After shaving cream for legs

With all the variety of depilation products, most women prefer to remove hair on their legs and bikini area using a machine. The main disadvantage of this method is the appearance of irritation after the procedure. Home and pharmacy remedies will help remove redness, inflammation and itching of the skin.

Pharmacy drugs

Irritation after shaving can be easily eliminated with the help of baby cream or other pharmaceutical preparations. Special ointments and gels help prevent bacteria from penetrating the skin, preventing their growth and irritation. Creams with the addition of extracts of string, calendula, chamomile, vitamins C, A, E, and essential oils can nourish and moisturize the epidermis.

Cream and ointment with panthenol

Bepanten, D-panthenol, Panthenol are popular ointments, the main active ingredient of which is dexpanthenol.

The active component has powerful regenerative properties, quickly relieves irritation, redness, itching and burning of the skin.

In medicine, ointments are used to treat wounds, burns, and trophic ulcers.

If redness appears after shaving, the product should be applied to the damaged areas of the body in a thin layer once a day. The effect of the drugs begins instantly, and after half an hour reaches its maximum - the itching completely disappears, the unpleasant pain disappears. You can use ointments and creams with dexpanthenol without any time limits.


Actovegin or Solcoseryl

Drugs that improve tissue trophism accelerate cell regeneration processes and activate the metabolism of glucose and oxygen. The main active ingredient of Actovegin and Solcoseryl is a hemoderivat obtained from the blood of calves. Ointments are intended for external use in the presence of:

  1. wounds;
  2. inflammatory diseases of the epidermis;
  3. solar, thermal, chemical burns.

With caution, medications should be applied to the groin and armpits, where the skin is hypersensitive. To relieve inflammation on the legs or arms, apply a thin layer of ointment 1-2 times a day until the unpleasant symptoms completely disappear.

Tincture of calendula

Irritation, acne, skin itching - an alcohol tincture of calendula officinalis can cope with all symptoms of irritation from depilation. The herbal medicine has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect and is used to treat:

  1. burns;
  2. purulent wounds;
  3. cuts;
  4. inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.

To remove red spots on the legs after shaving, dilute calendula tincture with half and half water. Soak a cotton pad in the resulting liquid and wipe the damaged areas of the body 2-3 times a day. Keep in mind that the composition contains alcohol, which dries out the epidermis, so the duration of use of the tincture should not exceed 3-4 days.


Hydrocortisone ointment

Hormonal ointment with hydrocortisone will help remove severe irritation.

The drug has an anti-inflammatory, antipruritic effect, relieves swelling

Apply the product in a thin layer only to damaged areas of the body 1-2 times a day. You can use the ointment on your own for no more than 2-3 days. If during this time the unpleasant symptoms have not disappeared, it is better to consult a doctor.

Please note that Hydrocortisone ointment contains synthetic hormones and can cause a number of side effects:

  1. swelling;
  2. itching;
  3. allergic reactions;
  4. atrophy of the skin;
  5. hyperemia.

Salicylic acid

Regular aspirin will help quickly remove redness, itching, and inflammation of the skin. It contains salicylic acid, which has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. The method of using the tablets is simple:

  1. Grind 2-3 aspirin tablets in a mortar.
  2. Add a few drops of water to them to make a paste.
  3. For additional moisturizing, you can add a few drops of pharmaceutical glycerin to the composition.
  4. Lubricate your feet with the solution and leave for 15 minutes.
  5. Remove any remaining tablets with warm water.
  6. It is necessary to use acetylsalicylic acid 1-2 times a day until the irritation completely disappears.


