Libriderm anti-wrinkle eye cream

The Librederm brand is well-known today - it is widely advertised on TV and in the press. The manufacturer's promises sound tempting.

The Russian brand Librederm appeared on the beauty market relatively recently, it is not even five years old. Thanks to competent marketing, as well as really good quality products, the brand quickly gained popularity.

What Libriderm offers for aging skin and whether its care products really help in the fight against wrinkles - let’s try to figure it out.

More about the brand

Libriderm positions its products as cosmoceuticals, or medicinal cosmetics, so you can buy them in pharmacy chains (including online pharmacies), as well as in chain stores of the same name. Such cosmetics nourish, moisturize and disguise skin defects. Librederm has a therapeutic effect at a deep cellular level.

In any case, these are the manufacturer’s assurances. The packaging of the products looks laconic, yet stylish and expensive; the creams are in sealed tubes with convenient dispensers.

All facial products have a light consistency and do not have chemical fragrances or dyes. There are several lines, or collections, of Libriderm cosmetics on the market, designed for any age, including anti-age (that is, anti-aging) products.

Anti-wrinkle creams can be found in the following lines produced by Libriderm:

  1. hyaluronic collection designed for ages 25+;
  2. collagen collection for women over 35;
  3. plant stem cells, a line for elegant ladies 45+.

The effectiveness of the facial line

After 25 years, representatives of the fair sex begin to worry about preserving young skin, trying to find a “magic cream” that would remove the first signs of age-related changes from their faces.

At a more mature age, the issue of combating wrinkles becomes even more relevant. Do Librederm creams help against wrinkles, or are the manufacturers’ promises just an advertising ploy? This question interests many women, especially since the products of this brand cannot be called cheap.

Prices for anti-age products, although lower than well-known foreign brands, are still significantly higher than many mass-market cosmetics brands. Efficiency primarily depends on the composition.

Libriderm cosmeceuticals include:

  1. Hyaluronic acid, known for its rejuvenating, moisturizing and skin regenerating effect, and this substance is presented in a three-fraction state: high, medium and low molecular weight acid, which ensures the depth of its penetration into the skin.
  2. Various vitamins (A, E, C, F, etc.).
  3. Collagen, which makes the skin firmer and more elastic and stimulates the production of “native” collagen.
  4. Extracts of beneficial plants (chamomile, cornflower, arnica, finger lime, etc.).
  5. Valuable oils (sweet almond, camelina, shea tree, argan), etc.
  6. Grape stem cell extract.
  7. Special peptides are the matrikins PAL-GQPR and Pal-GHK, which are involved in the regeneration of aging skin and smooth out wrinkles at the cellular level.

Reviews about the effectiveness of Libriderm creams in the fight against wrinkles are generally positive. Women like the light texture, the absence of artificial fragrances, quick absorption without the feeling of stickiness or film.

As for the effect of use, there are different reviews - from “it helps 150%” to “nothing special, just good moisturizers.” After at least a week of use, the skin looks healthier and more elastic.

You shouldn’t expect the effect of cosmetic surgery or the complete disappearance of wrinkles from Libriderm creams (as, indeed, from any others), but it can even make age-related wrinkles and nasolabial folds less pronounced.

Top 5 best products

With hyaluronic acid

The hyaluronic collection is designed to combat the first wrinkles (25+). However, it will be useful for ladies of any age, because hydration is always important.

The product is based on low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, the effect of which is enhanced by argan oil and glutamic acid. Together, these three components work to quickly stabilize the water cellular balance (SOS care), and also provide a long-term effect, triggering the natural reserves of skin renewal.

The method of application is simple:

  1. Cleanse your facial skin.
  2. Apply the cream to dry skin with gentle massaging movements until absorbed.

The average price in Russia is 690 rubles.

Transformative 3D filler

Another interesting cream from the hyaluronic line. You can use it as a base for makeup or on its own. The manufacturer promises a “blur” effect (Photoshop, or rather, blurred focus) and an instant transformation of the skin, which visually becomes smooth and velvety, and pores and fine wrinkles become invisible.

