Anti-wrinkle cream customer reviews rating

At the age of twenty you have to make almost no effort to look good, but after thirty-five you need to pay increased attention to your skin. At this time, it's time to start using anti-aging cosmetics to preserve your beauty for as long as possible. Reviews of anti-wrinkle creams (from 35 years old) will help you decide on the choice of a suitable cosmetic product for daily care.

Age-related skin features

Age-related aging processes of the epidermis begin after 25 years. This natural phenomenon is aggravated by unfavorable environmental conditions, aggressive exposure to ultraviolet radiation, decorative cosmetics and skin care products, as well as concomitant diseases.


At thirty, many people allow themselves to leave their makeup on before bed, forget to apply moisturizer and cleanse their skin properly, and eat low-quality foods. Because of this, small wrinkles soon begin to appear around the eyes, nasolabial folds appear, and the skin becomes dry.

With age, the body's production of hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for preserving moisture in the deep layers of the skin, decreases, cells stop synthesizing collagen, the epidermis becomes thinner and muscle tone decreases. This means that you need to start taking care of your skin regularly.

Home skin care rules

Reviews of anti-wrinkle creams for people aged 35 years and older are positive, because improvements in the skin are visible immediately. But those women who regularly take care of themselves often do not notice the changes at all. This is normal because the skin itself is in good condition. If there are no visible improvements, this does not mean that you need to abandon proper multi-level care.


It is imperative to use sunscreen, because ultraviolet radiation leads to the appearance of age spots, dries the skin and accelerates the aging process. In summer and spring, you should apply a cream with SPF factor before each time you go outside.

Gradually aging skin still needs scrubs, but exfoliation should be gentle and non-traumatic. Soft peelings are best, but aggressive products with grains of coffee, cane sugar or coarse salt will only injure the skin.

Skin care cosmetics

Don't neglect cosmetic serum. This is a concentrated product that will allow you to properly organize facial skin care after 35 years. The serum is applied to cleansed skin 30 minutes before night moisturizer. This product is not for everyday use, because the high concentration of beneficial substances with constant use can be harmful.

It's time to start paying attention to the décolleté area, which many women forget about. Insufficient care leads to the appearance of wrinkles and decreased elasticity in this area. The same goes for thin eyelid skin, which is prone to wrinkles.

The golden rule remains thorough cleansing of decorative cosmetics before going to bed. You need to remove makeup with special products or hydrophilic oil, which not only cleanses well, but also retains moisture in the deep layers of the skin.


Using anti-aging cream

Judging by the reviews, many women begin to use anti-wrinkle cream after 35 years. At this age, the first noticeable wrinkles appear, the skin becomes vulnerable, and the body stops actively producing collagen. A regular moisturizer no longer copes with existing problems, and the skin needs more serious care.

Anti-wrinkle cream 35+ (reviews confirm this) will not be able to completely remove existing imperfections, but will strengthen the skin and partially restore its elasticity. The main problem of the aging dermis is slow collagen production. This is why it is so important to use the right anti-aging creams. They literally smooth out wrinkles from the inside.

How to choose the right cream

You shouldn’t buy any anti-wrinkle cream you see at 35 years old. Reviews from women who have encountered the first age-related problems confirm that choosing the right facial skin care product should be done consciously and with special care, focusing on the condition and needs of the skin.

The cream must have an age label (“from 35 years”, “35+” or something similar). Conventional nutritional formulations are no longer suitable for dry or oily skin, and it’s still too early for “50+” creams. Too many nutrients can be addictive. Then wrinkles will appear very quickly after stopping a certain cream.


Stimulate skin smoothing and moisturize care products containing collagen and hyaluronic acid; natural oils and plant extracts are useful components. It is very important to take into account your skin type, but it is worth taking into account that this characteristic may change with age. For example, skin that is oily in youth often becomes dry or normal.

It is better to purchase cosmetics as a set. Care should be multi-level, because one cream is unlikely to effectively cope with the task. A complex is needed for individual areas (special products are used for the eyelids) and for different times of the day (day and night cream). In addition, the products have different purposes (cleansing, nutrition, moisturizing, restoration, and so on).

How to choose the right cream

Before purchasing, you should study the reviews of other women about a specific cosmetic product. It is better to purchase a sample first, because the same cream can show different effects on different skin types. The composition must really fit. You should not buy fashionable products from famous brands if domestic creams show the best effect, and vice versa. The cost of the product is not the main indicator.


