Anti-wrinkle cream based on beeswax

Good day, dear ladies! Today we again continue the theme of our eternal struggle with the external manifestations of age, and to be even more precise, we will prepare a creamy homemade elixir of youth.

We already know how to do this, right? We prepared face and body creams (here and here), so now we can proudly be called inveterate kitchen chemists. And today, when we (I don’t know about you, but I definitely) have become almost professionals in making creams ourselves, it’s time to create an anti-wrinkle cream at home.

I think you remember very well the basic principles of making effective homemade creams with your own hands. But if you forgot, it’s okay, repetition is the mother of learning. Here they are in brief:

5 ingredients for rejuvenation potion

What can we say about housewives who push saucepans to the edge of the table so that they can quickly whip up a miracle potion that prolongs youth while their husbands and children are off to school and work? People like you and me, dear ladies, would have been burned at the stake in the Middle Ages, and in Ancient Rus' they would have been respectfully called “knowing mothers.” A knowing mother is a witch. But every woman should have a little bit of a witch. You agree with me?

So, we make up our magic potion from five types of components:

  1. The first is a solid base (beeswax, lanolin, coconut oil), which must be melted in a water bath.
  2. The second is a liquid base (glycerin, natural vegetable liquid oils), added to the melted solid phase.
  3. The third component is an emulsifier. I suffered for a long time, trying to remember this word, and then I realized that I suffered in vain and remembered it forever. Do you know how? An emulsifier is a substance that helps form a stable mixture of liquid and solid components of our cream - an emulsion. Emulsifier – emulsion, everything is simple, isn’t it? The emulsifier can be a solid phase substance: lanolin, beeswax, lecithin, gelatin. It can also be an essential oil (tea tree, for example), a chemical from a pharmacy (guar gum, sucrose stearate).
  4. The fourth component is the aqueous phase. It can be distilled water, herbal infusions and decoctions, tea, even juice and milk.
  5. And the last issue of our program is bioactive supplements (vitamins, aloe, etc.).

Important! Active components may be destroyed when heated. Therefore, they are introduced into the cooling cream at a temperature below 42 degrees with intensive stirring and whipping.

Two bat wings, two snake tongues

Component ratios. This is a very important point. Why? The fact is that some substances can be mixed with each other only if they are taken in certain proportions.

So for our cream, in order for its consistency to be ideal, we must take 30% of the base (if we take a mixture of solid and liquid bases, for example, beeswax - glycerin, then in total there should be about 30-40%) and approximately 60 % aqueous phase. We scatter the remaining 10% into an emulsifier, active additives, etc.

Note: Some creams are prepared using a different technology, without heating. Therefore, they are more like masks, and their shelf life is short.

You, of course, remember what kind of dishes we need? No? To prepare the cream you will need:

  1. water bath,
  2. glass bowls,
  3. glass jars,
  4. mixer (mini),
  5. thermometer (for liquid),
  6. a glass or wooden spoon for stirring (metal can react with the components of the cream and ruin our Cream Maker Day),
  7. syringe (or pipette) for adding active ingredients.

Witch's cauldron

Basic cooking method (hot method). Heat the solid base in a bathhouse until completely melted, add the liquid base to it, mix very well and add the emulsifier. Gradually introduce the aqueous phase into the mixture. In small portions, constantly stirring with the mixer turned off.

Attention! When combining the oil and water phases, monitor the temperature. The difference should not exceed 5°C. Otherwise, there is a high probability of delamination of the finished product.

Stirred? Remove from the bath and start whisking. Cool to 35-40°C, add active additives and beat until completely cooled. Place in clean jars and put in the refrigerator.

The witches' dances are over - harsh everyday life has begun. We wash the dishes, remove traces of creaming and again, to divert attention, we place pots of our favorite borscht throughout the kitchen.

Recipes for drugs that restore former beauty

I tried to imagine what this title would look like in a medieval incunabulum book. I think many women of that time would have given a lot to know such a secret.

