Cream for dark circles under the eyes for women


Quite often, modern girls and women are faced with such an unpleasant problem as the appearance of black circles under the eyes. Most often, such defects occur under the influence of lack of sleep or excessive fatigue. Often the appearance of dark circles is associated with human anatomy. In this case, an excellent solution to the problem would be to use special cosmetic creams.



Today, creams against dark circles under the eyes are available in a fairly wide range. Basically, the active ingredients in such products are aimed at improving lymph flow and blood circulation in this area. The formulations use natural ingredients and vitamins that have a positive effect on the delicate skin under the eyes.

The peculiarity of the products used to eliminate black circles is the rapid toning of blood vessels. Thanks to the effects of all of the above components, blood microcirculation in the area around the eyes increases.



When choosing, special attention should be paid to the composition of the cream. It is the high-quality natural base that determines how long the effect of using cosmetics will be.


How to choose

When choosing a suitable cream to eliminate black circles under the eyes, you need to take into account many important nuances. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the base of the product. It must contain natural ingredients. If the composition contains additives, make sure that they are safe and do not cause an allergic reaction.

The next important point is the manufacturing company. Well-known brands that have already made a name for themselves produce good and effective options for women.


An equally significant point in the acquisition process is what color the bruises under the eyes are. Before you go shopping, you need to carefully examine your face in the mirror. If the circles under the eyes have a brown tint, then most often this is caused by hyperpigmentation.


If you have such a problem, the skin gradually acquires this color, and getting rid of the defect is quite problematic. But modern manufacturers produce high-quality and effective compositions for dark circles under the eyes, which are based on lightening components. Caffeine or kojic acid will help eliminate the brown tint.

One of the most powerful antioxidants is vitamin C. The action of this element is aimed at stimulating the production of collagen in epidermal cells. The component also combats problems such as oxidation and the appearance of pigment.



When purchasing a cream with whitening elements, make sure that the base contains UV filters.

This is due to the fact that it is under the influence of sunlight that the production of melanin begins, the pigment that gives the skin a brown tint.


An equally common problem is the appearance of bruises under the eyes that have a purple or blue color. Such manifestations indicate weakened capillaries. In this case, it is necessary to choose a cream that can strengthen blood vessels and make the skin under the eyes denser. Products containing retinol and vitamin K can cope with these problems.

Regarding the last element, it is worth saying that it is the one that best strengthens the vascular walls. Due to the fact that it is absorbed into the cells, blood microcirculation improves.



When choosing a cream, you need to pay attention to the fact that it is placed in a dark container. The material should not allow sunlight to pass through, since the vitamin is destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.


There are also creams that help get rid of swelling of the eyelids. Gel-like compositions perfectly eliminate such problems and make the skin firmer and more elastic.

When choosing a pharmacy option, ask about contraindications for use. Basically, such medicinal types contain many natural active ingredients that penetrate deeply into the cells. It is recommended to test for allergic reactions first.



As noted above, most products contain natural ingredients, vitamin complexes and other components, the action of which is aimed at improving the skin around the eyes. The creams also contain ingredients such as:

  1. elastin;
  2. heparin;
  3. hyaluronic acid;
  4. extracts from medicinal plants;
  5. vitamins.




Retinol is a mandatory component of most cosmetic creams.

It is a derivative of vitamin A. When this component acts on the skin, blood vessels tighten and broken capillaries heal. Most often, retinol is used to create night creams. This is due to the fact that the substance increases the sensitivity of the skin to exposure to sunlight.


One of the most “capricious” elements is vitamin K. Most often it is combined with other types, since the substance is easily exposed to ultraviolet radiation. An excellent addition to this element is vitamin C. The action of the substances is aimed at improving local blood circulation. They perfectly restore the skin, making it more pleasant and soft.



Important components in the basis of creams are ceramides. They have a beneficial effect on the skin, saturate it with the necessary amount of moisture. After using the products with them, the area around the eyes becomes elastic.

To eliminate bruises, creams containing badyaga are often used. Such compositions are excellent at combating skin pigmentation; under the influence of the components, the circles around the eyes quickly resolve. Badyaga is often used when there is severe swelling in this area. The biologically active substances present in the base penetrate into the lower layers of the epidermis.

