morning and evening on the thighs, back, front, side, butt;
  2. Drink water, about 2 liters;
  3. You move and in a week you will see the effect;

Can I take it during pregnancy?

Better not. Pregnant cellulite will still happen, this is hormonal changes and the body’s defense. Give birth, fatten and go ahead with your sword drawn to fight the orange peel!

Video review of Gorizhop anti-cellulite gel?

Where to buy anti-cellulite gel horizhopa Be Loved?

The gel can be ordered on the official website of NL International in the “Cosmetics for Women” section.
Price 830 rub.