But let's get to the point. Here I will provide recipes for experienced cream makers, recipes that are prepared with some deviation from standard technology. Therefore, if something doesn’t work out, you can decrease or increase the ratio of solid to liquid phase until you begin to get a stable emulsion.

Anti-wrinkle night cream

This is a night cream for combination or dry skin that soothes, relieves irritation, nourishes and smoothes wrinkles. How to make it?

Prepare a potion from:

  1. calendula infusion (30 ml),
  2. calendula oil (20 ml),
  3. almond oil (40 ml),
  4. lemon juice (10 ml),
  5. emulsifier (aka solid base) – beeswax (20 g).

As active ingredients, take essential oils of lemon and frankincense (5-10 drops each). This recipe has a reduced amount of water phase, so it will be stored longer than when prepared in compliance with all proportions - from two weeks to a month.

We follow the technology: melt the wax, add the liquid base and liquid phase, stir with a non-metallic spoon (so as not to spoil the cream). Remove from the bath, add lemon juice and essential oils, beat and cool. Apply at night to cleansed skin.

By the way! Share the recipe for this cream with your husband. He doesn’t want to grow old either, and this wonderful remedy is suitable for both women and men.

Did you manage? And this cream is even easier to prepare:

Miracle cream

Heat a glass of olive oil in a water bath, add 30g of beeswax to it. Gently stir over the heat until the wax is completely dissolved, just do not bring to a boil.

Has the mixture melted? Now you need to very carefully add half the yolk. Be careful, because our potion will begin to greatly increase in volume and we must constantly stir it. Thus, bring the composition to a boil and remove from heat. If you get a not entirely homogeneous mass, pass it through a sieve.

This is truly a wonderful cream. I don’t know what’s so special about it, but it works better than any expensive one, and it’s also very useful for nails, so be sure to try it!

Video recipe

Anti-wrinkle eye cream

To make a cream for the skin around the eyes, which helps relieve swelling, make the skin of the eyelids elastic, and remove crow's feet, we will need:

  1. beeswax (1 g) and
  2. lanolin (3 g) – as a solid base and emulsifier,
  3. 4 ml peach oil and
  4. 6 ml water.

Here, too, the amount of water is reduced, which increases shelf life. Prepare according to the following scheme: melt the solid, add liquid oil and add water while stirring.

Gelatin cream mask

A wonderful and very effective gelatin cream mask will help both from the first wrinkles and from deep ones. Dilute 5 g of gelatin in half a glass of water (soak for an hour), add 50 g of honey, 70 g of glycerin and 1 g of salicylic acid. Place in a bathhouse and stir until the ingredients are completely dissolved. Remove and cool while whisking.

The result is a thick, viscous mask that is convenient to apply to the face with a brush. You shouldn’t keep it on your face for more than an hour, but it smooths out wrinkles “perfectly.”


After 40 years, the skin changes, it needs more serious nutrition and procedures aimed at increasing the amount of collagen in the skin. Cream-lifting from our boiler meets these requirements. Even a Japanese massage cannot compare with this cream.

Let's prepare a water infusion of thyme or St. John's wort; we will need 6 tablespoons of it. Solid phase – cocoa butter (2 tbsp.). Active ingredients – 1 capsule of vitamin E or aevit, 5 drops of lavender and rosehip essential oils. We prepare according to the scheme.

My dears, I hope today’s article was useful to you. If so, share it on social networks, subscribe to the news, and if you have questions, ask in the comments. With that, I take my leave. Until new recipes!

The range of cosmetic products today is so diverse that every customer will be able to choose the most suitable anti-aging face cream for herself. However, purchased products cannot boast of the safety that creams prepared independently at home have.

They are enriched with nourishing base and essential oils, beeswax, glycerin, and other components that promote effective skin rejuvenation. At the same time, homemade creams do not contain hazardous preservatives and parabens, which can only worsen the condition of the skin.