Often, cosmetic products with parsley are used to eliminate defects on the face. Interestingly, this ingredient is quite often used to create effective medicinal products. Creams with parsley lighten the skin, make it more hydrated and fresh. When using the product, the epidermis is restored and toned.




Rating of popular funds

Modern manufacturers produce many good and high-quality options that are worth taking a closer look at.

One of the best types is the Caffeine Roller gel, presented by the Garnier brand. The product perfectly eliminates cinnamon bruises and signs of fatigue. The peculiarity of this type is the presence of a massage roller, which ensures maximum penetration of nutrients under the skin.

Cosmetics from this company have stimulating and tonic properties, which is why they are very popular among customers. The components of the roller gel perfectly eliminate signs of fatigue and swelling that has formed under the eyes.


Another high-quality and effective product is Lumene "Time Freeze" eye cream. It contains heather extract, which improves the condition of the skin in a short period. The base also contains proteins of plant origin.

As a result of multiple tests, it was proven that the cream does not contain fragrances that cause irritation and allergies. The product consists of 95% natural ingredients.


To care for sensitive skin, you can use Vichy Thermal Fix. The gel perfectly refreshes, nourishes and saturates the epidermis with moisture. Studies have proven that the product is 100% hypoallergenic.

The active component of the product is dextran sulfate, which prevents the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.


For more information on caring for the skin around the eyes and a review of products, watch the following video.


Customer reviews will help you decide on the most suitable and high-quality option. According to consumers, the best cream should consist of 90-100% natural ingredients, and this is the true truth. If the product contains a large number of synthetic additives, the effect of use will not be noticeable.

Among the wide range of products, many customers singled out the restorative cream from Clinique. The product perfectly fights the signs of aging and almost instantly eliminates dark circles under the eyes. After just a few uses, women notice a positive effect.

The active composition is perfectly absorbed into the cells, the skin becomes smooth and elastic.


Another good option is “Night Eye Cream Wish”, Christina. This composition must be applied to the skin before bed. The product is suitable for those with sensitive skin. Customers noted that the cream has a rather pleasant and light texture.

Thanks to this, the active components quickly penetrate the epidermal cells.


Avon "Anew Alternative" cream helps remove dark circles under the eyes. The rejuvenating product contains natural and rare extracts of oriental plants. Under the influence of natural components, blood microcirculation improves and dark circles are eliminated.

The positive effect is noticeable after a week of use.


Korean cosmetics have become especially popular lately. Increasingly, customers are purchasing skin and hair care products. To treat the area around the eyes you can use Korean cream "The First Cell Revolution Eye Cream". Customers noted a lot of positive qualities of this product.


The first thing consumers noticed was the visible effect. After 2-3 applications, you can notice a positive result: dark circles are eliminated, the skin becomes elastic and soft.

Another advantage of these Korean products is their affordable cost. Customers noted that this option is an ideal example of a combination of excellent quality and reasonable price.


Dark circles under the eyes are a common problem for modern people, both for women and men. Stress, long hours of work, bad habits and lack of sleep - all this does not have the best effect on a person’s appearance. Whereas today a lot depends on it, including career growth. Nobody wants an employee who looks sickly and always tired. In addition, darkening and swelling around the eyes can actually be a symptom of serious diseases of the internal organs that require serious treatment.

In this case, of course, it is better not to delay visiting a doctor, get examined and be sure to treat any detected pathologies of the heart, blood vessels or kidneys. If the examination does not reveal any pathologies, it means that you are simply unlucky: you have thin skin with blood vessels located close to the surface, and, therefore, only a good cream for dark circles under the eyes will help solve the problem.

Note: Remedies against dark circles under the eyes are divided into two large categories - pharmaceutical and cosmetic. With the help of pharmaceutical drugs, you can get rid of not only circles and bags under the eyes, but also more serious problems - hematomas and black eyes after a blow or injury. The cosmetic cream solves only minor defects, but at the same time additionally cares for the skin, eliminates swelling and smoothes out wrinkles.

Why do bruises under the eyes occur?