The active ingredient is the same hyaluronic acid, and the reflective particles and warm color pigments contained in the cream help achieve the effect of ideal skin.

Step-by-step instructions for use:

  1. Apply your day cream to your face.
  2. Distribute a small amount of blur cream with your fingertips over the entire skin of the face or only on problem areas with enlarged pores or wrinkles. The product should be lightly beaten in, not rubbed.
  3. After a few 5-10 seconds, you can continue applying makeup.

The average price in Russia is 950 rubles.

With collagen rejuvenating

The series with collagen is recommended for women 35-45 years old. The main active ingredient, as the name implies, is collagen (a protein important for elastic and strong skin), its action is enhanced by elastin, which promotes cell regeneration.

Active peptides - matrikins Pal-GQPR and Pal-GHK - act as a catalyst for the production of collagen and elastin in the dermal layers. The cream is recommended to be used twice a day: in the morning and at night, preferably a couple of hours before bedtime.

Instructions for use are simple:

  1. Cleanse the skin.
  2. Squeeze out a small amount of cream and apply it with delicate touches in the direction of the massage lines.
  3. Gently massage the cream into the skin with your fingertips.

The average price in the Russian Federation is 700 rubles.

Anti-age with grape stem cells

The product belongs to the collection intended for aging skin after 45 years. The action is based on the active substance - grape stem cells. They protect the skin from free radicals for 6 hours after applying the cream.

The composition also includes cranberry and pomegranate extracts, which have an antioxidant effect and stimulate the synthesis of your own collagen, as a result of which wrinkles are smoothed out and complexion improves.

How to use:

  1. Cleanse the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.
  2. Apply a small amount of cream with light movements along the massage lines.
  3. Make light tapping movements with your fingertips so that the cream is better absorbed.

The average price in Russia is 750 rubles.

Intensive anti-aging serum with vitamin C

The active substance of this product is vitamin C. The molecules of which are presented in lipid form for better penetration into the layers of the dermis.

The effect of this effect is complex: it includes restoration and rejuvenation of the skin, reduction of wrinkles, and reduction of redness and irritation, lightening of hyperpigmentation.

Mode of application:

  1. 1-2 hours before bedtime, cleanse your face and wipe dry.
  2. Distribute a small amount of product along the massage lines with gentle movements of your fingertips.

Average price – 690 rub.

About cosmetics for the skin around the eyes

The delicate skin around the eyes requires special care, and for it in each Libriderm collection (hyaluronic, collagen, with plant stem cells, etc.) there are special creams that help, including against wrinkles.

Reviews about these products are not bad. For a tangible visual result, certain conditions must be met:

  1. choose eye cream according to your age;
  2. use it in a course (at least a month).

So, Libriderm cosmetics can successfully fight wrinkles and increase the elasticity and hydration of the skin for girls and women of any age, starting from 25. It is important to choose the right series (collection) for yourself and regularly use the products within it, and then the result will not be long in coming .

The domestic cosmetics industry never ceases to amaze. The market for skin and hair care products has been replenished with products from the successful Librederm brand. Rejuvenating, nourishing, moisturizing creams and serums for the face, hands, body, hair care products - this is not the entire list of Libriderm brand products. Anyone with any skin type will be able to choose the ideal product for themselves. The brand produces products for both young skin and older skin that needs special care. One of the brand’s most favorite products is Libriderm cream for the skin around the eyes. And the brand even has several types: for each problem there is an individual solution.

Let's take a closer look at the products of the Libriderm brand (eye cream), reviews and customer opinions.


Librederm brand philosophy

The Libriderm brand positions itself as cosmoceuticals (medicinal cosmetics), which is why the brand’s products are sold only in pharmacies. Active ingredients contained in cosmetics:

  1. Hyaluronic acid.
  2. Collagen.
  3. Troxerutin.
  4. Lecithin.
  5. Vitamins A, E, F.
  6. Camelina oil.
  7. Natural plant extracts.