In this article, we have collected very simple, yet effective recipes for homemade anti-aging remedies that eliminate the first signs of aging. In addition to smoothing out wrinkles, such creams have the following benefits:

  1. perfectly nourish and moisturize the epidermis;
  2. improve complexion;
  3. relieve inflammation and irritation;
  4. help reduce pores;
  5. give the skin a matte finish.

Day cream recipes

It is worth immediately noting that creams made at home should be stored in a tightly closed, dry, clean container for no more than one month. For convenience, it is recommended to immediately stick a label on the jar, which will indicate the date of preparation.

Under no circumstances should you use a product that has expired. Spoiled food produces harmful toxins that can cause a serious allergic reaction.

For wrinkles with cognac

Quite a popular method of preparation, demonstrating visible results of rejuvenation on aging skin after 40 years.

All you need is:

  1. 2 tsp dessert cognac;
  2. 1 chicken yolk;
  3. tbsp honey;
  4. 100 g heavy cream;
  5. a couple of drops of lemon juice.

To prepare a rejuvenating face cream, just combine all the above ingredients in a convenient container, then heat the resulting mixture using a water bath. The heated mass is kept on fire for 5-10 minutes until a thick cream consistency is obtained.

The finished composition is applied to cleansed facial skin, and after half an hour the remaining product is removed with warm water. For the best effect, it is recommended to first cleanse the face of the stratum corneum of the epithelium using a scrub or peeling.


This cream is intended for those with oily skin.


  1. ½ tsp. camphor alcohol;
  2. 2 tsp lemon juice;
  3. 1 tsp honey;
  4. 1 tsp glycerin;
  5. 1 yolk;
  6. 2 tsp olive oils.

Honey is ground with egg yolk, and then olive oil is added to the mixture. The components are heated in a water bath, while constantly stirring the mixture with a whisk.

Next, slowly pour in the alcohol, add all the remaining products, without stopping the process of stirring the mixture. The cream is left on the face for 20 minutes, after which the residue is removed with water or a cotton pad.


To prepare this home remedy, you should prepare in advance: several currants, 3 rowan leaves, 5 fresh nettle leaves, several red rose and jasmine inflorescences, 2 tsp. beeswax, 2 tsp melted margarine, 1 tbsp. any nourishing oil and 1 tsp. liquid retinol. To begin with, all herbal ingredients are crushed using a blender, after which they are thoroughly mixed with the rest of the cream ingredients.


You will need:

  1. crushed beeswax – 20 g;
  2. shea butter – 2 tsp;
  3. coconut and almond oil - 1 tbsp each;
  4. rose water – 1 tsp;
  5. honey – 2 tsp;
  6. a couple drops of ylang-ylang essential oil and liquid vitamin E.

At the initial stage of preparation, base oils and beeswax are heated in a water bath. Honey diluted with rose water is heated in a separate container.

Be careful not to overheat the mixture during heat treatment, otherwise the honey will lose all its beneficial substances.

Then combine the previously prepared oil mixture with the honey mass and mix the components thoroughly.
The resulting consistency is removed from the heat, cooled for 15 minutes, after which liquid vitamin E and ylang-ylang essential oil are added to the cream. Honey anti-wrinkle cream is used twice a day: morning and evening.


This cream has a fairly rich, thick texture that is absorbed into the skin within 20 minutes. Therefore, we recommend using this recipe as night care for dry epidermis.

It is necessary to mix olive and coconut oil (2 tablespoons each) and heat the ingredients. Then add 1 tsp to the mixture. tocopherol and a few drops of lavender essential oil. To give the cream a lighter, airy texture, the heated mixture should be thoroughly beaten, then immediately cool the resulting consistency.

Butter with rowan

Red and black pearls of berries contain large amounts of vitamin C and other organic acids, which contribute to intensive rejuvenation of epithelial cells. To prepare, take a tablespoon of crushed berries and combine it with the same amount of butter. Add honey (1 tsp) to the resulting mixture and beat the ingredients until smooth.

