Rock cream for wrinkles around the eyes reviews

Top most popular anti-wrinkle creams with hyaluronic acid - reviews from women and expert opinions

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The global market offers an incredible amount of various cosmetics to combat wrinkles and restore youth to a aging woman’s face. In recent years, anti-wrinkle creams with hyaluronic acid have gained great popularity and interest, and enough reviews have accumulated for them to try to form an up-to-date opinion about the general effect of this substance on the skin.

The effectiveness of hyaluron at different ages

Acid is included in a huge number of creams, ranging from those aged 30 to cosmetics for women over 60.

But the effectiveness of the molecules will be different for each of these ages:

  1. At 30 years old, hyaluron will slow down the aging process and provide excellent hydration, which is so necessary at this age. Additionally, it will smooth out fine wrinkles and improve skin elasticity, restoring its tone and freshness.
  2. After 40 years, the molecules form excellent protection against environmental factors and trigger the processes of cell regeneration and nutrition. Hyaluron will help solve some problems related to skin health at this age.
  3. After 50 years - treats due to the content of stem cells, calcium, algae. Improves skin structure and collagen production, and visibly rejuvenates.
  4. After 60 years, the action of a cream with acid is aimed at increasing turgor and smoothing facial contours, as well as excellent hydration around the eyes.

Anti-aging medications on the market may work for some people but may not be effective for others.

Rules for choosing an effective cream

Composition is a key factor in choosing a quality cream with hyaluronic acid for wrinkles, which you won’t have to write a negative review about.

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But, in addition to the composition, such an indicator as high-quality packaging is also very important.

There are components that decompose when exposed to light, so a simple jar is not always a reliable container for a good anti-wrinkle cream with hyaluronic acid.

Here's what to consider when choosing cosmetics:

  1. Compare the list of components. The vast majority of creams contain not hyaluronic acid itself, but its salt! In this case, the mark will not be acid, but sodium. There is nothing criminal about this, but pure acid is much more effective than salt.
  2. Choose a product without a strong odor. Quality-oriented professional creams contain a minimum of unnecessary chemicals - dyes, flavors and preservatives.
  3. A UV filter is required. Any good hyaluronic acid anti-wrinkle cream will contain an SPF factor to protect against sunlight. This is one of the most important protections for our body.
  4. When choosing an anti-aging cream, look for BHA and AHA acids, as well as vitamins E, C and A. Green tea extract also fights aging well.
  5. At night, you can use cosmetics with retinol; it has a pronounced anti-aging effect.

And remember that anti-wrinkle creams with hyaluronic acid that are not advertised on booklets, on the Internet or on TV have earned the most positive reviews.

Top popular products

Among the most mentioned and highlighted not only by cosmetologists, but also by ordinary users, products with hyaluronic acid, several worthy preparations can be distinguished:

  1. Planter’s Acido Hialuronico – contains pure acid, not salt;
  2. Cerave Moisturizing Lotion – also contains acid;
  3. It’s skin Hyaluronic Acid – contain hyaluron salt, but are also characterized by good effectiveness and low cost;
  4. Eveline bio HYALURON 4D is an inexpensive cream with a very attractive composition;
  5. "D'Oliva" - contains all the necessary ingredients to maintain youthful skin;
  6. “Hyaluron Concentrate” is an excellent gel activator with hyaluronic acid.

Especially for the skin around the eyelids, you can select Merz cream mousse, which has excellent quality and effectiveness.

Opinion of people and experts

There are a lot of reviews about creams with hyaluronic acid against wrinkles on the Internet. There are several factors to consider when assessing an opinion:

  1. Do not trust articles and information posted on the websites of beauty salons and clinics. They can belittle the merits of certain products so that people turn to cosmetologists.
  2. You should not blindly believe both negative and positive reviews posted in online stores and on various product pages on the Internet. They may be written by company representatives.

The best source of verified and reliable opinion is various forums and personal blogs of people who have used hyaluronic acid against wrinkles.

