Nivea anti-wrinkle cream for men


It is known that men's skin ages slowly and has a special texture, so a special line of creams is being developed for the stronger sex, which meets all the necessary requirements.

Nivea Men cream is a proven product that has been used by men all over the world for decades, and the company has never disappointed its grateful customers.


Features of men's skin

In order to choose the right cream for the stronger sex, you need to know the characteristics of their skin, which differ significantly from the female epithelium and have a completely different approach.

So, the features are:

  1. dense texture;
  2. tendency to develop pimples, blackheads and redness;
  3. slow aging, but the wrinkles that appear cannot be corrected;
  4. tendency to dryness and a feeling of tightness;
  5. need for hydration.


It is not necessary to buy expensive products in order to maintain an attractive appearance. The main thing is to choose a cream that meets all the stated requirements and is suitable for a certain skin type.


Nivea - for men

Nivea was founded in 1882, but the famous blue jar appeared much later. Initially, the packaging was yellow, and acquired its current form only in 1924. The founder of the company is Karl Parl, a pharmacist and inventor of the modern adhesive plaster.

It's no secret that it was Nivea that first developed a line of products that care for men's skin - these are creams, gels, and shaving foams. Nivea Men cream is specially designed for men's skin, tested by research and is very popular among men.


The recipe of the branded cream changes over time, but the main components remain unchanged - eucerite, glycerin, ozokerite, panthenol.

The composition also includes natural thickeners and flavors, which also perform the function of moisturizing and nutrition. Each of the ingredients serves its purpose and together produces a complete product.



To care for aging skin, Nivea offers a line of anti-wrinkle creams. The product contains creatine and coenzyme Q10 - these substances protect the epithelium from the negative external influences of the environment, nourish it with all the necessary substances for cell regeneration and renewal.

Without creatine and coenzyme Q10, the skin quickly fades, wrinkles form, and general aging is observed.

The company is developing an anti-wrinkle product specifically for the stronger half of humanity, taking into account all the characteristics of the body and using the latest developments in the field of cosmetology.



In addition to the fact that Nivea Men cream can be used at any time of the day in any quantity to moisturize and nourish the skin, it can also be used for other purposes:

  1. softening after shaving;
  2. strengthening and protecting the skin;
  3. tattoo processing;
  4. as an ingredient in a face or hair mask;
  5. eliminates irritation;
  6. help with heel care;
  7. protection from low temperatures during the cold season.

Initially, the cream was used as a medical product in the treatment of dermatological diseases, therefore it has anti-allergenic, healing and therapeutic effects. Not only adult men, but also boys and young men of any age can use the cream.

Experts strongly recommend using Nivea Men in winter - this way the skin will be protected from cracking, peeling and low temperatures.



Most men who use Nivea Men cream respond positively to the product. Many men have been using the Nivea cosmetics line for many years and are not going to change traditions. Among the positive characteristics, buyers especially highlight good absorbency, moisturizing, as well as affordable cost.

Consumers also note that the cream is ideal as a product that moisturizes and relieves irritation after shaving. It is noted that Nivea Men is suitable for any skin type - this is very convenient, because everyone knows men’s dislike for choosing a cosmetic product.


Buyers also respond positively to the anti-wrinkle product - a soft, toning cream-gel eliminates fine wrinkles, prevents their appearance and gives the skin a blooming appearance.


Among the rare negative reviews, there are complaints about the texture being too greasy, unpleasant and having a strong chemical smell.

Despite this, the number of letters of gratitude to Nivea offices has reached an extremely large number. Cosmetics from this company have been used for more than one generation and the demand for the product not only does not fall, but is also steadily growing.


Review of face cream NIVEA MEN - in the video below.

Many men have already become convinced that Nivea men is a face cream that can cope with the most unpleasant skin defects. The product has many advantages, and one of them is that the formula of the drug has been developed specifically for the male dermis, which, no less often than the female dermis, suffers from adverse external influences.

The principle of action and effectiveness of Nivea men face cream

Nivea men is a formula designed specifically for men's skin. At first, it served as a medicine and was used to combat inflammatory processes, aging, and treat non-healing wounds and cracks. Thanks to its delicate texture, the active ingredients quickly penetrate into the deep tissues of the skin, beginning to act immediately - moisturizing, enriching with nutrients. The product can also boast a pleasant masculine aroma that can be felt for a long time.