Use the finished nourishing product before bed, applying a thin layer of cream to cleansed facial skin. As a result, facial and static wrinkles are smoothed out, the shade of the dermis is evened out, and the water balance of the epidermis is restored.

With gelatin

This product has a cumulative effect, so visible rejuvenation results are possible only with regular use of gelatin-based cream. The cooking process consists of several stages:

  1. Gelatin (1 tbsp) is diluted in mineral water (1 tbsp), and the resulting mixture is left until the powder swells.
  2. The infused mass is heated using a water bath until a homogeneous consistency is formed.
  3. Next, the dissolved gelatin is cooled to room temperature, after which honey (4 tbsp) is poured into the mixture. Mix the components thoroughly.
  4. After 1 hour, the resulting mass is combined with glycerin (1 tbsp), which is pre-mixed with mineral water (2 tbsp) and salicylic acid (1/2 tsp). To obtain a homogeneous consistency without lumps, it is recommended to beat the components with a blender or mixer.

For different skin types

Before choosing one or another anti-aging recipe, you should take into account the needs of your skin type. For those with oily skin, it is recommended to enrich the product with light non-comedogenic oils such as grape or peach seeds. Fermented milk products have a beneficial effect on the sebaceous glands, which reduce the production of sebum. Essential oils of patchouli, tea tree and eucalyptus have an antiseptic effect.
For dry skin prone to flaking, intensive nourishing formulations based on coconut, olive or butter oils are suitable. To maintain the youthfulness of combination skin, you should give preference to anti-aging creams with a whitening effect, which contain citrus essential oils and honey.

For sensitive

The rosehip-based recipe is easy to prepare, but the effect of this product is comparable to expensive luxury creams.

  1. butter – 1 tbsp;
  2. chicken yolk – 1 pc.;
  3. honey – 1 tsp;
  4. chopped rose hips - 3 tbsp.

Preparing homemade cream for sensitive skin is easy and quick. It is enough to combine all the ingredients in a convenient bowl and stir the mixture until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Rose hips, if absent, may be replaced with the pulp of pears or plums.

For problematic

It has a beneficial effect on skin prone to various inflammations and acne, and can also be used in the care of any other type of skin. For best results, it is recommended to apply the composition daily for a month.

  1. 2 tbsp. almond oil;
  2. ½ tsp. lemon juice;
  3. 4 tbsp. calendula flowers;
  4. a few drops of lemon essential oil;
  5. 1 tbsp. beeswax;
  6. 1 tsp calendula oils.

The inflorescences are poured with hot water and the broth is left to infuse for 30 minutes. Next, add calendula decoction and all remaining ingredients to the wax melted in a water bath, after which the consistency is thoroughly mixed with a whisk.

It is recommended to store the finished cream in the refrigerator. A small amount of the product is applied to the facial skin with gentle patting movements, and then the residue is washed off with warm water.

For dry

All you need is:

  1. 2 tsp almond oil;
  2. 1 tbsp. comfrey leaves;
  3. 1 tbsp. lanolin;
  4. 2 tsp water;
  5. 2 tsp fish oil.

First, you should prepare a decoction: pour a glass of boiling water over the herb and infuse the mixture for 20 minutes. Before combining the resulting liquid with the remaining ingredients, the infusion must be strained using a sieve.

Lanolin is heated in a water bath, after which almond oil and water are added. The mixture is cooled to room temperature, and then combined with all other components. The product is used as a mask: 10 minutes after application, the remaining cream is removed with a regular sponge or water.


On calendula

  1. dried calendula inflorescences - 3 tbsp;
  2. 3 drops of lemon essential oil;
  3. almond oil – 1 tbsp;
  4. beeswax - 1 tbsp;
  5. lemon juice – 1 tbsp;
  6. calendula oil – 1 tsp.