Home Remedies

Pharmacy aftershave products for women can be replaced with homemade soothing masks, lotions, and herbal decoctions. The following are very popular:

  1. Aloe mask. Squeeze the juice from aloe leaves. At 2 tbsp. l. Add 2-3 drops of any cosmetic oil. Apply the mask to your feet and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse off any remaining residue with cool water.
  2. Birch decoction. 2 tbsp. l. crushed birch leaves pour 100 ml of water. Bring to a boil in a steam bath, cool. Soak a cotton pad in the solution and apply to damaged skin.
  3. Compress with chamomile. 2 tbsp. l. pour 200 ml of boiling water over the flowers. Let it brew for 30-40 minutes, strain. Soak gauze in the solution and apply the compress to the inflamed areas for 30 minutes.
  4. Rubbing the pubic area with ice cubes. Freeze a decoction of chamomile, calendula, and birch leaves. Use ice cubes to wipe problem areas morning and evening. Then apply nourishing cream.


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Irritation is painful, unpleasant, ugly. It can appear anywhere on the skin and does not have to be limited to sensitive areas. Pimples, redness, and small bumps make your legs look unkempt and even scary after shaving. As a result, you have to wear trousers instead of a short skirt, which is not always pleasant. In fact, there are many ways to cope with irritation and prevent its occurrence in the future.


  1. Golden rules of shaving
  2. How to shave your legs correctly
  3. Store-bought remedies for irritation
  1. Acetylsalicylic acid
  2. D-panthenol, bepanthen
  3. Tea tree oil
  4. Solcoseryl (ointment, gel)
  5. Salicylic acid solution
Home remedies for irritation If all else fails


Golden rules of shaving

The skin on girls' legs is delicate and requires a special approach. There will be no irritation or redness after shaving if you know the basic rules and strictly follow them. Under no circumstances should you do the procedure “on the run.” It is worth determining the time of hair removal in advance. Some girls are forced to do this almost every day, while others need to do this 2-3 times a week. It is better to leave shaving for the evening so that you can do it slowly and finish it properly.

  1. Wet shaving. You cannot scrape dry legs with a machine. Shaving foam or cream should always be used. No shower gel or soap can replace them.
  2. High quality machine. 50% of success depends on it, so there is no need to save. A good razor has sharp blades (preferably several), a floating head, and a gel or silicone strip.
  3. Steaming the skin. It is enough to take a warm shower or lie in the bath for a while. The hairs will become softer, the pores will open, and the shave will be better.
  4. Completion of the procedure. After shaving, you need to moisturize your skin. If a cut occurs, the damaged area is immediately treated with an antiseptic.

You cannot shave your legs just before going to the beach, to the bathhouse or sauna, or even just before going out, as many girls do. The skin has been subjected to mechanical stress, it needs to be given time to recover. It is for this reason that it is better to perform depilation in the evening.

Advice! Do the hairs grow parallel to the skin and fit tightly? They need to be lifted before depilation. It is convenient to do this with a scrub. But if there is inflammation on the skin, open wounds or small pustules, then this should not be done.

Video: 11 mistakes when shaving your legs

How to shave your legs correctly

Irritation often occurs due to improper procedure. You cannot run the machine over the same place many times. That is why it is important to pay attention to the quality of the razor and related products. There should not be any difficulties when running the machine over the skin. The ideal option is that the blade glides and cuts everything in its path without additional pressure.

How to shave your legs correctly:

  1. Steam or at least wash with warm water. Apply shaving cream over the entire surface at once, it will further soften the hairs.
  2. Using a sharp tool, run along the legs in the direction of hair growth. You can't shave against it, it leads to irritation. Slowly scrub the legs, there is no need to rush and scrub quickly.
  3. After the procedure, rinse off any remaining product well.

Immediately, while the surface is wet, apply aftershave lotion or cream, rub in, and leave until completely absorbed.

Store-bought remedies for irritation

The choice of special products for irritation on the legs after shaving is small. Most often they are cosmetic products, that is, not medicinal, aimed at eliminating dryness, moisturizing, and may have bactericidal properties. It’s better to go to the pharmacy and pick up a drug that improves skin regeneration, promotes cell restoration, relieves redness, eliminates itching and other related problems. Most of these remedies are familiar and even available at home.


Acetylsalicylic acid

Regular aspirin will help cope with irritation, relieve redness, and help the skin recover faster. You need to crush several tablets, it is better to do this immediately in the package. Then pour into a bowl, add a little water, stir. Sometimes pharmaceutical glycerin is added.