The most common opinion regarding whether a cream with hyaluronic acid helps against wrinkles is that enzyme-based preparations, when used externally, do not have a strong effect. Yes, they are effective after 25 years of age until approximately 35-40 years of age. But then the effectiveness of their use decreases greatly.

Another group of experts agree that cream with hyaluronic acid is an excellent opportunity to prolong youth. But you still can’t do without hardware cosmetology in the fight against wrinkles.

Reviews from women

Water from mineral springs, lagoons and glaciers

Even small children know that without water there is no life on Earth: plants, animals and people cannot exist without life-giving moisture. Water from springs, mineral springs and glaciers is of particular value for the body, because it contains microelements and biologically active components that are so necessary for our health. Its unique properties are appreciated by dermatologists and cosmetologists: enriched with selenium, sulfur, calcium and magnesium, it perfectly moisturizes and soothes the skin.

Cosmetic companies are also paying increased attention to the development of products based on thermal water: statistics show that between 2009 and 2012 the production of such care products increased by 78%. This fact eloquently demonstrates that these creams, lotions and masks are very popular among buyers.

An example is Vichy products. This wonderful product has rightfully taken a strong place among the company's bestsellers thanks to the excellent properties of thermal water from the legendary French Vichy spring. The healing liquid perfectly moisturizes and soothes dry, irritated skin: it contains 15 minerals that ensure healthy skin, as well as antioxidants that neutralize the destructive effects of free radicals at the cellular level.

Water from the Raiatea lagoon, located near the Polynesian island of Bora Bora, has no less beneficial effects on the beauty of our face and body than thermal water from Vichy: the liquid, rich in calcium and potassium, is a real salvation for dehydrated, tired skin.

These properties were adopted by specialists from the scientific laboratories of the French luxury cosmetics brand Carita, who developed the luxurious Ideal Hydration series. The star product in this series is Rich Lagoon Cream - an excellent anti-aging moisturizer. Exotic lagoon water, algae extracts, shea butter, honey extracts actively fight dryness, wrinkles and irritation.

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The ideal partner for Rich Lagoon Cream is Lagoon Eye Contour eye gel, the light texture of which protects delicate skin from aging and effectively relieves puffiness. Its rich composition includes various waters: the unique Polynesian intensely moisturizes, while pink and cornflower blue water soften the delicate skin around the eyes.

The products of the British brand Skyn ​​Iceland deserve special attention, the main ingredient of which is glacial water from Iceland. Having learned that Icelandic springs, as well as the plants growing on this wonderful island, are some of the most environmentally friendly on our planet, the founder of the company, Sarah Kugelman, decided to use these gifts of nature in the cosmetics industry.
Sarah had very good reasons to be confident in the success of her enterprise: this magical liquid is used to treat such serious dermatological diseases as psoriasis and eczema. Miss Kugelman was personally convinced of this several years ago: it was with the help of healing Icelandic glacial water that she was able to restore her failing health.

A special place in the Skyn ​​Iceland assortment is occupied by the Arctic Hydrating Balm cream, designed to care for ultra-sensitive dry skin. A unique combination of glacial water, arctic red algae, physalis and wild oat extracts instantly hydrates, soothes and restores irritated and tired skin.

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Especially for those who want to get rid of unwanted pigmentation and surprise others with an ideal complexion, the brand's specialists have developed White Cloud Spot Corrector. Icelandic glacier water, vitamin C, licorice and Siberian ginseng extracts give the skin a healthy glow and help get rid of unsightly brown spots.


I used it for three years. Everything was fine. After the next tube ran out I purchased the series. After using it, my entire face became swollen and covered in a rash. The third day does not pass. I bought ointment and allergy pills. I hope it helps. I gave the cream to a friend, she was ok. So, apparently, your things accumulate and it’s better not to use cosmetics alone for a long time.