What substances are included in creams?

Judging by the reviews, creams for facial wrinkles 35+ have a similar composition. Among the ingredients you can find substances that provide nutrition and protection to the epidermis, smooth out fine wrinkles, moisturize and even out skin color. Components can be:

  1. retinol and its derivatives (these are forms of vitamin A that are used in cosmetology to reduce signs of photoaging, maintain healthy skin and treat acne);
  2. hyaluronic acid (well moisturizes and activates cell restoration process);
  3. salicylic or glycolic acids (stimulate regeneration processes in the deep layers of the epidermis, dry out oily skin and have a noticeable exfoliating effect);
  4. peptides (these are amino acid molecules that easily penetrate the epidermis, restore deep damage, rejuvenate and provide transport of other useful substances);
  5. liquid collagen (replenishes the lack of own collagen);
  6. UV filters (provide protection from exposure to sunlight);
  7. extracts of plant origin (protect the skin from penetration of oxidants, moisturize and nourish);
  8. extract of centella and boswellia (these expensive components are of natural origin, but are very effective on the skin).

It is important to consider that the components that are most abundant are listed first in the composition.


Rating of the best anti-wrinkle creams (35+)

Reviews confirm that the best cream is the one that meets all parameters and gives lasting results. You can focus on the rating and subjective impressions of use, but to find your product, you will most likely have to try several of the best:

  1. Avene Ysthal. The active ingredient in the cream is retinol, which helps smooth out wrinkles. Does not cause allergies, so is suitable for sensitive skin.
  2. Clinique Repairwear Deep Wrinkle Concentrate. An expensive product that helps quickly eliminate fine wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones. Reviews of this anti-wrinkle cream from women over 35 years old leave only positive reviews.
  3. Acqlicolic Classic Forte Sesderma. The composition is used by professional cosmetologists. This is a very effective glycolic acid-based product that acts on the deep layers of the skin.
  4. Vichy Neovadiol GF. It is recommended to use constantly, but at an older age (closer to 40 years). In this case, the effect is really pronounced.
  5. "Ultra-lifting" from Garnier Skin Naturals. A complex of products for the care of aging skin quickly tightens the skin and eliminates fine wrinkles. It has a relatively low cost and high quality.
  6. Olay Anti-wrinkle from 35. The anti-wrinkle cream (reviews note this as a special advantage) includes natural seaweed extract. In one course, the skin is noticeably tightened and the number of wrinkles is reduced.
  7. Bio Performance Shiseido. This is a Japanese cream that is developed using the latest biotechnology. The composition begins to act actively just a few minutes after application.
  8. Instantly Ageless. Judging by the reviews, anti-wrinkle cream for people over 35 years old can replace Botox injections. The product gives a quick effect.

Line of cosmetics “35+” from L’Oreal

Separately, it is worth noting the series for skin care of any age from L'Oreal. Creams have proven themselves well, but are often not included in the best ratings because they are most effective in combination with other products of the same brand. The anti-wrinkle cream from L'Oreal (35+) has good reviews: “Luxury Nutrition”, “Absolute Tenderness”, “Restoration”, “Age Expert”. Revitalift is suitable for the contour of the face and neck, and if you need comprehensive rejuvenation, then you should choose the “Revitalift Laser × 3” series.


The composition of the products includes glycerin, which helps retain moisture, retinol, which reduces deep wrinkles and eliminates fine ones, Stimulite, which renews the skin from the inside, collagen, ceramides, which make the skin elastic, isohexadecane, which gives velvety, vitamins that nourish, heal and restore, adenosine , stimulating the production of your own elastin and collagen. Ingredients may vary depending on the specific series.

French anti-aging cosmetics "Vichy"

After 35 years, it is advisable to use Liftactive products from Vichy. Day and night creams contain a monosaccharide of natural origin, which activates skin regeneration processes and provides active nutrition.

The cream for daily use has a slight tightening effect, suitable for normal and combination skin. Night fights the aging process while resting. Five days of using the product is enough for a visible effect to appear. Good reviews about the anti-wrinkle cream “Vichy” (35+) “Liftactive Supreme” for dry skin. The composition includes shea butter, apricot butter, thermal water, vitamin C and rhamnose. The rejuvenating effect is noticeable in one course of using the product.