Lubricate your feet with the solution 1-2 times a day, leave for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. After aspirin, you can apply any creams and lotions.

D-panthenol, bepanthen

Products with dexpanthenol work real miracles, and they are completely safe. There are different forms of release, but creams and gels are convenient for home use. There are many analogues with different names. The most common are bepanthen and d-panthenol. The concentration of the active substance is 5%. You can even apply products with panthenol to severely damaged, inflamed areas. The drug will accelerate tissue regeneration, the first positive results will be noticeable on the second day.

Tea tree oil

This product has a bactericidal effect, helps cope with various skin problems, and is often used to treat dandruff. Under no circumstances should it be applied in its pure form. It is better to add 2-3 drops to a teaspoon of body lotion or cream, stir and lubricate your feet. This mixture can be used to prevent skin problems after shaving.


Solcoseryl (ointment, gel)

The drug is intended for the treatment of dental diseases, but has shown itself to be effective against external skin problems. Solcoseryl has a regenerating, membrane-stabilizing, wound-healing and angioprotective effect. It can be applied even to open wounds, but only after preliminary disinfection. Usually chlorhexidine is used for this. Moisten a swab in the solution, treat the desired area, and lubricate it with the preparation.

The product has an analogue - Actovegin. This drug is available in the form of ointment and cream and is used in a similar way.

Salicylic acid solution

Salicylic acid is a cheap and simple remedy that can also be used to treat irritation. It is suitable for skin with bumps, inflamed areas, and redness. Additionally, salicylic acid will help cope with ingrown hairs. It is advisable to apply only to damaged areas. You can wipe your feet immediately after depilation before applying moisturizer.

If irritation is accompanied by peeling of the skin, dryness, itching, then salicylic acid should not be used.

Important: You can often find different forms of the drug with the same content of active ingredients. How are they different? Mainly the speed of absorption. Creams and gels penetrate the skin layers most quickly; ointments remain on the surface longer, but they additionally nourish, sometimes moisturize, and do not allow the surface to dry out.


Home remedies for irritation

In addition to pharmaceutical preparations and after-shave cosmetics, a variety of herbs, oils, and foods will help get rid of irritation. In folk medicine and phototherapy there are many effective recipes. Usually these are water infusions and decoctions for lubricating damaged skin and applying compresses. Alcohol-containing compounds can be used, but not often. Otherwise, it will cause even more harm; increased dryness, itching, and flaking will be added to the irritation.

Compress with chamomile

One of the most accessible, well-known, and easy-to-use medicinal plants is chamomile. It can be safely used for irritation. From 2 tbsp. l. flowers (can be combined with the herb) and 300 ml of water, prepare a decoction or infusion (in a thermos), strain, moisten the cloth and wrap your feet, hold for at least 30 minutes. For convenience, you can wrap it in stretch film and do household chores. Similarly, instead of chamomile, you can use oak bark or calendula flowers.

Aloe juice

Aloe (aka agave) can be used to eliminate problems after shaving. It is enough to squeeze the juice from the thickest and fleshiest leaves and lubricate the affected skin. But it’s better to follow all the rules: keep the sheets in the refrigerator for 7-10 days, chop, squeeze and use only after that. It has been proven that keeping the plant in a cool place increases the amount of beneficial and healing substances. The squeezed juice is perfectly stored if you use clean and dry containers.


Aloe can also be added to ready-made creams and lotions, mixed in any proportions. But in this case, it is undesirable to store the product and it is better to prepare it immediately before use.

Ice cubes

The simplest remedy that will help soothe irritated skin. For processing, use regular ice or frozen herbal decoctions and infusions. You need to take a cube and wipe the problem areas until the ice completely melts. The same remedy will help temporarily relieve the itching that often accompanies the problem. After use, apply cream.

Healing oil

In 1 tbsp. l. any cosmetic oil (coconut, peach or almond), add 2 capsules of vitamins A and E, stir. Use the mixture immediately after shaving and to restore skin in daily care.

