Eye cream against dark circles


Dark circles under the eyes are a common problem for modern people, both for women and men. Stress, long hours of work, bad habits and lack of sleep - all this does not have the best effect on a person’s appearance. Whereas today a lot depends on it, including career growth. Nobody wants an employee who looks sickly and always tired. In addition, darkening and swelling around the eyes can actually be a symptom of serious diseases of the internal organs that require serious treatment.

In this case, of course, it is better not to delay visiting a doctor, get examined and be sure to treat any detected pathologies of the heart, blood vessels or kidneys. If the examination does not reveal any pathologies, it means that you are simply unlucky: you have thin skin with blood vessels located close to the surface, and, therefore, only a good cream for dark circles under the eyes will help solve the problem.

Note: Remedies against dark circles under the eyes are divided into two large categories - pharmaceutical and cosmetic. With the help of pharmaceutical drugs, you can get rid of not only circles and bags under the eyes, but also more serious problems - hematomas and black eyes after a blow or injury. The cosmetic cream solves only minor defects, but at the same time additionally cares for the skin, eliminates swelling and smoothes out wrinkles.

Why do bruises under the eyes occur?

Every adequate adult understands: in order to look fresh, young and attractive, without unhealthy puffiness and circles under the eyes, you should get enough sleep, not abuse alcohol and nicotine, and not sit for long periods at the computer. The rules are simple, but sometimes it’s simply impossible to follow them, and then you have to start looking for a truly effective cream for dark circles under the eyes.

However, even the best and most expensive product from a trusted brand does not always give the expected result. This happens because the cream only removes external manifestations and does not solve the causes of the problem. Whereas, in addition to overwork and lack of sleep, there can be a huge number of them. The most common include:

  1. liver dysfunction;
  2. kidney dysfunction;
  3. avitaminosis;
  4. intestinal dysbiosis;
  5. helminthic infestations;
  6. intoxication of the body;
  7. problems with blood vessels and blood circulation;
  8. heart pathologies;
  9. diseases of the nasopharynx: sinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis.

And this is not a complete list of diseases that cause blue circles under the eyes. Of course, you can try to disguise them with cosmetics, buy a concealer that hides any skin imperfections and pretend that everything is fine. But sooner or later the problem will still have to be solved radically. It is better not to delay a visit to the doctor, because any disease is easier to cure at the initial stage than at an advanced stage. In the meantime, examination and treatment will take place, the situation will be corrected by a suitable cream or gel to eliminate darkening and puffiness under the eyes.

How the product works

It has already been said above that you can get rid of bruises on the face either with the help of a cosmetic, caring cream, or with the help of a pharmaceutical drug. Their mechanism of action is similar: stimulation of blood circulation, due to which metabolic processes are accelerated, excess fluid is removed from the body and the circles become lighter. But the composition may differ radically.

Many users claim that the best cream for dark circles under the eyes is various pharmaceutical ointments for bruises, bruises and even hemorrhoids. There is a certain common sense in this. Troxevasin, heparin ointment, badyaga, intended for rapid resorption of bruises and hematomas, contain active components that can stimulate metabolic processes in tissues, accelerate their regeneration and recovery. It is logical to assume that if you apply such an ointment to the circles under your eyes, they will also become lighter and the swelling will go away.

The problem is that the skin under the eyes is very thin and sensitive, it is easily irritated and inflamed. If you regularly apply a similar product intended for other purposes to it, over time you will achieve a completely different result than you would like: it will become dry, flabby and dull. Therefore, a one-time remedy for hematomas can really help improve your appearance, doctors do not deny this. But it is not suitable for constant use, otherwise no one would produce or buy cosmetic creams and gels with a brightening effect.

The situation is different with creams and gels designed specifically to care for the delicate skin around the eyes. Such funds contain:

  1. vitamin complexes;
  2. plant extracts;
  3. moisturizing components.