Every adequate adult understands: in order to look fresh, young and attractive, without unhealthy puffiness and circles under the eyes, you should get enough sleep, not abuse alcohol and nicotine, and not sit for long periods at the computer. The rules are simple, but sometimes it’s simply impossible to follow them, and then you have to start looking for a truly effective cream for dark circles under the eyes.

However, even the best and most expensive product from a trusted brand does not always give the expected result. This happens because the cream only removes external manifestations and does not solve the causes of the problem. Whereas, in addition to overwork and lack of sleep, there can be a huge number of them. The most common ones include:

  1. liver dysfunction;
  2. kidney dysfunction;
  3. avitaminosis;
  4. intestinal dysbiosis;
  5. helminthic infestations;
  6. intoxication of the body;
  7. problems with blood vessels and blood circulation;
  8. heart pathologies;
  9. diseases of the nasopharynx: sinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis.

And this is not a complete list of diseases that cause blue circles under the eyes. Of course, you can try to disguise them with cosmetics, buy a concealer that hides any skin imperfections and pretend that everything is fine. But sooner or later the problem will still have to be solved radically. It is better not to delay a visit to the doctor, because any disease is easier to cure at the initial stage than at an advanced stage. In the meantime, examination and treatment will take place, the situation will be corrected by a suitable cream or gel to eliminate darkening and puffiness under the eyes.

How the product works

It has already been said above that you can get rid of bruises on the face either with the help of a cosmetic, caring cream, or with the help of a pharmaceutical drug. Their mechanism of action is similar: stimulation of blood circulation, due to which metabolic processes are accelerated, excess fluid is removed from the body and the circles become lighter. But the composition may differ radically.

Many users claim that the best cream for dark circles under the eyes is various pharmaceutical ointments for bruises, bruises and even hemorrhoids. There is a certain common sense in this. Troxevasin, heparin ointment, badyaga, intended for rapid resorption of bruises and hematomas, contain active components that can stimulate metabolic processes in tissues, accelerate their regeneration and recovery. It is logical to assume that if you apply such an ointment to the circles under your eyes, they will also become lighter and the swelling will go away.

The problem is that the skin under the eyes is very thin and sensitive, it is easily irritated and inflamed. If you regularly apply a similar product intended for other purposes to it, over time you will achieve a completely different result than you would like: it will become dry, flabby and dull. Therefore, a one-time remedy for hematomas can really help improve your appearance, doctors do not deny this. But it is not suitable for constant use, otherwise no one would produce or buy cosmetic creams and gels with a brightening effect.

The situation is different with creams and gels designed specifically to care for the delicate skin around the eyes. Such funds contain:

  1. vitamin complexes;
  2. plant extracts;
  3. moisturizing components.

The active ingredients of eye creams and gels stimulate blood circulation and lymph flow, some additionally work as drainage. With proper and regular use, the dark spots around the eyes begin to lighten and the puffiness goes away.

Almost all modern eye skin care products have a complex effect. In addition to eliminating circles and swelling, they can also, depending on the composition, smooth out wrinkles, moisturize and nourish the skin, and tighten the contour. To make the right choice, it makes sense to consult with a cosmetologist before purchasing to identify current problems and find the best way to solve them. A specialist will tell you which types and brands you should pay attention to.

What to look for when purchasing

It would seem that it could be simpler: you came to the store, asked the consultant for a cream against circles under the eyes... And then you will be offered at least a dozen different products in different price ranges with different compositions and features of action. Which to choose? The following criteria for choosing cosmetics in this category will help you not to get confused:

  1. Compound . If the goal is to lighten dark spots under the eyes, then you need to look on the label for components such as retinol, vitamin complexes, caffeine, kelp, arnica, chamomile, rosemary, calendula, and plantain extracts. It would be great if the composition also contains ascorbic acid or other fruit acids: these substances help lighten not only black circles and bruises under the eyes, but also any pigmentation on the face in general.
  2. SPF level. Moreover, the older the person, the higher the sun protection level should be. Ultraviolet radiation is the main enemy of sensitive skin around the eyes. Not only dark circles, dryness, loss of tone, wrinkles - this is what awaits those who do not take care of protecting their eyes from aggressive sun rays. Therefore, it is worth spending a little more, but buy a product with an SPF level of at least 10.
  3. Purpose. Just like for the face, eye creams also come in day and night varieties. What is the difference? Night cream has a thicker, greasy consistency and often contains additional organic or essential oils. It is intended for intensive effects at night, when the skin and body are resting and best perceive the active components of the product. The day cream is lighter, it is quickly absorbed and works mainly to eliminate morning puffiness and circles under the eyes. You can apply foundation on top of it, it will not roll off.