Parsley infusion

Brew 2 tbsp. l. chopped parsley with a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Moisten the swab and wipe the skin several times a day. In addition to eliminating problems, parsley will lighten the skin and help even out the color. This infusion can also be used for compresses.


If all else fails

You have to shave often, especially in the summer. If irritation appears on your legs after each shaving, then the skin simply does not have time to recover. As a result, her condition deteriorates greatly, rough crusts and scars appear. There may also be dark spots and red dots, inflamed tubercles under which hairs grow. This must not be allowed!

In such cases, you just need to give up the razor. In the cold season, leave your feet alone for 7-10 days. It may be unaesthetic, but the skin must recover. Or simply choose a different hair removal method. If there are no open wounds and the irritation is dry, use depilatory cream. As an option, treat with sugaring or an electric epilator. In this case, there will be 3 weeks for recovery.

For very sensitive skin, only photoepilation, laser, elos and other similar salon procedures that remove hair for a long time can cope with the problem.

Video: From red dots, ingrown hairs


Hello, dear readers! Today in our article we will discuss a very delicate women's problem, especially relevant in the summer. You will learn why irritation appears on your legs after shaving and what to do about it. We will find out how to correctly carry out this procedure step by step. You will reveal simple secrets of the beauty of women's legs and will not be embarrassed to go out in shorts or skirts, because you will eliminate your problem - inflamed skin.

Main reasons

Despite the variety of special services and devices, shaving legs with a machine remains the most common option. For what reasons? This method is the fastest, most convenient and quite effective. The skin becomes perfectly smooth, and the procedure does not require long-term hair growth.

But everything can’t be so good! And there is some truth in this. Because this procedure can cause irritation. The result is not always smooth, beautiful skin; peeling, irritation, and itching often appear. Why is this happening? Because during the procedure the upper and most sensitive layer of the epidermis is damaged. In damaged areas, blood flow becomes more intense, and the inflammatory process begins.

As a rule, this problem occurs in girls who have sensitive skin or do not follow the rules of shaving.

Reasons that contribute to inflammation:

  1. shaving every day;
  2. not a sharp razor blade;
  3. shaving without moisturizing and gels, mousses;
  4. shaving one area multiple times;
  5. using soap instead of special gels and other products (dries out and is a harsh aggressive agent);
  6. non-compliance with skin care;
  7. mechanical irritation. Drying the cover with a hard towel or using a scrub.

Girls, remember that it is important to follow the rules of personal hygiene: using only your own razor and towel, keeping your hands clean. If such basic rules are not followed, then there is a high risk of infection and the appearance of pustules. Other problems may also arise, read here:

Photo of the problem



How to shave your legs correctly

Friends, in order for your smooth legs to attract admiring and envious glances, and not sympathetic ones, you need to approach the shaving procedure with full responsibility and seriousness.

Step-by-step method of proper depilation:

  1. First, prepare and steam your skin. For depilation, use, as mentioned earlier, special gels and mousses, but not soap. You can buy a product designed for women. The choice of such gels is very diverse. Any girl can find the gel that suits her skin type and even scent. But men's gels and mousses have a slightly different technology and are designed for a more delicate dermis, which means they will act even more carefully. Therefore, you may well purchase a product from the men's line. Distribute the gel over your legs up to your knees and leave for three minutes.
  2. Then take your razor and pour boiling water over it. This will help get rid of germs if the machine has been used before, and the blades will become more flexible thanks to this move. Smoothly and carefully move the machine from the ankle to the knee. Move against the direction of hair growth.
  3. Remember, shaving the same area multiple times is not recommended. But if this becomes necessary, apply the gel to this area, wait again for three minutes and only then continue depilation. After the shin is treated, move on to the knee.
  4. Run very hot water over the machine again. Generously lubricate the kneecap with depilatory gel and carefully run the machine on all sides of the knee, being careful not to cut the skin near the bone. Do the same procedure with the second knee.
  5. Rinse your legs from the thighs down with very warm (close to hot) water. Apply shaving cream to your thighs and leave on for three minutes. Shave your legs from the knee, from bottom to top. If any area needs re-waxing, then, as mentioned above, reapply the mousse or gel and repeat shaving.
  6. When you are finished, thoroughly rinse off the entire mousse with water without anything else. You can use cream-gel for intimate hygiene.
  7. If you have inflammation, then you can safely use olive oil and lubricate your legs with it. Or use any anti-inflammatory cream: “Bepanten”, “Panthenol” and others.