The active ingredients of eye creams and gels stimulate blood circulation and lymph flow, some additionally work as drainage. With proper and regular use, the dark spots around the eyes begin to lighten and the puffiness goes away.

Almost all modern eye skin care products have a complex effect. In addition to eliminating circles and swelling, they can also, depending on the composition, smooth out wrinkles, moisturize and nourish the skin, and tighten the contour. To make the right choice, it makes sense to consult with a cosmetologist before purchasing to identify current problems and find the best way to solve them. A specialist will tell you which types and brands you should pay attention to.

What to look for when purchasing

It would seem that it could be simpler: you came to the store, asked the consultant for a cream against circles under the eyes... And then you will be offered at least a dozen different products in different price ranges with different compositions and features of action. Which to choose? The following criteria for choosing cosmetics in this category will help you not to get confused:

  1. Compound . If the goal is to lighten dark spots under the eyes, then you need to look on the label for components such as retinol, vitamin complexes, caffeine, kelp, arnica, chamomile, rosemary, calendula, and plantain extracts. It would be great if the composition also contains ascorbic acid or other fruit acids: these substances help lighten not only black circles and bruises under the eyes, but also any pigmentation on the face in general.
  2. SPF level. Moreover, the older the person, the higher the sun protection level should be. Ultraviolet radiation is the main enemy of sensitive skin around the eyes. Not only dark circles, dryness, loss of tone, wrinkles - this is what awaits those who do not take care of protecting their eyes from aggressive sun rays. Therefore, it is worth spending a little more, but buy a product with an SPF level of at least 10.
  3. Purpose. Just like for the face, eye creams also come in day and night varieties. What is the difference? Night cream has a thicker, greasy consistency and often contains additional organic or essential oils. It is intended for intensive effects at night, when the skin and body are resting and best perceive the active components of the product. The day cream is lighter, it is quickly absorbed and works mainly to eliminate morning puffiness and circles under the eyes. You can apply foundation on top of it, it will not roll off.

Recently, they have begun to produce products whose labels also indicate the recommended gender of the consumer. Men have thicker and denser skin than women. But the problem of bruises under the eyes is also familiar to them. Today, representatives of the stronger sex take care of themselves no less than ladies, and sometimes even more. Therefore, leading brands began producing eye creams separately for men and separately for women. This is also worth paying attention to when purchasing, since the composition and concentration of active components of the products differ.

For information: Cost and manufacturer are not decisive parameters when choosing a truly suitable eye product. The best cream will not be the most expensive one, but the one that solves the problems. Sometimes a domestically produced budget product does a better job than a luxury one. But it still makes sense to trust German, American or Israeli brands, whose quality has been verified and the cost is quite affordable. French and Japanese cosmetics are considered elite; not everyone can afford them. In addition, in this case, counterfeits are possible if you purchase the product via the Internet and not in the manufacturer’s homeland.

The most popular eye products

The rating below is based on customer reviews and sales numbers for 2018. It includes products from domestic and foreign brands in various price segments, which have proven themselves to be the most effective and correspond to the action declared by the manufacturer.

Visible Results L'Oreal

An excellent medium-priced remedy for puffiness and circles under the eyes, which gives a truly visible result immediately after application. The cream-gel has a light texture and pleasant smell, is easily distributed and absorbed, and is suitable as a base for concealer or foundation.


Wish Night Eye Cream

Night eye cream designed to restore skin and brighten skin. The effect is achieved due to the content of retinol and fruit acids in the composition. The product is applied to cleansed skin once a day, half an hour before going to bed. By morning, the circles become noticeably lighter and smaller; to consolidate and maintain the effect, it is recommended to use the product regularly for at least 2-3 weeks.


Lumen Time Freeze

This product is intended for the care of mature skin around the eyes. The cream consists of 95% organic ingredients, does not contain fragrances, and does not cause allergies. Thanks to the active components in the composition (heather extract and natural proteins), the upper layer of the epidermis is smoothed, bags are reduced, and dark circles become lighter. To obtain the maximum effect, it is recommended to apply it morning and evening to problem areas for two weeks, strictly on cleansed skin, at least a quarter of an hour before applying cosmetics.