ROC caused mixed feelings when I first met it. I really liked the consultant at the pharmacy, so I was determined to get a positive result from the retinol cream for the skin around the eyes against wrinkles. Disappointed! There was no burning or redness, as many here say, but the cream slides off, dries out the skin, and leaves an uncomfortable feeling. I decided that it wasn’t right for me!

Therefore, I was no longer going to experiment further with this brand until I received a 50% discount on any ROC products. The same girl is a consultant to me. I recommended body milk in a lilac bottle with hyaluronic acid. I went and bought it. Used it for the first time today. Excited! I don’t know what about the elasticity and moisturizing effect that the manufacturer promises - it takes more time to evaluate this. But the cream feels wonderful! Unobtrusive aroma (I associate it with barberry), distributes well, does not clump, the skin is soft and silky :). very good Fine.

there is one more coupon left for a 50% discount on one ROC product :), I wanted to buy a body balm for dry skin (use it on the heels, after sunbathing, leave it on for the winter), now I even have a desire to buy a second jar of restoring lotion (that’s what it’s called , although the consistency is body milk).

- Who are we? - Girls! – What don’t we want? -Grow old! – When do we not want it? - Always! But somehow it doesn’t work out well to joke about this topic, because our body is designed in such a way that after 25 years, slow but steady aging of the skin begins, and with it come various kinds of problems: wrinkles, pigmentation, and so on.

Today we will select the best cream for wrinkles around the eyes, reviews, price and effectiveness - these will be our criteria.


Scheme for applying eye cream

Diversity in the market

What won't cosmetics manufacturers come up with? to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes: creams with hyaluronic acid, lifting, peeling, etc.

Among this huge number of anti-aging skin products, it is very easy to get confused which one to choose for your skin type. We have prepared a rating of the most famous creams, please read and take note!