Librederm cosmetics are distinguished by their low price, but at the same time high quality components and products. For example, Libriderm cream around the eyes (the price of which starts from 200 rubles) is one of the most affordable cosmoceutical products. The care lines are very extensive and include products for the care of problematic, oily, dry and aging skin.

The main component contained in almost all products is hyaluronic acid. Previously, creams containing it could only be purchased in the luxury segment or in professional brands of medicinal cosmetics.

Why do you need cream for the eye area?

Does the skin around the eyes need special care? Undoubtedly yes. The fact is that the area around the eyes is thinner, devoid of hair follicles and does not produce sebum. Due to this, the skin is more flexible, which makes facial expressions easier. As we age, we face problems such as dry skin, the formation of facial wrinkles, the appearance of dark circles, puffiness and pigmentation under the eyes. The skin in this area is actively involved in facial expressions, which has a detrimental effect on its condition. That is why the delicate area around the eyes needs special products that can cope with this or that problem.

“Libriderm” - a cream around the eyes (reviews about it will follow) - can be selected for each individual case: to relieve puffiness, deep hydration or dark circles. Let's consider each tool separately.


Cream with hyaluronic acid

Libriderm cream with hyaluronic acid (reviews of which are very positive) has a powerful rejuvenating effect. According to the manufacturer, the product can tighten the upper eyelid and get rid of small and medium expression wrinkles. It also brightens the skin under the eyes and eliminates puffiness and swelling.

This product contains hyaluronic acid with different molecular weights. Molecules with a lower mass provide nutrition inside the epidermis, while molecules with a higher mass moisturize and protect the surface of the skin.

What else does hyaluronic acid provide and how does it work in creams? Hyaluronic acid, albeit in small quantities, is found in our body and provides tissue elasticity. With age, the amount of natural moisturizer in the body becomes less, which negatively affects the condition of the skin and hair.

At the beginning of the century, scientists isolated and studied hyaluronic acid. Having realized that its main quality is the attraction and retention of moisture, the open element immediately found a place in cosmetology. One hyaluronate molecule attracts and holds up to 1000 water molecules, which means it moisturizes perfectly! It’s no wonder that hyaluronic acid has become an active component in many face creams and serums. True, this miracle product only works on the surface of the skin; in order to moisturize the deeper layers, injections will be required.


Reviews of cream with hyaluronic acid

This doesn’t happen often, but the Libriderm cream with hyaluronic acid has entirely positive reviews. Customers notice a significant improvement in the condition of the skin around the eyes: a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles, a reduction in puffiness and brightening of the skin. Another big advantage of the product is its low, affordable price.

Many people compare Libriderm anti-aging cream (around the eyes) with luxury products in favor of the former.

Collagen cream

The Collagen line also contains a cream to care for the eye area. As the name implies, the main component of this product is collagen. This is a protein that is the building material of our skin. Over time, collagen fibers stop retaining moisture, the skin becomes drier, wrinkles appear, and the color becomes dull.

Libriderm cream with collagen (around the eyes) contains elastin, vitamin E and camelina oil, which complements the qualities of the main active component.

According to the manufacturer, after using the cream, the skin becomes more toned, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, and dark circles under the eyes disappear.

Let's consider whether collagen in face cream can really preserve youth and beauty? Collagen, like hyaluronic acid, is found in our body. Its task is to ensure the strength of the skin. Cosmetics may contain animal or marine collagen. The first is the cheapest and most accessible, the second is expensive and difficult to produce. What they have in common is that the molecule of both collagens is so large that it cannot penetrate anywhere further than the surface of the skin.

So is this just a publicity ploy? Yes and no. In fact, the collagen contained in creams cannot penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, saturate them with moisture, and even less help the production of its own collagen. But when it gets on the skin, collagen is able to moisturize its surface, due to its property of attracting moisture. In addition, it promotes tissue healing and regeneration.