Vichy Thermal Fix

A professional hypoallergenic gel texture product based on thermal water, designed specifically for the care of very sensitive and thin skin around the eyes. The cream-gel refreshes and smoothes the skin, enriches it with minerals, makes it firm and radiant, without darkening or redness.


Clinique All About Eyes

Another luxury hypoallergenic product that effectively fights dark circles under the eyes and the first signs of skin aging. Apply the product morning and evening with patting movements to problem areas for two weeks. Suitable as a base for makeup.



User reviews will help you make your final decision on choosing a good eye cream for dark circles.

Summary: Bruises under the eyes today bother both girls and young people equally. You can get rid of them in three ways: using pharmaceutical products against varicose veins, hemorrhoids and hematomas, using cosmetic creams and gels, or using folk remedies. As practice shows, the most effective and safest is the use of a special cream or gel designed to care for the delicate skin under the eyes. The main thing is to choose the type and composition that really suits you and solves the current problem. You need to focus, first of all, on the recommendations of a specialist, and not on advertising and cost. For the result to be noticeable and lasting, one cosmetic cream is not enough. It is important to find out the cause of dark spots under the eyes and eliminate it.

Characteristics in the rating

1 La Biosthetique Douceur Contour Gel Ideal for aging skin
2 Premium Homework Swallow Eye Care Nice texture
3 Planeta Organica Cooling Eye Gel Cooling effect. Availability of purchase
1 K-vit Anti-dark Circle Serum SesDerma The best ratio of price and quality
2 Filorga Optim-Eyes Best-seller
3 Mizon Snail Repair Eye Cream High content of snail mucin
1 Secret Key Gold Premium First Eye Patch Rich composition
2 Elizavecca Milky Piggy Hell Pore Gold Hyaluronic Acid Eye Patch Best Reviews
3 Ayoume Green Tea + Aloe Eye Patch Soothes the skin
1 Kedem Tsukim The most natural composition
2 Arnica GF Widely distributed in pharmacies. Profitable price
1 Becca Aqua Luminous Perfecting Concealer The choice of professionals
2 Yves Saint Laurent Touche Eclat High Cover Unusual release form. Ease of use
3 Essence Camouflage Full Coverage Concealer The best in the mass market
4 NYX Professional Makeup HD Photogenic Concealer Popular among makeup artists

Eyes are the mirror of the soul and everyone wants them to shine and radiate health. However, dark pigmentation and bags in the eye area can make the look fade, as if tired. In fact, the bluish tint in the area of ​​the tear trough is nothing more than blood vessels visible through thin skin. Blood tends to stagnate in the capillaries, especially when the blood circulation is inactive, and then edema and swelling of a greenish, bluish or slightly red hue occurs.

Common causes of dark circles under the eyes:

  1. Cardiovascular diseases;
  2. Lack of sleep, fatigue;
  3. Genetic predisposition;
  4. Age-related changes;
  5. Dehydration;
  6. Anemia;
  7. Regular use of alcohol and tobacco products;
  8. Kidney failure;
  9. Long work at the monitor;
  10. Food poisoning.

Fortunately, medicine and cosmetology today can offer many options for solving this problem. The most affordable and safest way has always been correction with cosmetic products. Choosing the best product among the abundance of creams, patches, ointments and concealers can be difficult. To make your choice easier, we've compiled a selection of the best anti-dark eye products, based on online reviews and overall popularity.

The best gels against dark circles under the eyes

3 Planeta Organica Cooling Eye Gel


Cooling gel "Planet Organica" is an effective cosmetic product that cleanses and restores the skin in the eye area, strengthens the tissue structure and enriches it with active, beneficial elements. The product is in a small bottle with a dispenser, which allows you to use it economically. Nordic linnaea and mallow extracts help regulate sebum production, making the thin skin under the eyes less susceptible to external irritants.

