Cream for under eye circles for men


Dark circles under the eyes are a common problem for modern people, both for women and men. Stress, long hours of work, bad habits and lack of sleep - all this does not have the best effect on a person’s appearance. Whereas today a lot depends on it, including career growth. Nobody wants an employee who looks sickly and always tired. In addition, darkening and swelling around the eyes can actually be a symptom of serious diseases of the internal organs that require serious treatment.

In this case, of course, it is better not to delay visiting a doctor, get examined and be sure to treat any detected pathologies of the heart, blood vessels or kidneys. If the examination does not reveal any pathologies, it means that you are simply unlucky: you have thin skin with blood vessels located close to the surface, and, therefore, only a good cream for dark circles under the eyes will help solve the problem.

Note: Remedies against dark circles under the eyes are divided into two large categories - pharmaceutical and cosmetic. With the help of pharmaceutical drugs, you can get rid of not only circles and bags under the eyes, but also more serious problems - hematomas and black eyes after a blow or injury. The cosmetic cream solves only minor defects, but at the same time additionally cares for the skin, eliminates swelling and smoothes out wrinkles.

Why do bruises under the eyes occur?

Every adequate adult understands: in order to look fresh, young and attractive, without unhealthy puffiness and circles under the eyes, you should get enough sleep, not abuse alcohol and nicotine, and not sit for long periods at the computer. The rules are simple, but sometimes it’s simply impossible to follow them, and then you have to start looking for a truly effective cream for dark circles under the eyes.

However, even the best and most expensive product from a trusted brand does not always give the expected result. This happens because the cream only removes external manifestations and does not solve the causes of the problem. Whereas, in addition to overwork and lack of sleep, there can be a huge number of them. The most common ones include:

  1. liver dysfunction;
  2. kidney dysfunction;
  3. avitaminosis;
  4. intestinal dysbiosis;
  5. helminthic infestations;
  6. intoxication of the body;
  7. problems with blood vessels and blood circulation;
  8. heart pathologies;
  9. diseases of the nasopharynx: sinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis.

And this is not a complete list of diseases that cause blue circles under the eyes. Of course, you can try to disguise them with cosmetics, buy a concealer that hides any skin imperfections and pretend that everything is fine. But sooner or later the problem will still have to be solved radically. It is better not to delay a visit to the doctor, because any disease is easier to cure at the initial stage than at an advanced stage. In the meantime, examination and treatment will take place, the situation will be corrected by a suitable cream or gel to eliminate darkening and puffiness under the eyes.

How the product works

It has already been said above that you can get rid of bruises on the face either with the help of a cosmetic, caring cream, or with the help of a pharmaceutical drug. Their mechanism of action is similar: stimulation of blood circulation, due to which metabolic processes are accelerated, excess fluid is removed from the body and the circles become lighter. But the composition may differ radically.

Many users claim that the best cream for dark circles under the eyes is various pharmaceutical ointments for bruises, bruises and even hemorrhoids. There is a certain common sense in this. Troxevasin, heparin ointment, badyaga, intended for rapid resorption of bruises and hematomas, contain active components that can stimulate metabolic processes in tissues, accelerate their regeneration and recovery. It is logical to assume that if you apply such an ointment to the circles under your eyes, they will also become lighter and the swelling will go away.

The problem is that the skin under the eyes is very thin and sensitive, it is easily irritated and inflamed. If you regularly apply a similar product intended for other purposes to it, over time you will achieve a completely different result than you would like: it will become dry, flabby and dull. Therefore, a one-time remedy for hematomas can really help improve your appearance, doctors do not deny this. But it is not suitable for constant use, otherwise no one would produce or buy cosmetic creams and gels with a brightening effect.

The situation is different with creams and gels designed specifically to care for the delicate skin around the eyes. Such funds contain:

  1. vitamin complexes;
  2. plant extracts;
  3. moisturizing components.

The active ingredients of eye creams and gels stimulate blood circulation and lymph flow, some additionally work as drainage. With proper and regular use, the dark spots around the eyes begin to lighten and the puffiness goes away.

Almost all modern eye skin care products have a complex effect. In addition to eliminating circles and swelling, they can also, depending on the composition, smooth out wrinkles, moisturize and nourish the skin, and tighten the contour. To make the right choice, it makes sense to consult with a cosmetologist before purchasing to identify current problems and find the best way to solve them. A specialist will tell you which types and brands you should pay attention to.