Nivea facial cosmetics for men have many positive qualities:

  1. protects from the adverse effects of frost, winds, ultraviolet radiation;
  2. softens the dermis after daily shaving;
  3. copes with irritations;
  4. eliminates peeling;
  5. nourishes skin tissue with useful elements and replenishes lack of moisture.

Do you know? The product can be used at any age - there are no restrictions. It is recommended for young men to use the composition against teenage rashes, for older men - against aging.

What's in it?

The men's cream differs slightly from the Nivea women's preparations in composition. The only thing is that it contains more vitamins and protective components, allowing the stronger sex to feel confident even on frosty days or under the scorching sun.

The composition of the men's product contains:

  1. vitamins E, A (allow you to saturate the dermal tissue with useful elements, prevent aging, the formation of sagging, sagging);
  2. glycerin (softens the dermis, relieves inflammation, irritation, eliminates spots of dryness, peeling);
  3. panthenol (replenishes the lack of moisture, maintains a healthy tone, elasticity, freshness);
  4. a mixture of oils (enriches the skin tissue with essential elements, eliminates discomfort after shaving, soothes).

Thanks to its light structure, the drug quickly penetrates the skin tissue. There is practically no greasy, unpleasant film or a feeling of dryness or discomfort - absorption occurs completely, and there is no need to remove any remaining product.

We invite you to watch the video in more detail about the composition:

Indications and contraindications for use

The peculiarity of the Nivea drug is that it is designed specifically for the male dermis, taking into account all the requirements. Indications for its use are:

  1. dryness, flaky patches;
  2. tendency to irritation, allergic reactions;
  3. discomfort after shaving;
  4. rashes, single pimples;
  5. uneven shade;
  6. wrinkles, sagging;
  7. looseness of the skin;
  8. enlarged or clogged pores.

It is recommended to use the drug on all types of skin. The product will perfectly moisturize the dermis that is too dry, eliminate or prevent peeling. For those with oily skin with actively working glands, the composition will help get rid of the untidy layer of fat. Thanks to the unique formula, regular use will allow representatives of the stronger sex to cope with problematic dermis.

A question that often arises among representatives of the stronger sex is whether the drug has restrictions on use or contraindications. You can use Nivea without fear - the safe composition allows you to apply the product even to those with overly sensitive dermis prone to irritation.

The only limitation applies to men whose dermis reacts to some components of cosmetic preparations. If after using Nivea men irritation, profuse rashes, or unsightly spots appear, you will have to abandon further procedures and choose a product with a different composition.

How to use Nivea men cream correctly

The use of the drug will not cause any particular difficulties even for men who have never used cosmetics for the care of the dermis. Basic rules for performing manipulations using Nivea men:

  1. wash your face with warm water first; it is recommended to use a natural-based detergent that will not cause irritation;
  2. remove remaining moisture, blot with a soft cloth;
  3. apply a thin layer of cream, lightly rub into the skin with your fingertips, if you have time, massage your face;
  4. wait for complete absorption; it is not recommended to remove any remaining drug.

Use the product for men twice a day, especially if there are skin problems. In winter, be sure to apply the composition before each exit outside - the active components will not only enrich the dermal tissue with moisturizing and nutritional elements, but will also create a thin and imperceptible film. Invisible protection will protect the skin from unfavorable factors - frosty air, cold wind.

Reviews from men

The Nivea company has been pleasing not only the fair sex with its products for decades, but also men, producing products that can cope with any problems of the dermis. It’s easy to verify this – just carefully study the reviews, of which there are many on men’s and women’s forums and on social networks.

What do the reviews of men who have already experienced the effects of skin care products indicate? Most of the responses are positive, they note that the cream easily copes with various skin defects. Many men use Nivea against irritation caused by shaving - the cream perfectly relieves unpleasant discomfort, prevents the appearance of rashes, softens the dermis, and promotes the healing of cracks or wounds.

The price of the drug is also noted in the reviews. If you compare it with expensive branded products that are comparable in effectiveness to Nivea men, you can find a significant difference. Nivea is much cheaper, which plays a significant role in the choice of skin care formulations.

If you carefully study the reviews, you can find a small number of negative responses. Men note the positive qualities of the cream, but also report that an unpleasant film appears on the dermis, which remains throughout the day.