"Ultra-lifting" from Garnier Skin Naturals


Judging by the reviews, the Garnier 35+ anti-wrinkle cream evens out the facial contour, makes the skin visually healthier and quickly eliminates fine wrinkles. Women often choose this product because the cream effectively copes with all its stated tasks at a modest price (a jar costs 150-200 rubles). The consistency of the product is pleasant, the cream is easy to apply and quickly absorbed, and can be used as a base for makeup. The only drawback is zero sun protection factor.


The opinion of cosmetologists is clear: not a single cream will restore youth and “erase” wrinkles from the face, no matter how much it costs and no matter what miraculous ingredients it contains. However, many good creams can improve the condition of the skin, make it more elastic and minimize existing age-related changes.

Criteria for choosing a good anti-wrinkle cream

What kind of wrinkles do you have?

Both cosmetologists and marketers divide wrinkles into 2 types:

  1. Superficial wrinkles, or facial expressions, are caused by dry skin due to poor care or external factors, as well as active facial expressions. “Mimics” are future deep skin creases, which you can and should begin to fight as early as possible with the help of moisturizing creams and soft peelings.
  2. Deep wrinkles, or static, caused by age-related changes in the body. They affect the dermis, and, alas, it is impossible to cope with them with creams and serums alone. In this case, only the joint use of beauty salon products and supportive home care will help.

It's not age, it's the problem

Let us remind you that age is not an indication (or contraindication) for the use of a particular drug. If there are wrinkles, we will fight them at any age! The only difference is in use: stronger drugs at a young age are recommended to be used in a course, and not constantly. “Price Expert” advises paying attention not to “age” marks on packages, but to the active components in the composition.

Active ingredients of good anti-wrinkle creams

Anti-wrinkle cream is a comprehensive solution to the problem of loss of skin elasticity, so all the components recommended for moisturizing and protecting the skin will be relevant for it: vitamins C and E, other antioxidants, enzymes, hyaluronic acid, natural oils, etc. They do not reduce wrinkles, but significantly slow down the appearance of new ones and fill the skin with much-needed moisture. Due to the nature of its composition, anti-wrinkle cream rarely has a sun protection factor, so sunscreen will most often have to be applied separately.

With the actual anti-wrinkle components, everything is somewhat more complicated. In addition to providing strong hydration, an anti-aging cream can provide exfoliating (causing new cell growth) and filler-like (filling in wrinkles) effects. Today the most effective anti-aging substances are recognized as:

  1. retinol (vitamin A) and retinoids (its derivatives). Retinol itself is very effective as a substance that renews the skin and stimulates the process of its own collagen production. However, experts are racking their brains over how to preserve unstable retinol and deliver it to the deep layers of the skin. Therefore, many “smart” retinol derivatives have appeared: retinaldehyde, tretinoin, tretinol, adapalene and others.
  2. peptides – very promising substances in the practice of rejuvenation. Short chains of peptides can penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, bringing nutrition to the cells. Peptides have many forms and names and have not yet been studied much, but the experience of their use already allows one to judge their significant effectiveness;
  3. AHA and BHA acids. They exfoliate dead cells, make them renew faster and increase the number of living skin cells, stimulate the skin's production of its own hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin. Acids are successfully used in creams for cell regeneration and wrinkle reduction. The most effective are glycolic (AHA) and salicylic (BHA) acids, but to use the latter it is better to consult a specialist;
  4. Collagen hydrolyzed. In liquid form, it reaches the deeper layers of the skin, tightening and increasing its elasticity. It has a pronounced moisturizing and wrinkle-filling effect, but its anti-aging effect is much lower than that of the above substances;
  5. Ceramide NP and Agrireline are muscle relaxants that relieve tension in the facial muscles and smooth out wrinkles. They like to be added to elite creams. Boswellia and Centella asiatica plants have a similar effect.

Anti-wrinkle cream manufacturers

Luxury cosmetics offers creams from the luminaries of “aging” skin care cosmetics - Guerlain, Estee Lauder, Clarins, Clinigue, Dior. The creams of these brands are definitely high-quality and comfortable for the skin, and each brand offers its own “unique component” against wrinkles. However, the evil tongues of experts claim that there may not be any fundamental differences in a store-bought cream for 5,000 and for 500 rubles.