What to look for when purchasing

It would seem that it could be simpler: you came to the store, asked the consultant for a cream against circles under the eyes... And then you will be offered at least a dozen different products in different price ranges with different compositions and features of action. Which to choose? The following criteria for choosing cosmetics in this category will help you not to get confused:

  1. Compound . If the goal is to lighten dark spots under the eyes, then you need to look on the label for components such as retinol, vitamin complexes, caffeine, kelp, arnica, chamomile, rosemary, calendula, and plantain extracts. It would be great if the composition also contains ascorbic acid or other fruit acids: these substances help lighten not only black circles and bruises under the eyes, but also any pigmentation on the face in general.
  2. SPF level. Moreover, the older the person, the higher the sun protection level should be. Ultraviolet radiation is the main enemy of sensitive skin around the eyes. Not only dark circles, dryness, loss of tone, wrinkles - this is what awaits those who do not take care of protecting their eyes from aggressive sun rays. Therefore, it is worth spending a little more, but buy a product with an SPF level of at least 10.
  3. Purpose. Just like for the face, eye creams also come in day and night varieties. What is the difference? Night cream has a thicker, greasy consistency and often contains additional organic or essential oils. It is intended for intensive effects at night, when the skin and body are resting and best perceive the active components of the product. The day cream is lighter, it is quickly absorbed and works mainly to eliminate morning puffiness and circles under the eyes. You can apply foundation on top of it, it will not roll off.

Recently, they have begun to produce products whose labels also indicate the recommended gender of the consumer. Men have thicker and denser skin than women. But the problem of bruises under the eyes is also familiar to them. Today, representatives of the stronger sex take care of themselves no less than ladies, and sometimes even more. Therefore, leading brands began producing eye creams separately for men and separately for women. This is also worth paying attention to when purchasing, since the composition and concentration of active components of the products differ.

For information: Cost and manufacturer are not decisive parameters when choosing a truly suitable eye product. The best cream will not be the most expensive one, but the one that solves the problems. Sometimes a domestically produced budget product does a better job than a luxury one. But it still makes sense to trust German, American or Israeli brands, whose quality has been verified and the cost is quite affordable. French and Japanese cosmetics are considered elite; not everyone can afford them. In addition, in this case, counterfeits are possible if you purchase the product via the Internet and not in the manufacturer’s homeland.

The most popular under eye products

The rating below is based on customer reviews and sales numbers for 2018. It includes products from domestic and foreign brands in various price segments, which have proven themselves to be the most effective and correspond to the action declared by the manufacturer.

Visible Results L'Oreal

An excellent medium-priced remedy for puffiness and circles under the eyes, which gives a truly visible result immediately after application. The cream-gel has a light texture and pleasant smell, is easily distributed and absorbed, and is suitable as a base for concealer or foundation.


Wish Night Eye Cream

Night eye cream designed to restore skin and brighten skin. The effect is achieved due to the content of retinol and fruit acids in the composition. The product is applied to cleansed skin once a day, half an hour before going to bed. By morning, the circles become noticeably lighter and smaller; to consolidate and maintain the effect, it is recommended to use the product regularly for at least 2-3 weeks.


Lumen Time Freeze

This product is intended for the care of mature skin around the eyes. The cream consists of 95% organic ingredients, does not contain fragrances, and does not cause allergies. Thanks to the active components in the composition (heather extract and natural proteins), the upper layer of the epidermis is smoothed, bags are reduced, and dark circles become lighter. To obtain the maximum effect, it is recommended to apply it morning and evening to problem areas for two weeks, strictly on cleansed skin, at least a quarter of an hour before applying cosmetics.


Vichy Thermal Fix

A professional hypoallergenic gel texture product based on thermal water, designed specifically for the care of very sensitive and thin skin around the eyes. The cream-gel refreshes and smoothes the skin, enriches it with minerals, makes it firm and radiant, without darkening or redness.


Clinique All About Eyes

Another luxury hypoallergenic product that effectively fights dark circles under the eyes and the first signs of skin aging. Apply the product morning and evening with patting movements to problem areas for two weeks. Suitable as a base for makeup.



User reviews will help you make your final decision on choosing a good eye cream for dark circles.