Reviews of collagen cream

“Collagen” from “Libriderm” (eye cream) has mostly positive reviews. Customers note that after regular use of the product, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin looks fresher and more rested. Also, the advantages include the low cost and economical consumption of the product.

True, there are also negative reviews. Some customers had an individual intolerance to the components, which caused swelling of the area under the eyes.

Vitamin E cream

Another remedy from Libriderm is an eye cream with a lymphatic drainage effect. This remedy is aimed at combating swelling and edema.

In addition to the vitamin E (a powerful antioxidant) stated in the name, the composition includes camelina oil, corn oil and troxerutin. The latter has a lymphatic drainage effect, thereby reducing swelling in the tissues.

It is recommended to apply the product with patting movements to cleansed skin no later than 1.5-2 hours before bedtime.

What is so special about camelina oil in cosmetics and why is it so popular in the Libriderm cream for wrinkles around the eyes? Camelina oil is extracted from the seeds of Camelina sativa. It consists of 60% fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6), which, in turn, perfectly penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. The oil is also rich in antioxidants (carotenoids), vitamin E and phospholipids. Camelina oil is an excellent herbal component that can nourish and moisturize the skin, reduce the number of small expression wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones.


Reviews of vitamin E cream

This product from the company "Libriderm" (eye cream) has conflicting reviews. Most customers did not notice the effect that the manufacturer promises. The cream does not lighten obvious circles under the eyes and does not effectively combat swelling, but it moisturizes the skin well. Another category of customers liked the product; as a rule, these are those whose skin does not have deep facial wrinkles and dark circles. In their opinion, the product moisturizes the skin well and copes well with mild puffiness under the eyes.

Considering the low cost of the product, you should not expect the declared result from it, but for skin without obvious defects the cream is quite suitable.

Blueberry cream "Aevit"

Cream "Aevit" "Libriderm" around the eyes (reviews of which are more positive than the opposite) contains blueberry extract. Blueberries, which are the active component of this cream, are known for their composition rich in vitamins and microelements. The product nourishes, moisturizes and soothes the delicate skin around the eyes. In addition to blueberry extract, the cream contains vitamins A and E, which promote cell regeneration, increase elasticity, reduce wrinkles and slow down the aging process of skin cells. Soy protein peptides and hydrolyzed rice fight puffiness and swelling, improve microcirculation in tissues and prevent the appearance of new wrinkles.


Reviews of blueberry cream

The product from "Libriderm" - eye cream with blueberries - has generally positive reviews. Customers appreciated the pleasant texture of the cream and the pleasant, unobtrusive aroma of blueberries. In addition, the product does its job perfectly - moisturizes the skin, relieves mild puffiness and lightens dark circles under the eyes.

The disadvantages include the fact that some customers did not notice much of a difference after using the product. This may indicate that the cream may not be suitable or will not cope with severe puffiness and too dark circles under the eyes.

Cream with cornflower

The next remedy from Libriderm is an eye cream with cornflower. This product is intended for people with sensitive skin and a tendency to allergic reactions. This cream does not contain fragrance, dyes or mineral oils - everything that can cause a negative reaction on sensitive skin. The main active ingredient is cornflower extract. The plant has anti-edematous and tonic properties. The skin tightens, becomes more elastic, swelling and puffiness disappear. This product is ideal for aging skin.

Despite the fact that the product is positioned as hypoallergenic, pay attention to individual intolerance to the components.


Reviews of cornflower cream

Reviews about the cornflower cream are generally positive. Customers were pleased with the price-quality ratio of the product. The product does a good job of tightening and moisturizing the delicate skin around the eyes. Many appreciated that the product contains no fragrances or dyes, which is good news for those with sensitive skin.

Negative reviews also occur. Some users experienced the opposite effect - an allergic reaction to the components of the cream, which caused swelling and swelling of the skin of the eyelids. It must be borne in mind that many plant components can cause an allergic reaction. If you are not sure about the tolerability of a particular component, it is better to first conduct a test on the wrist or elbow.