Pharmacy brands are not so advertised, but most of them have excellent anti-aging lines: Avene, La-Roshe Posae, Vichy, RoC, Nuxe and others. They are also not cheap, but the price of these products is much more affordable - on average from 1 to 3 thousand rubles (rarely higher - Lierac, for example), and due to the noticeable effect, the “pharmacy” is often recommended for caring for skin with wrinkles. The mass market, as expected, did not produce anything supernatural in terms of getting rid of wrinkles. Green Mama, L'Oreal, Garnier, Nivea, Natura Siberica and Vitex performed better than others, but none of their products can be called revolutionary.

Often women after 35 (and sometimes earlier) prefer professional anti-aging cosmetics, which provide excellent supportive care for aging skin. There are many “prof” brands, but they are available mainly in salons or specialized stores, and only a cosmetologist can correctly advise the right cream. However, let's name some well-known brands: NeoStrata, SesDerma, SkinCeuticals, Janssen, Cristina, Magiray, etc.

Rating of the best anti-wrinkle creams: TOP-7

“Price Expert” has identified 7 noteworthy anti-wrinkle creams:

Name of cream

Estimated cost, rub.


Rating, on a 10-point scale

The best luxury wrinkle creams

Avene Ystheal 30 ml

best anti wrinkle cream for dry skin

Clinique Repairwear Deep Wrinkle Concentrate For Face & Eye 50 ml

effective anti-wrinkle cream-serum

Gel-cream Acglicolic Classic Forte Sesderma 50 ml

one of the best glycolic acid creams

Vichy Neovadiol GF 45-60 years 50 ml

popular pharmaceutical cream for facial contours.

The best inexpensive wrinkle creams

Green Mama “Golden root and vitamin F” 100 ml

effective and inexpensive wrinkle prevention cream

Eye cream-gel CORA against swelling and wrinkles with Shea butter 30 ml

high-quality and affordable cream against wrinkles around the eyes

Cream Laura Evalar 30 ml

domestic peptide cream

The best luxury wrinkle creams

1. Avene Ystheal
best anti wrinkle cream for dry skin

Average price in Russia for 30 ml: 1600 rub.

Avene Ysteal is a good delicate cream with retinol. The popular pharmacy cream is designed to correct wrinkles and add elasticity to dry and sensitive skin. The active ingredient is retinaldehyde, which is converted into active vitamin A directly in skin cells, making it especially effective. The cream has a very gentle effect on the skin and, with regular use, noticeably tightens and revitalizes it. It can be used as day and night care, but, like other products with retinol, it requires serious additional sun protection.


  1. effectively fights expression lines;
  2. improves complexion;
  3. one of the safest products with retinoids;
  4. without smell;
  5. requires Sanskrin;
  6. convenient dispenser.

Minus: price.

Typical reviews about Avene Ysthal:

“I have been using Aven Isteal for the last six months, but not every day and only at night, alternating in the evenings with creams for oily skin. In the morning, the face looks very refreshed. The color of the cream is yellow-orange, the smell is neutral, the dispenser is very convenient.”

“It’s the best for dry skin, it nourishes very well, in the morning the skin is rested, radiant and smooth. Expression wrinkles are actually smoothed out. Plus it also relieves irritation, flaking and itching.”

2. Clinique Repairwear Deep Wrinkle Concentrate For Face & Eye
effective anti-wrinkle cream-serum

Average price in Russia for 50 ml: 4300 rub.

Clinique Repairwear Deep Wrinkle Concentrate is an expensive but effective wrinkle cream.

The manufacturer indicates that the cream restores cells “damaged” by time in the very depths of wrinkles, which is why wrinkles become less deep. The active component is soy polypeptides, which stimulate the production of proteins that promote the growth of healthy skin cells. However, there is a suspicion that the excellent result is supported by the presence of reflective particles in the cream, which visually hide imperfections. But women like the cream, and this is the main thing!


  1. the presence of peptides and argireline (muscle relaxant);
  2. suitable for daily use, including under makeup;
  3. convenient and hygienic dispenser.

Minus: price.

Typical reviews O cream Clinique Repairwear Deep Wrinkle Concentrate For Face & Eye:

“Really decent cream. His skin loves him - well-groomed, moisturized, smooth, healthy complexion. Minor skin irregularities disappear without a trace. One of the best products for your money."

“I use it on oily skin, and it only makes it look better. It applies and absorbs great! A solid 6 on a five-point scale – for price and effect.”

3. Gel-cream Acglicolic Classic Forte Sesderma
one of the best glycolic acid creams

Average price in Russia for 50 ml: 4500 rub.