Summary: Bruises under the eyes today bother both girls and young people equally. You can get rid of them in three ways: using pharmaceutical products against varicose veins, hemorrhoids and hematomas, using cosmetic creams and gels, or using folk remedies. As practice shows, the most effective and safest is the use of a special cream or gel designed to care for the delicate skin under the eyes. The main thing is to choose the type and composition that really suits you and solves the current problem. You need to focus, first of all, on the recommendations of a specialist, and not on advertising and cost. For the result to be noticeable and lasting, one cosmetic cream is not enough. It is important to find out the cause of dark spots under the eyes and eliminate it.

The skin of the face is the first to react to internal changes and shows signs of fatigue and the onset of disease development. Common causes are puffiness and the appearance of dark circles under the eyes, which occur in women and men, regardless of their age. In an untreated situation, a common solution is cosmetics (gels, compresses and creams for bags under the eyes). There are countless of them in cosmetology. But there are several main recommendations when choosing them.


Causes of bags under the eyes

Before starting treatment and using any means, it is necessary to determine the prerequisites for the occurrence of defects. In medicine, the following main factors for the appearance of bags and dark circles around the eyes are identified:

  1. incorrect head position (high pillow) or lack of sleep (average amount of sleep less than 8 hours per day);
  2. allergic reaction;
  3. taking a large amount of liquid before bed or, conversely, violating the drinking regime (daily water intake is less than 1.5-2 l);
  4. sedentary lifestyle;
  5. consumption of pickles and alcoholic beverages at night;
  6. chronic diseases;
  7. violation of personal hygiene rules;
  8. pregnancy (salt imbalance);
  9. age (most often after 50 years);
  10. diseases of the kidneys and urinary system.

Swelling around the eyes is the first reaction to internal changes in the body, which is associated with the physiological characteristics of the structure of the skin of the eyelids. Namely:

  1. a dense lymphatic system; if blood circulation is impaired, blood stagnates in this area;
  2. lack of elastin, tissue collagen;
  3. looseness of the subcutaneous tissue (due to its structure, it creates favorable conditions for the stagnation of excess fluid, which causes the formation of edema and dark circles);
  4. thin skin of the eyelids.

Bags are also caused by the use of incorrectly selected cosmetics to care for the area around the eyes and facial skin. Having determined the main causes of the defect, you can begin to treat the pathology.

Cream composition

Herbal compresses, ointments, gels, and massage are most often used against swelling and bags under the eyes. But do creams only help eliminate the symptom or do they attack the root of the problem?


Each product contains one or more of the following components as its main active ingredient:

  1. Vitamin C, E.
  2. Caffeine.
  3. Zinc.
  4. Heparin.
  5. Phenylephrine.
  6. Rutin.
  7. Hyaluronic acid.
  8. Dimethyl sulfoxide.
  9. Camphor.
  10. Menthol.

Among the medicinal herbs that are effective against the problem of puffiness and dark circles are:

  1. sage;
  2. rosemary;
  3. plantain;
  4. cacao butter;
  5. mint;
  6. seaweed;
  7. horse chestnut extract, cornflower.

How to choose

Gel or cream removes bags under the eyes and reduces dark circles. Massage and herbal compresses normalize blood circulation, fill the skin with useful substances, moisturize and cool. But finding a product that combines everything you need is difficult. Therefore, when choosing, it is better to pay attention to:

  1. Compound. If there is an allergy to something, then the presence of this component should be excluded as a priority. The product should not contain animal fats, fragrances, dyes, parabens and mineral oils. They tend to accumulate, negatively affecting his general condition.
  2. Age limit.
  3. Purpose. Most ointments for swelling, edema and circles are medical preparations, not cosmetic. Therefore, the duration of their use is no more than 21 days.
  4. Popularity of the manufacturer.

All of them should have a light consistency, evenly distributed over the problem area, cool and moisturize. Another advantage is the presence of a massage applicator. It quickly relieves fatigue, normalizes blood circulation and removes swelling.

Rules of application

When treating pathology, you must strictly follow the instructions of the selected product. And also adhere to several general rules of use. Then the therapy will be very effective and will not provoke the appearance of new unpleasant symptoms. Among them:

  1. Apply the ointment 2 times a day to clean facial skin, and for greater effect, at least 2 hours before bedtime.
  2. The skin around the eyes should not be stretched or pressed. All movements in this area should be light, smooth, patting.
  3. A massage applicator or ring finger is best for application.

It must be remembered that the ointment is applied along the lines of lymph movement:

  1. from the central part of the face to the outer edges;
  2. in the area of ​​the upper eyelid - from the bridge of the nose to the temple, and in the area of ​​the lower eyelid - vice versa;
  3. on the border with the moving eyelid, movements should be pressing and light.