Nivea men cream is a drug that many men have tried on themselves. Many positive qualities, high effectiveness against skin problems, no contraindications - the list of advantages of the composition could take a long time. Despite the number of drugs for the male dermis, which are produced more and more every year, many representatives of the stronger sex do not change their favorite cream. It is this that allows you to turn facial care into a pleasant experience that will certainly bring results.

Men's skin is qualitatively different from women's; it is denser and oilier (but this is only visual). However, she needs no less care, protection and cosmetic procedures, especially after 50. Anti-wrinkle cream for men is not a tribute to fashion and not a sign of homosexuality. Not only actors need a well-groomed face. A real man does not have to walk around with a face full of wrinkles.

If you have not used any cosmetic products before, you will find it useful to read this review.

Why do you need men's cosmetics?

In addition to the fact that men's skin is thicker than women's, it contains one fifth more collagen. Therefore, it reacts less to environmental influences, retains moisture better, and is more resistant to various mechanical influences: shaving, peeling. Due to the presence of testosterone in the blood, men age later and more slowly, but their first wrinkles are much deeper and more expressive than women.

After 40 years, men's skin may acquire a purple tint due to age-related dilation of small blood vessels.

After 50 years, testosterone production decreases, so the skin becomes thinner, drier, and spider veins appear on the cheeks and nose. Men's skin is more prone to enlarged pores, clogged pores and acne, so special attention should be paid to cleansing of excess oil and procedures to narrow pores. Frequent shaving leads to thinning of the epidermis and injures the skin, so the neck and chin area needs careful care and moisturizing. In vain, some men believe that skin care makes them effeminate. Agree, a well-groomed appearance is typical for successful businessmen, politicians, managers and specialists.

Men are increasingly turning to the services of cosmetologists and becoming clients of plastic surgeons. Cosmetics for men are not as diverse as women's, probably because most of the stronger sex are minimalists, mountains of all kinds of jars and bottles drive them into panic. But 2-3 products are necessary for every self-respecting male person who understands the importance of a decent appearance, especially if he is “already a little over thirty.” Many cosmetologists recommend using face cream from the age of 25.

What are the criteria for choosing a face cream?

  1. choose products from trusted manufacturers, well-known brands; you should not buy “no name” cosmetics without recommendations from people you trust, even if they are very intrusively advertised and offer all sorts of promotions;
  2. Be sure to pay attention to how this product is packaged. The packaging must be of high quality, beautiful, neat, the label must be securely and evenly glued, it must be marked with the batch number, production date and deadline, do not be lazy to pay attention to this, the expiration date for a cosmetic product is no less important than for sausage or milk;
  3. pay attention to the composition: if it contains formaldehyde, propylene glycol, lauryl sulfate or sodium laureth sulfate, paraben, hydrochenone, bithionol, glycerin, glycerone, triclosan, aluminum acetate, fluorocarbon, phenoxyethanol, talc - immediately discard such a product, it will cause much more harm , than the benefits;
  4. The age category indicated on the product is very important: you should not take the “40+” cream if, for example, you are 38;

Rating of skin care products for the stronger sex

Among the huge variety of manufacturers of cosmetics, for men, in particular, several conscientious manufacturers have been proven over the years: “Shiseido” - Japan, “L'oreal” - France, “Dior” - France, “Health @ beauty” - Israel, “ Nivea" - Germany, "Collistar" - Italy, "Bear Power" - Russia, "Florena" - Germany.

How to understand what kind of care your face needs?

First, you need to determine your skin type: oily, dry or mixed. For oily skin, it is better to choose lotions, tonics, and non-greasy moisturizers with a light consistency.

For dry skin - a more nutritious option.

There are also special creams for mixed types. Next, highlight which areas of the face are problematic.

If your nose is peeling, pay more attention to it; if a network of wrinkles appears under your eyes, buy an anti-wrinkle eyelid cream.

You should definitely choose the cream according to the time of year. In frosty, windy weather, you should not use the same thing as in sunny weather. Protection from cold and sun rays have different compositions.

Always check whether the product has been dermatologically and ophthalmologically tested - this is important!

Review of popular brands


Made in Japan. The men's line includes: cleansing foams and gels for washing and shaving, gels and eye creams, moisturizing and nourishing face creams, vitaminizing creams and lotions for the face, protecting and energizing cells, exclusively with men's scents. Anti-wrinkle cream promotes the production of hyaluronic acid, tightens the skin, makes it elastic, saturates it with oxygen and nutrients. All formulas are patented and contain no harmful substances, including sulfates, parabens and hormones. Anti-wrinkle corrector cream TM “Shiseido” has a pronounced rejuvenating effect, reduces deep wrinkles, removes fine ones, and makes the skin more elastic. You need to apply the cream 2 times a day - morning and evening. It does not clog pores and does not cause allergic reactions.