Cooking process:

  1. First you need to prepare an infusion based on a herbal component. To do this, pour calendula flowers with a glass of boiling water.
  2. As soon as the mixture has cooled to room temperature, it is filtered and sent to the refrigerator.
  3. Next, beeswax is melted, which is then combined with all the remaining ingredients, including calendula decoction.

The resulting product is applied to the skin using a cotton pad. After 20 minutes, you need to wash your face with warm water. The effect of such a product is comparable to the effect of a collagen mask, which smoothes out facial wrinkles and tightens the oval of the face.


Regular use of this night cream increases the elasticity of the skin and also helps to effectively eliminate the first signs of aging.

Grind the egg yolk with a tablespoon of olive oil. Then add 15 g of sea salt, a large spoon of chamomile infusion and ½ teaspoon of honey. In a separate bowl, heat 3 small spoons of Vaseline, then mix it with the previously prepared mixture. The finished composition is stored in a tightly closed jar for no more than one month.

For skin 40+

Starting from the age of 25, irreversible processes occur in skin cells, which subsequently lead to the formation of wrinkles. After 40 years, the epidermis loses its elasticity and firmness with a vengeance due to decreased collagen production. Homemade recipes that promote intensive rejuvenation of the skin will help slow down the processes.

Recipe 1

Heat 200 g of pork fat in a water bath. Then add a large spoonful of honey and a small spoonful of aloe juice to the lard. Stir the mixture until smooth. It is best to use this product as a night treatment.

Recipe 2

Vaseline and castor oil are combined in a 1:2 ratio. Next, the ingredients are heated by adding a large spoonful of honey and a few drops of iodine to the oil mixture. It is recommended to use the finished cream no more than 4 times a week. The product not only smooths out wrinkles, but also helps eliminate acne and comedones.

Recipe 3

Mix homemade sour cream (50 g) with alcohol (1 tsp), freshly squeezed cucumber juice (3 tbsp) and egg yolk. Mix everything thoroughly. At the very end, add 3 drops of any citrus oil.

For skin 50+

The great Coco Chanel argued that at the age of 50 a woman can boast of the face she deserves. If you are not lazy and regularly pamper mature skin with home remedies, you can easily delay old age by at least 5-10 years.

Recipe 1

Grind the avocado using a blender. Mix 3 large spoons of pulp with one teaspoon of almond and olive oils. Avocado perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the epidermis, increases the production of elastin in skin cells, and also effectively fights age-related changes.

Recipe 2

Currants and persimmons are crushed to a pulp. Using a water bath, heat 30 g of lard combined with two small spoons of olive oil. Chicken yolk, 10 g of honey and liquid vitamin A are added to the resulting mixture. At the final stage, the mixture is combined with the fruit mass, after which a large spoonful of camphor alcohol is slowly introduced.

The jar of the product is stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe 3

Cocoa butter (120 ml) is mixed with sesame and grape oils (1 tsp each). Add vitamin E (3 tsp) and freshly prepared ginger juice (1 tbsp) to the oil mixture. The resulting mass is placed in the oven for 10 minutes, preheated to 70°C. The cream is recommended for use on the face, neck and décolleté.

For eyelids

Based on peach oil

This cream relieves puffiness and smoothes out fine wrinkles around the eyes. You need:

  1. peach oil – 1 tsp;
  2. beeswax – ½ tsp;
  3. purified water – 2 tsp;
  4. lanolin – 1 tsp.

Lanolin and wax are heated, and when both ingredients are completely melted, combine them with peach oil. At the very end, add water. The resulting mass is cooled to room temperature. Then the cream is placed in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid.


Chamomile-based products are ideal for those with dry, sensitive eyelid skin.

  1. 1 tsp dry chamomile inflorescences;
  2. 1 tsp linden;
  3. 150 ml boiling water;
  4. 1 tbsp. butter;
  5. 1 tsp castor oil.