By following all the recommendations, it will not be difficult to restore a healthy complexion and remove swelling.

What effect can you expect from the cream?

If you are interested in the question in which cases ointments will help cope with bags and dark circles under the eyes, you should understand that medications are not the main treatment. That is, this condition is a consequence of an incorrect lifestyle or disease. Therefore, it often happens that a person struggles with a symptom, forgetting about the root cause of this condition.

Review of the best remedies for bags under the eyes

Pharmacies and mass markets have a large number of popular products, but which one is the best cream for bags under the eyes and swelling. Everything is relative. For some, one product is effective, for others it is useless. It depends on the physiology and the cause of its appearance.


  1. The drug “Troxevasin”. The ointment normalizes blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels and restores skin elasticity.
  2. "Traumel". The drug is homeopathic and is used 2 times a day. Possible use for puffiness and dark circles under the eyes associated with an inflammatory disease.
  3. “Pro-Xylan” from Garnier. The component of the product eliminates swelling well, tightens and refreshes the skin. The advantage is considered to be used before applying makeup and before bed.
  4. “RevitaLift” from L’Oreal. The effect after application is noticeable within an hour. Relieves fatigue, restores healthy complexion. Has a pleasant light texture.
  5. “Kurozin.” The composition includes hyaluronic acid, which activates the production of elastane and collagen. Improvement does not occur immediately, but with prolonged use it has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the skin, especially with regular lack of sleep.
  6. Heparin ointment. It is better to use sodium heparin based, as its structure is lighter and absorption is faster.
  7. "Relief". The drug constricts blood vessels and normalizes water-salt balance.
  8. "Tetracycline". It is prescribed only in cases where the etiology of bags under the eyes is inflammatory in nature. Use strictly according to instructions.
  9. "Solcoseryl". Stimulates collagen production, increasing skin elasticity and accelerating oxygen saturation of tissues.
  10. “Indovazin.” It belongs to the group of venotonics, so it copes with the task quite effectively.

To combat bags and circles under the eyes of the male half, they produce a whole special line of products. This is due to rougher and thicker skin in this area, as well as differences in hormonal levels. Men cannot wait long for an ointment or gel to take effect, so menthol is added to men's creams. It is this component that has an almost instant effect. Popular products include:

  1. “For Men” from PFC-cosmetics.
  2. "MK Men"
  3. “Remescar cream”.
  4. “Tri-roll gel” from Faberlic.
  5. “Men’s gel stick against bags and dark circles under the eyes” from Kiehl’s Facial Fuel Eye De-Puffer.
  6. “Aquapower” from Biotherm Homme.
  7. “Rénergy 3D Yeux” by Lancôme.

The most popular among them is “For Men” from PFC-cosmetics, due to the aloe extract it contains.

Homemade cream for bags under eyes

If you have free time, you can use your own homemade cream. The ingredients for it are found in every home. And the result will be no worse than store-bought ointments. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is the time to obtain the desired effect. Home remedies work many times slower than store-bought ones. This is especially true for the use of anti-varicose cream-gel; products in this group are the most effective.


For homemade recipes for bags and dark circles under the eyes, the cream is prepared on the basis of wax, yogurt or oils.

First option includes: beeswax and essential oils (aloe juice, grape seed or any other favorite oil). You need to take 15 g of each component, a couple of drops of oils. Mix everything thoroughly and let it harden. Apply to problem skin at night.

Second recipe prepared on the basis of homemade yogurt (0.03 l) and green tea (0.1 l). Mix everything and let it brew. It is recommended to store the resulting ointment in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days. This should be taken into account when producing large quantities.

Third recipe prepared from olive and cocoa oils. Cooking proportions 1:1. Cocoa butter is heated in a water bath, after which olive oil is poured into it and mixed. It also needs to be stored in the refrigerator. In addition to its lymphatic drainage properties, it is a moisturizer.

There is no need to regularly fight bags and dark circles under your eyes. Having discovered the reason for their appearance, you can forget about the problem for a long time.

Does your boyfriend think using men's eye cream is a waste of time? Send him a link to this article - we are ready to prove the opposite.

Features of men's eye contour cream How to choose a cream for the skin around the eyes Rating of products Application rules

Features of men's eye contour cream

Men's skin in general ages more slowly than women's skin, but this does not apply to the skin of the eyelids. © Getty Images

Men's skin differs from women's skin in several ways.

