Boro plus anti-wrinkle cream reviews


In recent years, Boro Plus cream has become popular among the fair sex. You can find reviews online, the authors of which claim that they managed to get rid of nasolabial folds or “cobwebs” near the eyes. Before you start using the miracle cream, it’s still worth understanding the details. What is its composition? How does it work? What determines the effectiveness? And only after answers to these questions are obtained, can the experiments of our predecessors be repeated.

Cream composition

"Boro Plus" is freely sold in pharmacy chains. This medicine was invented in India, and therefore it contains many plant extracts. Official medicine in India actively uses extracts and extracts of herbs and flowers, including them in medicines. Initially, “Boro Plus” is intended for the healing of wound surfaces and the consequences of injuries. When making the cream we use:

  1. basil (has antibacterial, analgesic properties);
  2. aloe vera (perfectly moisturizes);
  3. sandalwood extract (helps relieve inflammation);
  4. ginger (it is sometimes called a natural antibiotic - ginger is so effective against bacteria);
  5. turmeric (has an anti-inflammatory effect);
  6. vetiver (good for healing wounds);
  7. neem or Persian melia (removes toxins and improves protective functions).

Doctors prescribe medicine for various skin lesions. It helps with:

  1. wounds and cuts;
  2. eczema;
  3. fungal infection;
  4. burns and frostbite.

The cream helps the skin cope with the disease faster and restores the skin.



In our pharmacies you can find “Boro Plus” in purple (pink) and green packages. Their composition is almost identical, only the one packaged in a green tube contains an additional component - kapur kachari. The extract of this miracle plant makes tissue regeneration processes happen faster; there is evidence that the cream from the green tube copes well with psoriasis.

The developers also offer customers Boro Plus lipstick, which moisturizes lips and perfectly protects them from the negative effects of the environment. In severe frost, wind, and heat, lips tend to crack, since their skin is very thin and almost devoid of fat, so lips need additional protection. The skin of the lips ages quite quickly, revealing a woman’s age. To slow down the aging process, you need to carefully care for your lips, using, for example, Boro Plus, as well as hygienic lipstick or balm.

What about wrinkles?

So, we figured out the composition of the cream. Now it has become clear what its action against wrinkles is based on - these worst enemies of female attractiveness. Most of the products included in Boro Plus help accelerate the regeneration of the epidermis and dermis. Why do wrinkles form? There are several reasons, here are the main ones:

reducing the skin's own collagen production;

  1. the appearance of dryness in adulthood, a decrease in the skin’s ability to retain moisture;
  2. frequent emotions (someone likes to laugh - such a person has “crow’s feet” near the eyes; someone is often sad - nasolabial folds form);
  3. exposure to adverse environmental factors (cold, heat, dry indoor air in winter).

Wrinkles form over time in every person and, unfortunately, they can only be completely eliminated through surgery.

But the use of Boro Plus cream can slow down the process of these age-related changes. There are especially many positive reviews about it from women suffering from wrinkles under the eyes. The skin around the eyes is the first to be affected by the thinning of the lipid layer. Therefore, a fine network of “threads” around the eyes, dark circles and swelling under the eyes can appear after 30 years, when it is too early to talk about serious, profound age-related changes.

“Boro Plus” will improve blood supply to the skin, restore elasticity and tone “tired” skin. As a result, dark circles will gradually disappear and fine wrinkles will disappear. But, of course, you should keep in mind: “Boro Plus” is not a panacea, it can only be used as an auxiliary product, since its main purpose is to treat the skin, and not to eliminate superficial cosmetic defects. Therefore, before using it, you need to consult a cosmetologist.

If you are going to check the effectiveness of Boro Plus cream against wrinkles, first visit a beauty salon. There they will determine your skin type and clarify the nuances associated with it (in particular, for oily skin, it is better to apply the cream pointwise, to problem areas, and not to the entire face). Perhaps you have an individual intolerance to the components of the cream, then you will have to stop using it.


How to use the cream

The beautiful ladies who have already used Boro Plus have developed 2 ways to use it.

  1. First: as a caring cream before applying decorative cosmetics. The product from a green tube is best suited for this purpose, as it has a more delicate texture and is easily absorbed. Apply the cream in a thin layer to a cleansed face in the morning. After waiting a few minutes until completely absorbed, then proceed to apply the usual “war paint”. In the evening, wash your face and apply night cream. You can try using Boro Plus in the evenings if your skin tolerates it well.
  1. Second: as a nourishing mask. In this case, you should choose the contents of the purple tube, since this cream is “heavier” and rich in nutrients. After washing, apply the cream to your face and wait an hour and a half. It will not be completely absorbed, so after the specified time has elapsed, you will need to blot your face with a napkin. It is enough to use this method a couple of times a week.


Before using, make sure you are not allergic. To do this, apply a small amount of Boro Plus to the crook of your elbow and wait 10 minutes. If all is well, you can begin to fight wrinkles.

Be careful! Any redness of the skin or itching should make you stop using Boro Plus. Such a reaction means that your skin will not be able to derive any benefit from the product; on the contrary, energy will be spent fighting the “invasion” of plant extracts foreign to the skin.