Acglicolic Classic Forte Sesderma will provide the effect of a “beauty salon” at home.

Good creams with glycolic acid are either purely professional (not for home use) or they are very difficult to buy. However, we still recommend looking for this remedy, because... it is available in online stores and professional cosmetics salons and has earned only positive reviews from women. An acid concentration of 10% is safe for daily or course use. The gel cream not only removes the stratum corneum of the skin, causing it to actively renew itself, but also has a soothing, moisturizing and tightening effect on the skin.


  1. noticeable skin renewal;
  2. removes facial wrinkles and smoothes deep ones;
  3. safe at home;
  4. there is a dispenser.


  1. high price;
  2. can only be purchased in a beauty salon and in online stores;
  3. As a warning: it is mandatory to use Sanskrin with a high protective factor.

Typical reviews of gel cream Acglycolic Classic Forte Sesderma 50 ml:

“The first time I used it at night, in the morning I was stunned by my skin - toned, light, pores are almost invisible, I didn’t expect such a quick effect.”

“Because of the price, I won’t buy it often, but the cream is good, the skin is shiny, smooth and light!!”

4. Cream restoring skin density Vichy Neovadiol GF 45-60 years
popular pharmaceutical cream for facial contours.

Average price in Russia for 50 ml: 2100 rub.

This anti-wrinkle cream provides quality daily care for skin after 45 years.

The cream acts in two directions: it stimulates the restoration and renewal of skin cells and significantly increases its density, due to which a visible improvement in the condition of the skin occurs. Especially recommended for women during menopause.


  1. makes wrinkles less visible;
  2. hypoallergenic, paraben-free;
  3. improves complexion;
  4. There are options for different skin types.


  1. relatively expensive, provided that you need to use it constantly;
  2. packaging - a jar (but there is an option of 40 ml in a tube).

Typical reviews of Vichy Neovadiol GF 45-60 years:

“I saw a noticeable lifting effect after 4 weeks of daily use, the oval of the face became clearer, the skin smoothed out and looked moisturized and fresh.”

“Good cream. Makes the skin elastic and dense if used for a long time. When you stop using it, the skin returns to a dull state.”

The best inexpensive wrinkle creams

5. Green Mama “Golden root and vitamin F”
effective and inexpensive wrinkle prevention cream

Average price in the Russian Federation: 250 rub.

This cream has a good price-quality ratio for skin without obvious wrinkles.

The cream is rich in valuable oils, vitamins A and E and plant extracts, which have a strong antioxidant effect and increase skin tone and improve blood microcirculation. The cream will not get rid of deep wrinkles, but it does an excellent job of intensively moisturizing and nourishing the skin with useful substances. Recommended for the treatment and prevention of the appearance of the first wrinkles.


  1. good composition;
  2. affordable price;
  3. packaging – tube;
  4. light matting effect.


  1. there is no Sanskrin despite the fact that the cream is stated as day and night;
  2. ineffective for deep wrinkles.

Typical reviews of Green Mama “Golden root and vitamin F":

“The cream is not greasy, my oily skin really likes it, it even mattifies slightly. It’s hard to find a good nourishing cream at this price, but Aleut is certainly good.”

“The result is smoother skin, fine wrinkles have become less noticeable. I didn’t see any effect on deep expression wrinkles. The price-quality ratio is excellent.”

6. Cream-gel eyelid CORA against swelling and wrinkles with Shea butter
high-quality and affordable cream against wrinkles around the eyes

Average price in the Russian Federation: 430 rub.

Why in our rating: savior of delicate skin around the eyes.

Super-strong anti-aging products (for example, retinoids) are not suitable for sensitive skin on the eyelids and around the eyes, but it needs extra attention. The Russian pharmaceutical cream Cora attracts with its composition (only oils, vitamins, plant extracts and caffeine to combat dark circles), delicate gel texture and excellent moisturizing and tightening effect, while its price is much lower than luxury products.


  1. good antioxidant, soothing and skin strengthening effect;
  2. light consistency - can be used under makeup;

Minus: the effect is visible only on facial wrinkles.

Typical reviews of CORA eye cream-gel against swelling and wrinkles with Shea butter:

“An ideal cream for those with dry eyelid skin, including for winter! It doesn’t remove wrinkles, but it does a good job of softening crow’s feet and making them less noticeable.”

“I agree with the fact that it moisturizes, refreshes and tones. But this action does not last long.”