How to choose eye cream?

There is a lot of controversy about Librederm cosmetics: professional cosmetologists claim that the products cannot be effective due to the very small amount of active ingredients indicated on the packaging, but buyers are mostly satisfied with the result. Given the low cost of the products, they can be tested in search of the ideal product, just always take into account the components to which you may be allergic.

After 30 years, you should not rely on light moisturizing creams; choose products that contain hyaluronic acid, vitamins, and fatty acids. But before 30, it is better not to overload the skin with products rich in active anti-aging ingredients. Choose light creams with natural plant extracts and vitamins.

Always purchase cosmetics based on the problem. If dark circles bother you, you shouldn't take a product that combats puffiness under the eyes, and vice versa.

It is equally important to use eyelid care cream correctly. Firstly, regularity is important, and secondly, more does not mean better. Apply the product every day, morning and evening, precisely under the eyes. Then, lightly tap the cream with the pads of your ring fingers, do not rub or stretch the delicate skin. Another important rule: do not apply the product immediately before going to bed, otherwise you will get puffy eyes under the eyes the next morning!


The skin around the eyes is thin and delicate. Wrinkles appear on it first. Poor nutrition and an unhealthy lifestyle immediately affect the skin under the eyes. The need to purchase products to care for these areas of the face arises very early. Cosmetologists advise purchasing eye cream starting from the age of 18–20. The cosmetic brand Librederm provides several products for this problematic skin segment.

Librederm for the skin around the eyes: features of choice

The peculiarity of products for the skin around the eyes from Librederm is their availability and good quality. The brand's products are sold in pharmacies and cosmetic supermarkets. Eye cream will cost you from 500 to 1500 rubles.


Libriderm products have informative packaging

The Librederm brand is represented in our pharmacies with a wide range of products. Some simple recommendations will help you make your choice:

  1. Buy a product that suits your skin type. Each brand collection is created for a specific age segment and specific skin needs. There are lines for aging skin, normal and young, for dry or oily skin, for sensitive facial skin;
  2. study the information on the packaging of Librederm cosmetics. The name of the product contains the name of the active ingredient of the product. This helps you make the right choice;
  3. Look for information about Librederm brand products on the Internet and in the media. The brand collaborates with famous beauty bloggers, provides its own testing tools, and has a large number of reviews and photographs online.

An allergic reaction to Librederm eye products is rare. But if you have sensitive skin, do not neglect the preliminary test. Apply the cream on your wrist first. The presence of any skin reaction to a new product indicates that the choice was made incorrectly.

When you are in a supermarket or pharmacy, it can be quite difficult to decide on your choice of eye cream. It is not always possible to communicate with a consultant, and the text on the packaging can be difficult to read. If you make a choice among the Librederm brand assortment, the decision will be easier to make. Look at the active ingredient in the product. Collagen and stem cells are powerful anti-aging ingredients. Consequently, creams with this label are intended for women over 35. Vitamins, microelements, antioxidants are ingredients that are necessary for young skin; hyaluronic acid is suitable for women 30–35 years old.

If you read glossy magazines and fashion portals, then just remember who advertises this or that Librederm collection. For example, Natalya Rudova and Yulia Baranovskaya became the face of the collection with hyaluronic acid. This means that the line is designed for young women. And Lika Star presents the Stem Cells collection. The singer is now over 45 years old. This means that this line is for older women. So, my advice: watch out for advertising in magazines and places of sale, focus on advertising people, this helps you make a choice.

Video: review of the Librederm hyaluronic series, including eye cream

How to apply Librederm eye cream

The eye cream has a light, easily absorbed texture and should be applied once or twice a day.

Librederm eye products are not divided into daytime and evening products. Any cream for the skin around the eyes is intended for use during the day, at any time of the day.