You should not apply the cream immediately before going to bed. When making a mask, start the process no later than 2-3 hours before you complete all your daily activities.

The price of the miracle remedy is only about a hundred rubles. You can find a package for both 90 and 140 Russian “wooden”. Agree, finding that kind of money is much easier than spending money on buying an expensive, advertised anti-wrinkle cream.

But remember: Boro Plus is a pharmaceutical product, so it cannot be used uncontrollably and constantly.


"Boro Plus" will not save you from old age and natural decline - such a wonderful medicine does not yet exist. But with careful use, it will help prolong the youth of the skin, saturate it with nutrients, moisturize it, and help accelerate the skin's production of collagen. Use the cream from time to time, in courses - the skin will thank you!

Good day, beauties! It’s morning here and I’m already writing a post
Today I decided to tell you about a cream that I got recently, but has already won my love.


Please under the cut

So, Quack the duck introduces you to my hero: Boro Plus healthy skin by Himani


As a rule, Kryaka refuses to hold anything other than the phone, but when she saw my love for this cream, she agreed

This purchase was made after reading Beauticians. The girls described this cream as a very multifunctional thing: some smeared it on their hands, some on their face, and some on everything. And then I remembered how about three years ago I saw in my classmate’s pencil case such a small green cream with a very strong smell. I actually really liked this smell, I even wanted to buy the cream solely because of it. Don't think, I'm not a maniac

And so, walking around the store, I remembered everything I had read about this cream and decided to buy it, especially since it only cost 35 rubles. I decided to take purple because I read somewhere that it is more effective.
Well, that’s enough background, let’s move on directly to the properties of this miracle product. It’s more convenient for me to describe it point by point, so let’s get started:
1) Package The cream has good quality. It is beautifully designed and does not seem to have broken or leaked anywhere. I have a volume of 25 ml, but in my opinion it can be more. My packaging is very convenient to take with you; it will fit even in the smallest handbag. The cream was additionally placed in a box containing the following ingredients:


Anyone who read my previous post knows that I don’t understand compositions at all. So I will be glad if someone enlightens me about it.
2) Smell I also liked this cream. It doesn't smell as strong as its counterpart in the green packaging, but it's pleasant for me personally; many may not like it. I smell some herbs and for some reason I imagine the smell of incense
3) Texture This cream is very thick, you can see it in the swatches.
Here I just applied it to my hand:


But I smeared it:


The cream is not absorbed immediately, you have to wait quite a long time.
4) Price his, as I already said, is very, very democratic - 35 rubles. Although, it may be more expensive in other places.
5) Range of applications This cream is very wide. First, let's look at how the manufacturer suggests we use it:


I have already tried some of the manufacturer’s methods and now I will tell you about them in more detail. Here's how I use Boro Plus:
1. Locally for irritation and peeling. As I already wrote in a previous post, I very often get a runny nose, and that’s why I always have redness under my nose. Before purchasing this cream, I used baby cream, but this one does a much better job.
2. Locally for inflammation. Yes, yes, if you smear it on pimples, they also go away a little faster. It won't instantly make your skin perfect, no. But it will remove the redness in a couple of nights.
3.Lip balm. I borrowed this method from the manufacturer. I can say with confidence: it works on the lips too! My lips are actually very demanding and at home I always have tons of different balms and hygiene products. During the day they save me, but at night I need something more nutritious. Otherwise, I risk waking up with “scraps,” as I call it. Boro Plus perfectly nourishes the lips, and in the morning they are soft and nourished.
4. Face cream. Sometimes my skin craves something mega nourishing. Then I use Boro Plus. I apply a thin layer of it at night. In the morning, the skin is very soft and pleasant to the touch. I rarely use it this way.
5. Mask for the face. But sometimes the previous method does not help me. Then I smear my face with a thick layer of Boro Plus and leave it on for about 15 minutes. Most of the cream is absorbed, and what doesn’t get absorbed, I remove with a napkin. I don’t recommend this method at night, as the pillow will be covered in cream. I use it very rarely.
6. Hand cream. Yes, this method is not very economical. But how effective it is! The skin on my hands is actually not very dry, but sometimes red spots appear due to an allergy to sweets and a feeling of tightness. Boro Plus does a great job.
7. "Mask" for hands. Sometimes when the candies are too tasty, the previous method doesn’t save me either. Then I smear a thick layer on my hands, put on gloves and woolen mittens on top and parade around the house for about 2 hours. Hands after such procedures as baby’s bottom skin
8. Foot cream. The manufacturer claims that Boro Plus can relieve you of calluses and corns. Hmm, I don't know, I don't know. I rarely have calluses (pah-pah-pah), as do corns, so let’s take my word for it. However, the cream softens the heels well.
9. After Shave Cream. To be honest, I haven’t tried this method yet. But I suspect that since Boro Plus is able to remove redness and irritation, it will cope.
10. Baby cream. Boro Plus has already replaced my baby cream on many counts (1,3,6). So, I think it will also work as a diaper rash cream. I don’t have children, and my sister is already too old, so I can’t check

Testing period: about 3 months

Well, I finished my long post! Thank you all for your attention, I hope I didn’t bore you. My name is Anya, call me first name only!