First, prepare an infusion: pour boiling water over the herb and leave the mixture to infuse for 15 minutes. The finished broth must be strained using a sieve before adding to the cream.
The resulting infusion (2 tablespoons) is mixed with butter. Add castor oil to the mixture and mix the ingredients thoroughly again. The product shelf life is 5 days. The cream is applied daily to the skin of the eyelids in the evening.

Active lifting

To prepare the anti-aging composition you will need:

  1. 2 tbsp. cocoa butter;
  2. 20 g St. John's wort;
  3. 1 capsule of tocopherol;
  4. a few drops of rosehip and lavender essential oils;
  5. a glass of boiling water.

Pour hot water over the herb and leave the mixture for 20 minutes. The filtered infusion is cooled to room temperature. Melt the cocoa butter using a water bath. Once the butter is completely melted, remove the mixture from the heat and allow it to cool slightly.

The cooled oil is combined with tocopherol, a few drops of essential oils and 2 large spoons of a previously prepared decoction are added to the mixture. Mix the components until a homogeneous structure is formed.


In this video you will learn how to make anti-aging cream at home.


Hello dear reader! Today there will be excellent and affordable recipes for face care cream. You will learn how to make homemade face cream - anti-wrinkle, anti-aging, for dry and oily skin - yourself, without spending a single extra penny!

Why do you need to make your own face cream?

It has long been known to everyone that cosmetics purchased in a store are not always beneficial.

At best, it gives a temporary effect. The situation is often aggravated by numerous components that were not created to improve health. At the same time, they are not cheap, and are also tested on animals, which is the worst of all of the above.

Therefore, the question arises: isn’t it better to make your own face cream yourself? At home, from clean, natural and fresh products. And after 40 years, this factor especially plays a role. Is not it?

A few basic cooking principles

Preparing homemade face cream may seem complicated and laborious at first. But take this seriously, because it concerns your skin. If you prepare this remedy once, I'm sure it will be much easier next time.

Here are some little secrets for a successful result:

  1. If you need to melt the product, it is best to use a steam bath. Otherwise, everything may burn.
  2. Instead of water, you can use a herbal decoction, such as chamomile.
  3. Beat the mixture well until it hardens completely.
  4. To make it easier to measure beeswax, grate it.
  5. It is better to use a sterilized jar to store the cream. This way the product will be stored better.

Well, taking into account all these nuances, you will get a brilliant anti-aging face cream! Let's move on to the recipes.

Cream with beeswax for skin elasticity

Many homemade skin care products contain beeswax. If you want to learn how to choose the right wax, making sure of its quality, we suggest you watch the video.

Here you can see clearly how to prepare a cosmetic product at home, what dishes to use, and after that try to make the cream yourself.

  1. Cacao butter
  2. Beeswax as a thickener
  3. Peach oil 8 tsp.
  4. Rose water 4 tsp.

Melt cocoa butter and beeswax in a water bath and mix well. You can use it right away.

This cream will be much cheaper than store-bought. You can also experiment a lot by following the recipes below.

Rejuvenating homemade face cream Gentle


A simple recipe for homemade anti-aging face cream, ideal for beginners in this matter.

It only has three ingredients, but it perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

  1. Aloe juice – 1 tbsp. l.;
  2. Honey – 1 tbsp. l.;
  3. Pork internal fat – 200 g.

Mix all this and heat it in a water bath, but do not boil. It is necessary to mix well so that all the elements combine and thicken to the desired consistency. After this, cool and place in the refrigerator.

Warm it up in a water bath each time before applying. If this is not possible, just take a little product and hold it in your hand, it should thaw and then you can apply.

Anti-wrinkle cream Universal

Due to the fact that we can replace one composition in this product, it is suitable for oily and dry skin.


  1. Laminaria (dried seaweed) - 3 teaspoons;
  2. Boiling water – 5 teaspoons;
  3. A few drops of lemon juice (for oily skin);
  4. Oil solution of vitamins A or E (for dry skin);

Mix boiling water and Laminaria until smooth (make sure there is not too much water, as the liquid cream does not adhere well to the skin).