The manufacturer took the best from nature. Contains more than 90% natural ingredients. Innovative technologies combined with many years of experience in the pharmaceutical field provide amazing results. The skin is saturated with energy and takes on a healthy, well-groomed appearance. Collistar Linea UOMO is a line of cosmetics for men. Vitamins, moisturizing and protective ingredients give the skin an unforgettable feeling of comfort and freshness. You can start using it at the age of 25. Apply 1-2 times at any time of the day.


Israeli cosmetics based on Dead Sea minerals, saturated with plant extracts of vitamins. The men's line includes creams for hands, feet, for and after shaving, protective, and anti-wrinkle. All products comply with European standards.

Doesn't need advertising. Experience, name, quality. The men's line mainly includes products for shaving, after shaving, and protective creams.

Men's cosmetics from the French manufacturer L'oreal is a collection of products for cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing the skin during and after shaving, everything necessary to prevent premature skin aging. The cosmetics are suitable for the most sensitive skin, relieves redness, irritation, and peeling. Creates comfort and a flawless look.


One of the oldest cosmetic companies in the world. Absolutely safe. Maximum useful. A large selection of shaving and aftershave products, nourishing, anti-aging creams, cleansing lotions and scrubs. This universal cream is suitable for any skin type and age and does not cause unwanted reactions.

"Bear Power"

Made in Russia. Siberian cosmetics for real men. Anti-wrinkle cream for men contains extracts of ginseng, St. John's wort, and wild bee honey. Gives skin elasticity, freshness, energy and youth.

Anti-wrinkle cream for men at home

Any of the remedies proposed above will compete with salon procedures. There is a misconception that men can use women's lines, and special men's cosmetics are just a marketing ploy by manufacturers. In fact, this is not entirely true, since men's skin has a different density and differs in secretory functions, so men's facial products must have a very delicate consistency in order to penetrate deeper into the epidermis.

You can prepare the care product yourself, but you need to take into account that its shelf life will be much shorter; it is better to store such a product in a cool place, warming the required amount to room temperature before useto avoid blockage of the sebaceous glands. For the same purpose, you should never use a nourishing cream immediately after shaving; it is better to apply it at night or 30-60 minutes after shaving.

Gelatin masks

Gelatin face masks are very popular; there are a lot of similar recipes on the Internet, simpler and more complex, choose which one you like best.

Here are some options:

Recipe 1.

Take two tablespoons of milk, heat to 35-37 degrees, add one teaspoon of gelatin, stir until completely dissolved, add one beaten egg, apply the mixture to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes, for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing anti-wrinkle cream

Recipe 2.

Heat a few tablespoons of natural apple juice, add a tablespoon of gelatin, two tablets of crushed activated carbon, dissolve, spread on the face for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water, apply cream.

The second mask cleanses the pores well. You will notice the result after the first use: the skin is noticeably smoother.

When should you start using anti-wrinkle cream?

There is no need to wait for deep wrinkles to appear and then fight them unsuccessfully. Take care of your skin up to 30 years of age, moisturize and nourish your skin.

Daily shaving thins and dries it out, use anti-aging products, protect it from the sun, wind and frost.

Men's anti-wrinkle cream: necessity or ordinary PR

If the cream did not meet your expectations, this does not mean that it is bad. It may not suit your skin type, or your face may not have been properly prepared. Do not expect an instant rejuvenating effect; any procedures require regularity, consistency and timeliness.

Before applying a nourishing or moisturizing product, you need to thoroughly wash your face with gel, foam or scrub, dry your skin with a towel or pat dry with a napkin. Beat in the cream with gentle massaging or tapping movements.

After application, it is advisable to rest for 10-15 minutes with your eyes closed.

Remember that cosmetics are not a panacea. Don’t forget to get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, banal jellied meat is very useful, as well as all dishes containing gelatin. Physical exercise in the fresh air increases the concentration of oxygen in the blood. A positive mood produces hormones of happiness and joy. Take care of your youth. By choosing the right cosmetics, you will always look younger than your age.