7. Cream Laura Evalar
domestic peptide cream

Average price in the Russian Federation: 380 rub.

Laura Evalar is an inexpensive anti-aging cosmeceutical.

The opinions of women are divided approximately in half: some criticize Laura, others praise her. Let's try to be impartial: the cream contains tripeptides (in second place after water!), a humidifier - hyaluronic acid, wild yam extract (has no clinically proven hormonal effect and, if not useful, is definitely harmless) and standard caring components (panthenol, glycerin, vitamins ). A decent composition for facial care, but whether it can defeat wrinkles, only your skin will answer.


  1. affordable price;
  2. good composition;
  3. sold everywhere in pharmacies.


  1. long-term use is required to obtain the effect;
  2. recommended to use together with Laura tablets (consult your doctor!)

Typical reviews of Laura Evalar cream:

“I’ve been using it for 3 weeks. The cream is very pleasant, absorbs well, the skin accepts it well. I haven’t noticed any miraculous changes yet, but for the price it’s very good.”

“The first month did not produce any obvious results. But recently I noticed the virtual absence of facial wrinkles around the eyes. I think it’s Laura’s doing.”

Which anti-wrinkle cream is better to buy?

We have written about good anti-aging products more than once:

for skin from 25 years old;
for skin from 30 years;
for skin from 40 years old.

But this impressive list will not reveal the whole variety of good remedies for fighting wrinkles. Of course, even the most worthy of them will not give a radical effect, but they are quite capable of improving the condition of the skin, making wrinkles less noticeable and prolonging the effect of salon cosmetic procedures. Look for your cream, don’t neglect visits to a cosmetologist and stay beautiful at any age!

It's not that I believe in miracles. But there are still better creams than others that improve skin tone. I’m 39 years old, my face has swollen over the last two years, and I’m expecting my third child, I’m taking a break from Botox. Price - I don’t care if it’s some kind of “Polyushko” for 3 rubles or something luxury. There is no time to place an order.
Share which anti-wrinkle cream works at least a little!
I tried Clinique, Clarens, Lancome. I didn’t find any difference from the mass. experts

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Ekaterina Artemyeva

Psychologist, Clinical psychologist. Specialist from the site

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Elena Basanova

Psychologist, Family psychologist Skype. Specialist from the site

Aleynikova Natalya Valerievna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site

Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site

Zubkova Anna Andreevna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site

Khairullina Rosa Rinatovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Prevage by Elizabeth Arden. Of course, it’s not a magic cure, but I noticed visible improvements. although it seems to me that if it’s already, as you say, “floated”, then only a contract will help.

Ask Proklova.)))))

Retinoic ointment at night (retinol is practically the only topical product that can fight wrinkles) and sunscreen during the day (90% of wrinkles are caused by the sun). Whatever you want, there are only a few SZ filters - titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, avobenzone and tinosorb, SPF not lower than 15. In general, I liked Olei lotion - competent composition and light texture.

A month ago I discovered a cream from Nevskaya Cosmetics - grape, I don’t know how much it costs, I think it’s not expensive. In general, it leaves the skin moisturized and smooth. To be honest, I didn’t expect it at all when I tried it at my mother’s. The effect and sensations can be compared with Givenchy vibes.

retinoic ointment seems to treat acne, and wrinkles

Tanya 32, shaking hands. At least someone is thinking with their head. Sunscreen and retinoids (tretinoin, isotretinoin). These are the only two things that help in the fight against wrinkles. You don't have to make a special choice.

Related topics

retinoic ointment seems to treat acne, and wrinkles
isn't it harmful?

I just read about this ointment on the internet and ran to the pharmacy.

retinoic ointment seems to treat acne, and wrinkles

I like La Mer concentrate and serum. Expensive, annoying, but effective.

The face has swollen - these are no longer wrinkles, but ptosis. There is no cream for sagging. During pregnancy, there is little you can do - massage for now, gymnastics for the facial muscles.

Retinol or vitamin A is the main fighter against old age; it is this vitamin that helps cells renew themselves.
There is nothing easier than buying retinoic ointment at the pharmacy and starting to use it, instead of the newfangled anti-wrinkle cream.
This ointment evens out the complexion, fights acne and various inflammations on the skin, tightens pores, smoothes out wrinkles, everything that expensive branded cosmetics offer us
But there is one very important condition: retinol does not tolerate sunlight and only acts at sunset. The best time to apply it is from 20-22.00 during this period all the substances in which it is rich work to the maximum
Use this ointment twice a year in autumn and spring, for three weeks, and the result will not be long in coming
Contraindicated for pregnant women and allergy sufferers.