Apply the cream product for the skin around the eyes according to the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Cleanse your face. In the morning, wash your face with a product designed for your skin type. In the evening, start your routine with makeup remover and then wash your face as usual.
  2. There is no need to absorb moisture from the skin; apply caring creams to wet skin, providing additional hydration.
  3. Apply cream to the skin under your eyes a few spots. The total volume of the product is no more than a pea. Most Librederm eye creams have a narrow neck applicator. It is convenient to squeeze the cream directly onto the skin.
  4. Using your fingertips, gently massage the cream into the skin. Try not to move the skin, act carefully.


Movements when applying cream should be careful

Librederm eye products can be combined with anti-aging concentrates or oils, applying them before applying the cream.

Useful tips

When used correctly, Librederm eye products will give maximum effect:

  1. Learn to use the applicator nozzle to apply the product without using your fingers. This will avoid contamination of the product;


Use the narrow neck as an applicator for applying cream

Review of Librederm products for the skin around the eyes

Most of the brand's collections include products for the skin around the eyes.

Table: popular lines from Librederm that contain products for the skin around the eyes

Collection name What skin type is it suitable for? Which eye product is included in the collection? Approximate cost (in the brand’s online store)
Hyaluronic For dry and sensitive Broad-spectrum hyaluronic eye cream 500 RUR
Mesolux For aging skin Mezolux bio-reinforcing anti-aging eye contour cream 1500 RUR
Collagen For all skin types Collagen rejuvenating cream for the skin of the eye contour 600 rub.
Aevit For oily and combination skin Aevit cream with blueberries against swelling for the skin around the eyes 275 rub.
Vitamin E For dry skin Vitamin E antioxidant cream for delicate skin around the eyes 240 rub.
3D fillers For aging skin, including deep folds Hyaluronic 3D filler cream for the skin around the eyes rejuvenating 1200 rub.
Stem cells For aging skin that has lost density and tone Plant stem cells anti-age balm for deep wrinkles around the eyes 500 rub.

Top 3 popular eye products from Librederm

If you study reviews online, you can identify three of the most popular eye creams from a well-known pharmacy brand.

Librederm collagen cream for the skin around the eyes

The Librederm collagen collection is perhaps the most popular in the last two years. And the eye product from this line is among the top three.


The packaging of Collagen cream is high-quality and convenient

Active Ingredients

The product is designed to combat loss of elasticity of the skin around the eyes. This is facilitated by plant collagen and elastin in the composition. In addition, there are ingredients that activate the growth of your own collagen in the skin. These are camelina oil, vitamin E, extracts of the Persian silk tree and Sigesbeckia orientalis.

Result from application

Customer reviews are generally positive. Fans of this brand talk about visible results after the first days. Swelling and dark circles go away, and wrinkles straighten out. Crow's feet disappear almost immediately. Young girls write about this. And older clients notice only the moisturizing effect.

This is a very good product, with a pleasant and light texture, economical consumption and a very beautiful design. I am delighted with the visible and very quick result, and I forgive this cream for the lack of a pronounced accumulative effect, because on my skin this is the best result from using it in a long time.

Mysterious Flower

Some people have doubts about the innovativeness of the formula.

I've been using it for over a month now, but there are no changes. But I really wanted to trust the manufacturer. I thought for a long time about the rating: give the cream 3 or 4. I give it 3. Why? Because marketers should curb their ardor. If the cream had been declared as moisturizing/softening, I would have given it a solid five - here the cream copes 100%. But only I didn’t buy a moisturizer, but a “rejuvenator.” There is a complete zero here (at least for me). I'm sorry.


There are cases of allergic reaction.

For me, the acquisition became not only useless, but also meaningless. This cream turned out to be a real pest for my delicate eyelid skin. Although the manufacturer indicates that there may be individual intolerance to some components. On the third day of use, a huge and unpleasant surprise awaited me: as usual, in the morning I applied the cream and began to go about my work, but after three hours my eyes began to water and my eyelids itched unbearably. And after a couple of hours, a small surprise awaited me in the mirror - my eyelids became swollen and covered with a small rash.