It's more dense.

More prone to fat.

More often irritated (shaving is not in vain).

Unfortunately or fortunately, all this does not apply to the skin of the eyelids. So both women and men have to take care of this area in approximately the same way. In addition, the factors that provoke aging of the skin of the eyelids do not depend on gender. Among them:

external negative factors, for example, ultraviolet radiation;

lack of physical activity;

insufficient skin care.

All these reasons lead to the fact that sooner or later the skin around the eyes becomes drier and covered with a network of wrinkles. And the following troubles can happen to her:

formation of bags and dark circles.

Typically, men's eye cream is multifunctional and combats several problems at once.

How to choose an eye cream

When choosing a cream for the skin around the eyes, you should take into account age and time of year. © Getty Images

When choosing a men's cream for wrinkles around the eyes, you should take into account your age and your own wishes. The consistency should be comfortable (men prefer light gel textures), and the aroma should be pleasant. Ideally, it is better to entrust the choice of cosmetics to a cosmetologist. Sometimes you can rely on the taste of your wife or girlfriend (if you trust her, of course).


Over the years, there is a desire to look not just good, but younger than the age indicated in the passport. This largely explains men’s interest in beauty products.

30 years

As they approach thirty, many men come to the conclusion that they cannot do without a good face and eyelid cream. A network of wrinkles appears around the eyes, and they are visible not only when smiling, but also when the face is relaxed.

40 years

The renewal processes slow down, the synthesis of collagen and elastin decreases, as a result the skin loses its elasticity. Wrinkles around the eyes become deeper, and more powerful products with peptides and antioxidants are required for care.

50 years


Most often, men's eye products contain the following active ingredients:

lymphatic drainage ingredients (caffeine, horse chestnut extract);

soothing moisturizing extracts (chamomile, aloe);

Required Action

Creams for men's skin around the eyes can satisfy the following requests:

Times of Day

In the morning. Apply eye cream after cleansing and toning in the morning.

In the evening. Use the product a couple of hours before bedtime to avoid causing morning swelling.


When choosing a product for the area around the eyes for men, the time of year also matters.

In winter. At low temperatures, the product should be slightly denser than summer. And if you go for a walk in severe frost, it is recommended to also apply a protective cream.

In summer. It is better not to use saturated textures. A gel or light non-greasy cream will refresh the skin and will not leave any excess shine.

Fund rating

According to the editors of, this list contains the best products for caring for men's skin around the eyes.

Anti-wrinkle cream

Anti-aging skin care around the eyes Age Fitness Eye Advanced, Biotherm

The formula is based on the famous spirulina extract. Its main task is to saturate the skin with vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Algae in combination with astaxanthin have an anti-aging effect, reduce the severity of wrinkles and bags under the eyes.

Anti-wrinkle eye serum-gel Force Supreme Eye Architect Serum, Biotherm

Serum for the area around the eyes from the men's series perfectly nourishes the skin of this delicate area, masking wrinkles, and at the same time dark circles under the eyes.

Men's eye cream against bags and dark circles Eye Fuel, Kiehl's

The product with caffeine and vitamin B3 fights bags and dark circles under the eyes, smoothes the skin, visibly refreshes and moisturizes.

Against bags under the eyes

Men's multifunctional anti-aging eye cream Age Defender Eye Repair, Kiehl’s

Caffeine and rye seed extract strengthen and tighten the skin around the eyes. With constant use, dark circles are reduced and wrinkles become less noticeable.

Intensively moisturizing cream-gel Hydraphase Intense Yeux, La Roche-Posay

Well moisturizes thanks to low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, fights puffiness due to caffeine. Suitable for sensitive and dehydrated eyelid skin.

Antioxidant gel for the skin around the eyes AOX+ Eye Gel, SkinCeuticals

The gel texture refreshes the skin, a cocktail of antioxidants and vitamins protects against oxidative stress.

Application rules

The rules for applying cream for the area around the eyes are the same for everyone. © Getty Images

The basic rule for eyelid skin care is to use cream for this area twice a day.

Cleanse your skin with gel or foam.

Apply toner (choose one that is suitable for the skin around the eyes).

Squeeze a small amount of eye product from the tube.

Using the pads of your ring fingers, carefully apply the product to the skin using a tapping motion.

In the evening, use the product two hours before bedtime.

It is good if the application of the cream is accompanied by a small acupressure.