Name A country pros Minuses Note
Black Pearl Russia Affordable, effective. You need to choose based on your age, but keep in mind that the age in your passport and your skin may be different. Many women have already appreciated its capabilities, and it is worth noting that all the reviews about the anti-wrinkle cream are very laudatory.
Mary Kay France Very effective, it helps eliminate both expression lines and deep wrinkles. Dear, there are a lot of fakes, the skin quickly gets used to it. An ideal cream against expression lines around the eyes, if not addictive.
Estee Lauder (Estee Lauder) France Recommended by dermatologists as a very effective anti-wrinkle cream. The price is a little high, but we spend more on facial lifting and cryomassage. We recommend purchasing this anti-wrinkle cream together with a moisturizing complex.
Clean line Russia Made exclusively from natural materials, does not cause allergies, and helps against the first wrinkles. For older women it may not be effective enough. The price is good, the recipes are based on traditional medicine.
Chanel France What can you say about Chanel that no one knows? Just a wonderful active lifting cream that helps even after 50. Price. Not every girl or woman can afford to buy the original, and there’s no point in talking about copies. It is difficult to find in our homeland; you will have to order it online. This is a very good cream. Many celebrities regularly praise it, but the skin quickly gets used to it, and Chanel anti-wrinkle creams are not used for dry skin.
Loreal France A good replacement for Chanel, in principle no worse, the price is lower, it works just as effectively. Allowed to be used only after 25, not suitable for everyone. L'Oreal is a well-known manufacturer of anti-aging products at affordable prices.
Galenic France Fills wrinkles, smoothes the skin, increases the tone of the dermis. Possible allergies to components and active additives. Contains blue algae extract.
Avon USA The cream is used for both mature and young skin, fights expression lines and pigmentation. Avon cosmetics are addictive. At one time, Olya series creams simply made a splash in the world of beauty, now passions have subsided, but the product is still effective.
Amway USA Also, according to advertising companies, it is made from natural ingredients, the famous “3 minutes” system helps to slightly tighten the skin around the eyes and remove wrinkles on the forehead in just a few minutes. Expensive, it’s not suitable for everyone, there’s not enough cream, so it runs out quickly. There are bonuses when registering with the company; also, if the cream is not suitable, it can be returned without problems within 14 days.
Lierac France A good anti-wrinkle day cream, the intensive complex was specially created to combat deep pits. Dear, it ends quickly. Folic acid, which is included in the composition, helps the skin glow and delight with its appearance.
(Avene) Avene Isteal, Eluage France Anti-wrinkle cream around the eyes and lips, eliminates deep folds on the cheeks. Expensive, does not moisturize the skin, is poorly perceived in the cold. If you are under 45 and live in a warm country, this cream is perfect, otherwise it is better to choose a more nutritious product.
Belita Belarus More than affordable, especially considering that it contains collagen. Not suitable for everyone; individual intolerance is possible. The product is aimed at filling wrinkles, rapid skin restoration, and an anti-aging effect literally from the second use.
Yves Rocher France One of the most effective creams against wrinkles around the eyes. It is quickly absorbed, helps well, the result is visible after just a few days of use. Again the cost, but they don’t skimp on beauty, do they? It is advisable to use together with the entire series of anti-aging skin products.
Bioderma France Very easy to use, improves skin elasticity. It is necessary to select according to skin type and characteristics. A good cream against wrinkles around the eyes after 30.
Botofit with Botox effect France Affordable, reasonable price for such a product, easy to buy (look for it in pharmacies). We recommend using it only after 35, otherwise you may contribute to accelerated skin aging. Contains algae extracts, which create the Botox effect. A worthy replacement for contour plastic surgery.
Clarins (Clarence) France Helps increase the elasticity of the eyelids, eliminates deep wrinkles around the eyes, a good night cream. Expensive. Contains many natural extracts, water is replaced with herbal decoctions.
Vichy (Vichy) France Can be used both after 20 and after 40, easy to buy, perfectly moisturizes the skin. Possible skin addiction, somewhat high cost. Vishi eye wrinkle prevention cream helps not only get rid of wrinkles, but also soothe the skin, reduce dark circles under the eyes, and relieve fatigue.
Garnier France It helps young skin prepare for the aging process and accelerates regeneration. Will not help against deep wrinkles around the eyes. The only product of all presented that can be used from 20 years.
RoC (Rock) France Effective, eliminates puffiness and bags under the eyes. Expensive. Contains hyaluronic acid and jojoba oil.
Clinique France This is an innovation in the field of medical cosmetology, it helps to get rid of age spots and very deep wrinkles. Tightens the dermis even after 50. Expensive, high-quality product is not so easy to get. This company has been producing creams for deep wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes for several years now. Buy the entire line of products - you won’t regret it! It includes: anti-wrinkle mask, lotion, tonic.
Shiseido (Shiseido) Japan Elite light cream against wrinkles around the eyes, helps against bags under the eyes. Very expensive, difficult to buy. Intensive anti-wrinkle cream, suitable for all skin types, recommended for use from 40 years of age.
Guerlain France Works well for wrinkles of dry and sensitive skin, effectively moisturizes and smoothes the dermis. Dear, an allergic reaction is possible. The effect will be noticeable after the first use.

How to use the cream

To effectively eliminate wrinkles around the eyes at home, it is not enough to purchase a quality product; you also need to know how to use it. For example, not everyone has heard that there is a special scheme for applying the cream.

We will lift the curtain on this mystery. Take a small amount of eye cream onto your fingertips and apply it to the skin with a gentle pat, as if driving it into the face. The movements come from the forehead, while performing a light massage, as if smoothing out wrinkles in the eye area.

Before applying anti-wrinkle cream around the eyes with your own hands, we recommend watching a video - anti-aging massage and the rules for using anti-age products. We definitely pay special attention to the eyelids. And the main rule: strictly make sure not to confuse the jars of day and night creams - they have completely different areas of action.

We hope that our list of anti-wrinkle creams helped you decide which one is best to choose. Remember that beauty, like health, is a peak that everyone conquers on their own, so take care of yourself.

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