Hyaluronic filler 3d eye cream anti-aging

The name “Hyaluronic 3D Filler” is misleading for some. Women are waiting for an injection. However, this is a creamy product.


The luxury packaging of Librederm Hyaluronic 3D Filler is liked by most buyers

Active components

Loss of hydration is one of the first causes of aging. Therefore, Librederm Laboratory could not help but use hyaluronic acid in its products, because it is a powerful modern hydrating ingredient. The line with hyaluronic acid has become in demand. And customers liked the eye product called Filler 3D. In addition to hyaluronic acid, the product contains several types of oils:

True, there may also be a threat hidden in this diversity. Sensitive and allergy-prone skin does not tolerate a large number of components.


Filler 3D cream has a convenient dispenser, but there is no applicator; you have to use your fingers to apply

Result after use

If you can afford an eyelid product for 1,200 rubles, then consumers online strongly advise you to do so. The cream is most often given five points.

I really liked the effect of the cream. I really noticed a reduction in the fine lines around my eyes. This happened after about 2 weeks of constant use of the cream 2 times a day. Other than that, I like my look in the morning. He became more rested and fresh. My dark circles have not disappeared anywhere, but in fact they are not so noticeable on me. So I just don't pay attention to them. In every sense I liked the cream. This volume is enough for about 2 months of use.

Roza-Linda, Russia, Voronezh

There are several users online who are dissatisfied with the product. Their main complaint is the lack of anti-aging effect and sometimes an allergic reaction. We conclude: Hyaluronic filler 3d eye cream is not suitable for everyone.

It moisturizes well, but it didn’t give me any anti-aging effect. Perhaps, in my case, it’s too late to try to correct the existing situation with cream, so I can’t blame the cream either. Didn't cause any discomfort. This is a good option for daily care. And those who, like me, have already developed decent wrinkles under their eyes, will not be able to rejuvenate with its help.

Dimasika Mama, Russia, Chelyabinsk

Librederm Aevit cream for the skin around the eyes

The Aevit line is designed for young skin. The eye product from this collection is easy to use, comes in a tube with a practical applicator.

Active ingredients

Young urban women need a daily dose of antioxidants and vitamins to combat the damaging effects of the environment and stress. Aevit eye cream is a whole vitamin cocktail that fights the destructive effects of free radicals. Contains blueberry extract, vitamins A, E, B, PP and C, vegetable oils.


The volume of eye cream with blueberries from Librederm is 20 ml, enough for several months of daily use Effect of use

Users' opinions about this cream are divided almost in half. Some people are delighted with the product, while others give it a “solid C”. Absolutely everyone notes the delightful aroma of Aevit cream and convenient packaging. Young Internet users definitely recommend the product.

The manufacturer promises that the effect occurs after 2 weeks of continuous use of the product. To be honest, I didn’t really believe in quick results, but after 12 days my daily bags from contact lenses and eye strain began to subside, and now I can hardly do without my little blueberry helper!


Girls and women with problem skin do not notice any special advantages of this cream formula. But almost everyone sees glowing skin after use.

AEVIT cream with blueberries from Libriderm helps fight puffiness and dark circles quite well, but not 5, you definitely shouldn’t rely on this cream for such problems. It also does not reduce wrinkles, but it does tone the skin of the eyelids. For the summer it will most likely be a little heavy, but for the winter it’s just right. I will gladly buy it again next winter, excellent cream.


One of the unexpected features of Aevit eye cream is the yellowish tint of the product. And be prepared for the fact that the cream does not have a sun filter. It is better to use it as a night remedy.

Video: AEVIT eye cream from Librederm

A wide variety of products from the high-quality Russian brand Librederm provides the opportunity to choose products for the skin around the eyes. There are products for every age segment and different skin needs. Study reviews online from beauty bloggers and ordinary users, and you can choose your product. The low price will be a pleasant bonus to your purchase.