Recently, they have begun to produce products whose labels also indicate the recommended gender of the consumer. Men have thicker and denser skin than women. But the problem of bruises under the eyes is also familiar to them. Today, representatives of the stronger sex take care of themselves no less than ladies, and sometimes even more. Therefore, leading brands began producing eye creams separately for men and separately for women. This is also worth paying attention to when purchasing, since the composition and concentration of active components of the products differ.

For information: Cost and manufacturer are not decisive parameters when choosing a truly suitable eye product. The best cream will not be the most expensive one, but the one that solves the problems. Sometimes a domestically produced budget product does a better job than a luxury one. But it still makes sense to trust German, American or Israeli brands, whose quality has been verified and the cost is quite affordable. French and Japanese cosmetics are considered elite; not everyone can afford them. In addition, in this case, counterfeits are possible if you purchase the product via the Internet and not in the manufacturer’s homeland.

The most popular under eye products

The rating below is based on customer reviews and sales numbers for 2018. It includes products from domestic and foreign brands in various price segments, which have proven themselves to be the most effective and correspond to the action declared by the manufacturer.

Visible Results L'Oreal

An excellent medium-priced remedy for puffiness and circles under the eyes, which gives a truly visible result immediately after application. The cream-gel has a light texture and pleasant smell, is easily distributed and absorbed, and is suitable as a base for concealer or foundation.


Wish Night Eye Cream

Night eye cream designed to restore skin and brighten skin. The effect is achieved due to the content of retinol and fruit acids in the composition. The product is applied to cleansed skin once a day, half an hour before going to bed. By morning, the circles become noticeably lighter and smaller; to consolidate and maintain the effect, it is recommended to use the product regularly for at least 2-3 weeks.


Lumen Time Freeze

This product is intended for the care of mature skin around the eyes. The cream consists of 95% organic ingredients, does not contain fragrances, and does not cause allergies. Thanks to the active components in the composition (heather extract and natural proteins), the upper layer of the epidermis is smoothed, bags are reduced, and dark circles become lighter. To obtain the maximum effect, it is recommended to apply it morning and evening to problem areas for two weeks, strictly on cleansed skin, at least a quarter of an hour before applying cosmetics.


Vichy Thermal Fix

A professional hypoallergenic gel texture product based on thermal water, designed specifically for the care of very sensitive and thin skin around the eyes. The cream-gel refreshes and smoothes the skin, enriches it with minerals, makes it firm and radiant, without darkening or redness.


Clinique All About Eyes

Another luxury hypoallergenic product that effectively fights dark circles under the eyes and the first signs of skin aging. Apply the product morning and evening with patting movements to problem areas for two weeks. Suitable as a base for makeup.



User reviews will help you make your final decision on choosing a good eye cream for dark circles.

Summary: Bruises under the eyes today bother both girls and young people equally. You can get rid of them in three ways: using pharmaceutical products against varicose veins, hemorrhoids and hematomas, using cosmetic creams and gels, or using folk remedies. As practice shows, the most effective and safest is the use of a special cream or gel designed to care for the delicate skin under the eyes. The main thing is to choose the type and composition that really suits you and solves the current problem. You need to focus, first of all, on the recommendations of a specialist, and not on advertising and cost. For the result to be noticeable and lasting, one cosmetic cream is not enough. It is important to find out the cause of dark spots under the eyes and eliminate it.

The problem of dark circles under the eyes worries many modern women. And no matter how expressive her appearance, bruises will give her face a tired look, especially against the background of very light skin.