Regular use of the gel will ensure regeneration of damaged cells, rejuvenation of the skin and protect against moisture loss. The gel is based on safe, organic ingredients that help effectively fight skin fatigue, wrinkles, dark circles and bags in the tear trough area.

2 Premium Homework Swallow Eye Care


The new generation gel-based drug contains a complex of oils, vitamins A, E and even swallow’s nest extract, which is a rich source of protein. This gel belongs to a professional niche; it is often recommended in beauty salons. Thanks to the active substances in its composition, Homework Premium has bactericidal properties, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and neutralizes dark circles and dark circles under the eyes.

The hypoallergenic gel has already won an army of fans and boasts many positive reviews on the Internet. Another advantage is the light texture, which is quickly absorbed when used, without leaving a greasy or sticky film.

1 La Biosthetique Douceur Contour Gel


The light gel base, due to natural elements, is instantly absorbed into the skin, eliminating dark circles under the eyes, smoothing out shallow crow's feet. Perfect for both morning and evening use on clean, dry facial skin. Yeast peptides, rice and soy proteins perfectly coexist in a product that has a calming effect, pleasantly cooling and relaxing the skin, while creating a protective barrier.

Reviews note that after using the gel from Douceur Contour, the complexion improves, the skin becomes firm, elastic and radiant, and swelling disappears. Another advantage is the fact that the product is not tested on animals, but has received all the necessary certificates and licenses, having undergone strict checks and composition analyses.

The best creams against dark circles under the eyes

3 Mizon Snail Repair Eye Cream


Korean cream from Mizon is a modern cosmetic product for regular skin care in the area around the eyes, and is suitable for women of any age. To produce this product, only natural ingredients are used, such as, for example, black snail mucin, which is famous for its rich range of beneficial properties. The light texture is quickly absorbed, allowing the cream to quickly begin to act.

In addition to effectively combating dark circles under the eyes, bruises and excessive swelling, the product has a rejuvenating effect on the skin. The complex of active components helps restore elasticity, eliminate age spots and generally tone the skin. The brand has many awards, certificates and licenses.

2 Filorga Optim-Eyes


Filorga cream, thanks to plum and almond oil, ideally smooths out wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, relieves delicate skin from morning swelling and dark circles. On the shelves of cosmetic stores, the cream is presented in a neat, unbreakable bottle with a minimal dispenser for rational consumption of the product. It has the property of being quickly absorbed into the skin, leaving no visible traces of the cream.

Regular use of the product helps improve skin color. Buyers of this product note in reviews that visible results occur within 30 days of regular use: eye contours become expressive, wrinkles are noticeably smoothed out, dark circles and bruises disappear, the skin looks toned and elastic, the complexion is noticeably transformed and looks radiant.

1 K-vit Anti-dark Circle Serum SesDerma


Serum from SesDerma is a unique innovative product created on the basis of modern technologies. The composition included: organic silicon, hyaluronic acid, vitamin A and K1, hesperidin, bisabolol, butcher's broom extract, horse chestnut. In addition to combating dark circles, the product effectively combats the appearance of premature expression wrinkles in the eye area and maintains the elasticity of delicate skin.

The presence of active components with anti-aging properties helps to instantly eliminate puffiness and provide the skin with a slight brightening effect. Reviews often note that a rejuvenating effect is noticeable literally from the first use; age spots, stretch marks and scars become less noticeable.

The best patches against dark circles under the eyes

3 Ayoume Green Tea + Aloe Eye Patch


On forums dedicated to reviews of cosmetic products, Ayoume Green Tea + Aloe Eye Patch hydrogel patches have received the status of the most powerful remedy for soothing the skin in the eye area, which is very important when there is a lack of sleep, when toning is so lacking. Aloe vera, tea tree and castor oil intensively nourish the skin with moisture and give a feeling of freshness, slowing down the aging process. Pine and hauttuynia cordifolia extracts perfectly camouflage wreaths and blood vessels, evening out the tone. Bruises and redness, swelling and dark bags become less noticeable after 20-30 minutes.