If you follow each stage of depilation and perform it correctly, then you will be able to avoid such unpleasant consequences as itching, peeling, and redness.

Pharmacy remedies for severe irritation

When you still couldn’t avoid the problem and your legs look completely unattractive. Inflammation appeared after shaving your legs, but you don’t know how to get rid of it? Then you can resort to pharmaceuticals.

  1. Uniderm ointment. An excellent remedy for relieving inflammation and redness of the epidermis. It is recommended to use it no more than once a day until the unpleasant symptoms disappear.
  2. "Bepanten." A common anti-inflammatory ointment that is suitable even for children. It contains vitamins, thereby soothing the skin and making it more tender.
  3. "Traumel". A homeopathic medicine that relieves inflammation and promotes increased regeneration of the epidermis. The composition of the ointment is completely natural.
  4. "D-panthenol." The drug heals wounds and soothes the dermis.
  5. "Fenistil". Suitable for a variety of problems. It can be used four times a day.
  6. Hydrocortisone ointment 1%. This product is perfect for getting rid of the unpleasant consequences of depilation. The drug soothes the skin and is an antiseptic. Use for about a week until the redness disappears.
  7. We recommend using the Bikini Zone medicinal cream, tested by many women, which will help get rid of unevenness and irritation in the hair removal area.


Homemade recipes to make your feet beautiful

With such a delicate and common problem, not only pharmaceutical drugs, but also folk recipes will help. At home, you can make quite effective remedies yourself to relieve inflammation.


  1. dried chamomile - 1 tablespoon;
  2. dry mint - 1 tablespoon;
  3. water - 2 glasses.

How to cook: Soak the herbs in water and bring to a boil over low heat. Leave it to brew for several hours.

How to use: Wipe your skin with this decoction throughout the day.

Aloe vera

  1. aloe vera leaf - 2 pieces;
  2. vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon.

How to cook: Grind the plant in a blender, mix with oil.

How to use: Apply the mixture to your legs after each shave.

Honey + rolled oats

  1. honey -1 teaspoon;
  2. essential oil - 2 drops;
  3. rolled oats flakes - 1 tablespoon.

How to cook: mix all ingredients in a blender.

How to use: Apply with massaging movements.

Lemon juice

Lubricate your legs with lemon juice after shaving, this will help soothe the skin and relieve irritation. Lemon contains antioxidants. They are the ones who protect against external factors.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap is hypoallergenic and absolutely safe for humans. It is made only from natural ingredients: animal fat, vegetable oil and other additives. It will help you cope with discomfort after waxing.

You should lather the soap and rub it on the irritated areas of the epidermis. Let the foam dry and then rinse off by massaging the skin.

Such cunning and uncomplicated recipes are like a lifeline for the unpleasant problem caused by shaving your legs. Use the listed proven remedies, or even better, prevent such a delicate problem from occurring and attract everyone with your wonderful smooth legs!


  1. There are many reasons why irritation occurs: daily shaving, depilation of unmoisturized skin, repeated treatment of one area, failure to take care after the procedure, and more.
  2. Perform depilation correctly: use a special gel, move against hair growth from ankle to knee, with smooth movements. Treat the area above from the knee to the thigh. Rinse your legs well and apply aftershave cream.
  3. For inflammation after depilation, use pharmaceutical ointments: “Bepanten”, “D-panthenol”, “Fenistil”.
  4. Home remedies will also calm the dermis: lemon juice, laundry soap, chamomile and mint decoction.

Watch a useful video on the topic.

This concludes our article. Don't forget to click on the social media button below. And share your personal experience in the comments on how you removed irritation. In this case, we will know that we are writing such useful articles for you for a reason and they will benefit you!