Cover with a saucer and leave for 10 minutes, the seaweed should steam. Then add a few drops of lemon juice or oil, depending on your skin type.

This face cream is best used at night, after application, rinsing with water.

You can replace kelp with spirulina. The effect will be even better.

Recipe for anti-aging face cream based on beeswax


This recipe from Galina Grossman will help you look 40, or even 35, at 50.

Miracle cream consists of the following ingredients:

  1. Cold pressed olive oil – 50 ml;
  2. Coconut oil – 25 ml;
  3. Beeswax – 50 g;
  4. Vitamin E – 5 drops;
  5. Essential oil – 20 drops;

To prepare this amazing remedy for aging skin, simply mix all the ingredients in a water bath, stirring until it hardens completely. Transfer the product into a jar and put it in the refrigerator for preservation.

Recipe for rejuvenation cream Swan down


This is a recipe from Marlene Dietrich herself (at least so it is believed), who was famous for her beauty and style.

This cream is perfectly absorbed and does not leave a greasy sheen. Its main advantage is whitening and tightening effect.

It has a simple but unique composition, thanks to which it fights several problems at once.

  1. Thanks to sour cream, it perfectly moisturizes.
  2. Using lemon you can get rid of freckles and spots on your body. However, it is not recommended to add citrus if you have very sensitive skin.
  3. The yolk provides an instant lifting effect.
  1. Sour cream – 20%;
  2. Lemon juice – 100 g;
  3. Egg yolk – 1 pc.;
  4. Tea tree essential oil;
  5. Apricot kernel oil;

Mixing products. All! Very simple and easy. The product can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three weeks. Recommended for use every day, applying to the entire body after showering.

It can also be used as a nighttime product, since it is during sleep that our skin is restored, absorbing all the beneficial substances.

Homemade shea butter cream


Take 4 tbsp. Mix spoons of shea butter with two tbsp. spoons of natural camellia oil. Place in a water bath. The oils need to dissolve.

Then remove from the bath and add a few drops of essential oil – tangerine, jasmine, rosemary, it’s up to you to choose which scent you like best.

If you have very dry skin, add vitamin E for better results.

Mix all ingredients, cool and store in the refrigerator.

This shea butter hand cream with essential oils is very moisturizing for the skin. Also, if your hands are very chapped, you can simply apply shea butter. This amazing cream can also be made with beeswax.

Anti-wrinkle face cream with propolis

Propolis has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, promotes the healing of ulcers, wounds and injuries on the skin, and copes well with pimples and acne.

But the most important thing that interested me was that propolis in combination with wax acts like an “iron”, smoothing out all wrinkles.

  1. 25ml coconut oil
  2. 30ml cocoa butter
  3. 2 tablespoons olive oil
  4. 1 tablespoon grape seed oil
  5. 2 teaspoons beeswax
  6. 1 teaspoon propolis
  7. 1 tablespoon honey
  1. In order for the wax to melt faster, you need to crumble it, but propolis can be taken as a whole piece.
  2. Place the jar in a water bath. The wax and propolis began to melt, add cocoa butter.
  3. Then add honey and, stirring, melt until smooth.
  4. Add coconut oil, it melts quickly.
  5. Pour in olive and grape seed oil, stir and remove from heat.
  6. Pour into jars.
  7. Place in the refrigerator to harden. You need to pull it out and mix it a couple of times so that the honey does not settle to the bottom, but is evenly distributed throughout the cream.

After an hour, the cream is ready for use.

You can keep a jar of cream in the bathroom. But, if you use little cream, it is better to let it sit in the refrigerator.

Well, my dears! Now you know how to look stunning without spending fabulous amounts of money on it. Be smart and beautiful with us, and subscribe to our blog. Share interesting knowledge with your friends on social networks. And love yourself, because you were created to decorate this world!