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Found 7 reviews


I have combination skin, I had an unsuccessful visit to the solarium - strong peeling appeared again, which did not go away in 2 weeks before (I bought it for 41 rubles, applied it 3 times at night - and that’s it, imagine, there is no more peeling! The only downside I can name is the smell , I felt the same way about him, and the guy grumbled that he wouldn’t kiss him) and of course he’s fatty, apply only at night, it’s unrealistic to put makeup on him =)

I was at the Intercharm exhibition on Friday, where they handed out various samples, toothpastes, soaps, creams, etc. From the exhibition I brought a bag with gifts)) One of the gifts were 2 tubes of Derm hand cream and Derm with calendula. At first I thought that these were Indian creams, but I turned out to be completely wrong. Derm is a Russian cream with Russian herbs, as I understand it is a new product. So I didn’t use it because of its greasy content and terrible smell that I can’t stand. And the Derm cream turned out to be very pleasant in smell and texture. A few seconds after I applied the cream, it was absorbed and left a very pleasant feeling on the skin. In general, I discovered a new cream for myself. And the tube is very convenient, I think it’s 25 ml, just right to carry with you. In general, I will look for where to buy)


It doesn’t suit me because I have oily skin and the cream itself is very oily. This results in a blockage. I don't like the smell either, it's not for everyone. I was convinced that this cream was not for me. May be it suits someone with dry skin?


I bought Himani violet cream at the pharmacy, price 9 UAH. , of course the smell is like old Soviet colognes, but it’s effective after the second use. I have small signs of trouble on my face, and they are already passing, it’s only been 2 days)))) the red spots where something wanted to break through have simply disappeared. in short, I fell in love))) a small minus, it is very oily, and the skin after it is very slippery)


I came across this company in a store. I heard a lot about it on the Internet and decided to try it too. I chose body cream. The saleswoman convinced me that there was no need to be afraid of the words anti-aging on the packaging and that it would suit me perfectly even at 21 years old. I’ll make a reservation right away. that I had NEVER had an allergy to anything in my life, so when small white pimples began to appear on my legs and arms, I didn’t attach any importance to it. and I certainly didn’t connect it in any way with the use of the cream (especially since I really liked it - it was quickly absorbed and applied softly). This lasted a month. When the pimples began to degenerate into red spots and dry up into crusts, then I first sounded the alarm - I stopped eating almost everything and abandoned all my creams at once). The spots did not go away. I went to a dermatologist, she didn’t really tell me anything either, she just prescribed a useless ointment. So I went on like this until one day, by chance, my mother decided to try this cream after arriving from the sea. Her hands were peeling from the sun and she carefully smeared them with it overnight. The next morning she came to me with the same pimples. The mystery of my scabies was immediately resolved) I was terribly upset, because I really didn’t want to part with this cream, but alas. I had to! Now I don’t use it, but the most important thing is that now the allergies don’t go away - nothing helps: ointments like -, not chamomile-sage baths, not antibiotic creams, not antihistamines (Erius). Like this. In no case am I dissuading anyone from this cream and have nothing against NS in general: I’m just sharing my personal sad experience so that if anything happens, everyone will keep this in mind.


about Natura Siberika cosmetics April 13, 2011

Well, I'll tell you. It's surprising that there are so many negative reviews.

In general, I’ll tell you in detail. I have always had oily skin and problem skin, but this winter, either because I moved to another city or because of hormones or because of smoking, my skin became very dry, terribly dry. At first I was happy, then problems began, the skin all over my body began to pull, then the skin of my eyelids became red and inflamed. I bought lumine for moisturizing eyes, although I already had wrinkles there! (I’m 22) it didn’t help, olive oil didn’t help, neither did peach oil, I bought it, it helped, but the fine wrinkles remained, I think forever. Now I think I might buy a rock to fix the problem. I started smearing my body with olive oil, it felt better, but my husband complained that it was sticky and took a long time to be absorbed. Various creams for dry skin seemed to just leave a film on the skin and that’s all. In the end, I bought this oil for Siberian skin just for the sake of experiment. I was seduced by the name of the oil, because I already know how cool it is. And I really liked it, it is absorbed, the skin is soft for a long time and does not tug anywhere. To celebrate, I also bought a night detox and a day cream for sensitive skin. So far I like it. without film, the face acquired a normal appearance. I alternate with olive oil at night. Olive oil itself did not give such an effect. In the store I thought about eye cream because this is now the most painful blister for me, but now I probably won’t.

While I was suffering with my skin, I couldn’t even wash myself with gel properly, it was very drying, so I’m thinking of purchasing another gel. Like a thread later. Because with oil it seems to be normal.

So it goes. I think they have good products, like body butter, I really loved it, and I liked the creams. Well, in general, probably not everything and not for everyone.

So think, if one cream is bad, it doesn’t mean all of them are.

But I read that someone says I will continue to use Vichy. Vichy clogs my pores. What suits whom? Enjoy your health