Of course, if the cause of bruises under the eyes is serious diseases of the internal organs (kidneys or heart), you need to immediately treat them. In addition, bruises under the eyes can be the result of constant stress, smoking, and lack of sleep, which are so typical for residents of megacities. But if you are absolutely healthy, and blue under the eyes is your constant companion, then it’s time to think about choosing a suitable cream for dark circles under the eyes.

How to choose a cream for dark circles under the eyes

Before you go shopping, you need to carefully look at yourself in the mirror. Pay attention to the color of your dark circles under your eyes. Based on this information, you will choose the appropriate cream for under-eye circles.

If the bruises are brown, then the problem is hyperpigmentation. The skin of the eyelids has acquired a persistent brown color since birth or over time. In this case, creams for dark circles under the eyes will help, which contain lightening components - vitamin C, caffeine, kojic acid and hydroquinone.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that stimulates the production of collagen in cells and also prevents their oxidation and, as a result, the appearance of pigment. Hydroquinone and kojic acid have whitening properties, and the latter component also moisturizes and prevents the appearance of dark pigment in the skin. And caffeine tones the skin and also helps eliminate dark circles under the eyes.

Please also ensure that this eye cream contains UV filters. It is necessary! After all, under the influence of sunlight, melanin is formed - a pigment that colors the area under the eyes brown. When applying an anti-bruise cream with the above ingredients, you may feel a slight tingling sensation for a few seconds. Don’t be alarmed, this is how the active ingredients begin to act on the skin of the eyelids.

Purple or blue bruises under the eyes indicate weakened capillaries. In addition, this may indicate that the capillary mesh is close to the skin. The goal is to strengthen blood vessels and tighten the skin under the eyes. Creams that contain retinol, vitamin K, ceramides and antioxidants do an excellent job of this.

Vitamin K strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves blood microcirculation. Please note that the cream, which contains vitamin K, must be enclosed in a package made of dark glass or other material that does not allow sunlight to pass through. Otherwise, the vitamin may be destroyed by ultraviolet radiation. In addition, to prevent vitamin K from oxidizing, vitamin C is added to the cream, which, by the way, thickens the skin. Vitamin C is also an excellent antioxidant.

Another antioxidant, a derivative of vitamin A, retinol, increases blood flow in blood vessels and also heals small capillaries. Generally, retinol eye cream for dark circles is a nighttime product because retinol significantly increases the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet rays. Ceramides restore skin cells, making it moisturized and elastic, and also resists harmful external effects on the delicate skin of the eyelids.

Avoid generic eye creams. Choose a cream that clearly matches your age category and problem. Please note the inscription ophthalmic certified. This means that the eye cream has passed strict ophthalmological control and can be used even by women with sensitive eyes.

Day creams for bruises under the eyes usually have a gel structure, while night creams have a thicker structure. In addition, day creams for bruises can also be corrective, that is, with the help of a delicate foundation included in the cream, mask darkness under the eyes.

Rules for applying eye cream

  1. Any eye cream and cream for under-eye circles in particular must be applied correctly and carefully. If the cream is applied incorrectly, it can lead to swelling, irritation and allergies.
  2. Do not rub or smear the eye cream, which will stretch the delicate skin, as this may cause wrinkles to appear. The cream must be driven in with light patting movements. This way you will warm up the cream, and it will act more effectively, and also increase blood circulation in small vessels and capillaries, and this will make the cream penetrate the skin faster and better.
  3. Do not apply cream close to the lash line. This can cause allergies and swelling.
  4. If you are using a nighttime remedy for dark circles, apply it about an hour before bed. If applied immediately before bed, the cream is guaranteed to cause swelling.
  5. Wash your hands thoroughly before applying the cream. And after use, screw the lid tightly so that no air gets into the jar of cream. Store creams against dark circles in a dark, cool place, or better yet, in the refrigerator - this will significantly extend its service life, and the cooled cream will also provide an additional tonic effect.