10, but I am a pregnant woman :-)

retinoic ointment seems to treat acne, and wrinkles
isn't it harmful?

And I really like La Prairie. One of the few creams that works.

What creams! You need a course of massage, but the cream is just decent and buy a course of masks

Yes, a suitable cream is selected by trial and error, and the price does not always correspond to the result, probably every woman has been convinced of this.

Hostretinoic ointment seems to treat acne, and wrinkles
Isn't it harmful? It thins the skin. Me my colleague. the plastic doctor said.

I can only tell you a funny incident. An 85-year-old granny, wrinkled like a turtle, asks in the store: “Do you have anti-wrinkle cream?” I saw this myself.
My mom always makes an egg white mask whenever she goes out. The skin is smoothed, pores are tightened and the skin looks good.

Mom uses Absolue L▓Extrait. she likes it, her skin has become better.

I love the “clean line”, although I can afford to buy a top-class cream, but the clean line suits me surprisingly.

I love the “clean line”, although I can afford to buy a top-class cream, but the clean line suits me surprisingly.

Lunden Ilona has a good mask for the skin around the eyes, my mother says that it helps against wrinkles and tightens the skin

The face has swollen - these are no longer wrinkles, but ptosis. There is no cream for sagging. During pregnancy, there is little you can do - massage for now, gymnastics for the facial muscles.

How they love to recommend this retinoic ointment to everyone... they’ve found a panacea. And as they already said, pregnant women can’t use it, even to plan a pregnancy you need to wait at least a month after stopping retinol, because it tends to accumulate, and then the skin becomes thinner from retinol , the stratum corneum is thin, the skin is vulnerable, and summer is coming, the sun is coming, sunscreen is a must, otherwise, hello pigmentation. And no one uses cream with retinol in the summer, it’s better in the fall.

Make the ointment under proper conditions. cifazalin parashok and dilute in your regular face cream and apply to problem areas, garlic, it works

You can buy a real Swiss hyaluronic booster for 2600. This is more than the right alternative to injections that are fashionable today.
You can use Swiss masks to restore your skin; at least you won’t harm yourself or your facial skin in any way:
You can also use the complex (serum with cream and the cream itself - used ONLY TOGETHER!!) from the "Skin Radiance" line and eliminate fine expression wrinkles in a 4-week course of use.
At the age of 39, the intensive line “black caviar” is already quite relevant, but the cream should be applied ONLY TO THE SERUM, which is precisely applied BEFORE applying the cream: Since this is not an online store, not everything is posted on the site, please keep this in mind.
Details by phone and/or email: deesse dot ru dog gmail dot com
But absentee “diagnosis” is not only a thankless task, but also harmful. It’s better to call and get an individual consultation, or it’s smarter to come in person and, under the patronage of a specialist, try this or that drug, and then make an informed decision yourself.

Hostretinoic ointment seems to treat acne, and wrinkles
Isn't it harmful? It thins the skin. Me my colleague. the plastic doctor said.

American cosmetics nourish the skin very well, in particular the serum based on aloe vera is good, the blood supply to the skin and aloe cream improves deep hydration and aloe balance. I use it myself, my friends noted that the skin is not as thin and transparent as before

I really, really like the Korres Greek cosmetics cream, I bought it to try at the airport in Stambley, I didn’t even expect it to be so suitable. And apply any cream on the tonic or on the face moistened with mineral water. First, water on a sponge, then cream. Tell me, but it’s almost impossible to be patient, now wait a little and the skin will be nourished on its own and everything will be fine.

Retinoic ointment at night (retinol is practically the only topical product that can fight wrinkles) and sunscreen during the day (90% of wrinkles are caused by the sun). Whatever you want, there are only a few SZ filters - titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, avobenzone and tinosorb, SPF not lower than 15. In general, I liked Olei lotion - competent composition and light texture.

Make sure that the retinoid cream does not contain alcohol, the skin will dry out. Initial concentration 0.025

The cream requires adaptation. I wouldn't do this before the summer - start in the fall.

Oh, I missed that you are pregnant. No way for you)

Yes, right now a pregnant woman can’t do anything at all and there’s no point in anything other than protection from the sun then.