The best creams for dark circles under the eyes

  1. Roll-on gel “Caffeine Roller” from Garner

This gel is specially designed to combat brown circles under the eyes and signs of fatigue. The massage roller in combination with caffeine in the gel has tonic and stimulating properties that effectively fight signs of fatigue (swelling, dark circles). In addition, the gel contains lemon extract, known for its whitening properties, and grape antioxidants. These components do an excellent job with brown circles under the eyes. The big advantage is that during application the roller itself supplies the required amount of gel, which means that the product will be used sparingly.

The result: with regular use for at least four weeks, the circles under the eyes become much smaller. Another product in the eyelid line from Garner is the “Caffeine Roller 2 in 1 Care + Corrector.” It has a double action - it effectively fights dark circles under the eyes and instantly disguises them, providing long-lasting coverage.
The result: brown circles are hidden and the skin around the eyes looks smooth and radiant.

Lumene Time Freeze lifting eye cream

Contains heather extract and plant proteins that smooth, strengthen the skin of the eyelids and help reduce circles under the eyes. Does not contain fragrances that can cause allergies. A significant advantage is that it consists of 95% natural ingredients.

Avon Anew Alternative Intensive rejuvenating phyto eye cream “Time Formula”

Contains extracts of rare oriental herbs that improve blood microcirculation in capillaries and effectively fight dark circles. After just seven days, you can notice that the circles have become noticeably lighter, and after 4 weeks, the dark circles under the eyes are reduced, the skin looks smooth, rested, and wrinkles are reduced. For women over 35 years old.

Visible Results L’Oreal - perfecting eyelid skin

This day cream perfectly masks blue under eyes. Contains micropigments that scatter light rays, thereby masking circles. Significantly reduces signs of fatigue. After the first day of use, dark circles under the eyes are reduced. It has a light, non-sticky texture that is instantly absorbed into the skin, allowing you to apply makeup immediately. Result: eyelid skin without dark circles and wrinkles.

This gel is a godsend for sensitive eyes. This lightweight and non-sticky gel has a refreshing texture and begins to act instantly, removing signs of fatigue and awakening the skin. Despite its lightness, it is an effective remedy against dark circles. In addition, the gel reduces fine wrinkles, tones and strengthens the skin. Suitable for women 25-30 years old.

VICHY THERMAL FIX for eye contour

A refreshing gel that does not irritate sensitive eye skin. Passed ophthalmological and dermatological tests, which showed that the gel is absolutely hypoallergenic. The active component - Dextran Sulfate - is designed to reduce and prevent dark circles under the eyes. The thermal water included in the gel softens and moisturizes the skin, while saturating it with minerals and trace elements. The result: bruises become smaller, and the skin of the eyelids looks rested and radiant.

Clinique - revitalizing eye contour cream

This intensive cream is designed to fight the signs of aging, including dark circles under the eyes. The velvety cream is quickly absorbed and penetrates deeply into the skin, stimulating blood circulation. Even after the first use, you can note a positive result - dark circles under the eyes disappear, and the skin becomes elastic and smooth. By regularly using this cream, you can forget about the problem of dark circles under the eyes for a long time - the healthy appearance of your skin is completely restored.

Korres night cream for dark circles SPF6

Contains active ingredients that reduce wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes: vitamin K1 - removes circles under the eyes, evening primrose - stimulates blood circulation, activates the skin's natural protection from UV radiation, and also contains SPF6, which protects the skin of the eyelids from the harmful effects of sunlight.

Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair Eye night cream

Gel-serum, which has a weightless and melting texture, effectively fights dark circles under the eyes. The cream neutralizes up to 90% of free radicals - the main enemies of beauty and youth. Skin looks radiant and hydrated. Within a week, dark circles under the eyes become almost invisible, and the skin tone evens out.

Night Eye Cream, Wish, Christina

Night cream for sensitive eyelid skin. It has a rich texture, thanks to which it penetrates better into the skin and intensively nourishes and restores it during sleep. Retinol and citrus acid contained in the cream lighten dark circles under the eyes. The next morning, the skin around the eyes looks renewed and fresh.

All remedies can permanently relieve you of the problem of dark circles under the eyes. But remember that dark circles become more noticeable when you spend a lot of time indoors. Just an hour in the fresh air can work wonders. And more parsley and freshly squeezed orange juice in your diet will make the circles almost invisible.