Pamelo protects the skin from UV radiation, which is especially important for thin skin under the eyes that is susceptible to external environmental influences, and Baikal skullcap, citruses and bamboo have powerful moisturizing properties. You can definitely forget about the problem of dryness and tired look. 30 pairs of patches are enough for a month of regular use.

2 Elizavecca Milky Piggy Hell Pore Gold Hyaluronic Acid Eye Patch


A 150 g jar contains 30 pairs of hydrogel patches, which effectively convey the best nutritional elements included in the composition. The patches adhere closely to the skin, so you can safely go about your business for 20-25 minutes - according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. The juicy essence intensively moisturizes, regenerates and nourishes, so the patches have a combined focus: toning, smoothing out fine wrinkles, eliminating bruises and swelling.

The active components of the patches are: adenosine (important for aging skin, responsible for the lifting effect), vitamins B3 and E (antioxidants that fight pigmentation and soften the epidermis), hyaluronic acid, allantoin and licorice root extract (as moisture suppliers), 24- karat gold (increases circulation and enhances the properties of other components). A spatula is included to make the contents more sterile.

1 Secret Key Gold Premium First Eye Patch


Secret Key Gold Premium First Eye Patch hydrogel patches are the best source of beneficial elements for skin cells. If you are concerned about the problem of dark circles and puffiness under the eyes, then these patches will be a revelation for you, because they simultaneously tighten the skin and lighten bruises. They are enriched with gold particles, which act as a transporter for the components included in the composition, enhancing their penetration.

The high content of antioxidants will slow down the aging process, and the peptide complex activates the production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for skin elasticity. Allatonin will give softness, adenosine will smooth out wrinkles and tighten bags. Hyaluronic acid is a classic of care and moisturizing cosmetics; Cognac Mannan powder seems to seal the moisture inside. Mint gives a feeling of freshness, breathable skin, and rose water evens out skin tone. You will be pleasantly cool all the time you apply the patches.

The best ointments against dark circles under the eyes

2 Arnica GF


Traditionally, Arnica GF ointment is used for bruises to quickly heal bruises, but it has received no less fame as a budget remedy for combating dark circles under the eyes. In the pharmacy you can find many analogue companies that produce this ointment, but only those that contain arnica herb in the very first place can have the best anti-pigment properties. This herb stimulates blood microcirculation in the vessels, which improves skin color and eliminates puffiness.

It is enough to use Arnica GF at night before bed, so that in the morning you do not worry about tired eyes and dark circles around the eyes. In more critical cases, it is necessary to take a course consisting of 7 days of regular use 1-2 times a day. In addition, after the product is absorbed, the skin becomes noticeably smoother, so you can safely use the ointment shortly before applying makeup.

1 Kedem Tsukim


Kedem Tsukim, a non-cruelty ointment, contains no preservatives or artificial ingredients. This concentrated product literally immediately, even with its aroma, energizes you and gives you a feeling of rested skin. Tsukim ointment effectively relieves bruises and swelling, as well as fine wrinkles, saturating epidermal cells with antioxidants and slowing down the aging of thin skin under the eyes.

In the reviews, many admire the almost instant lifting effect of the ointment, its uniform distribution and rapid absorption, so the product is perfect as a base for makeup; foundation, concealer and other cosmetic products will definitely not crease. The composition of the best natural ingredients, originally from the desert near the Dead Sea, increases the cost of the ointment, which can be intimidating, but its effectiveness and cost-effectiveness justifies the high price tag.

The best concealers for dark circles under the eyes

4 NYX Professional Makeup HD Photogenic Concealer


Initially, the world saw a palette of a record 23 shades, but today in the CIS countries you can find only 12 on sale, but they are more than enough to choose the ideal tone for yourself. It is noteworthy that the pigments in the composition, which are responsible for masking imperfections, are of natural origin. And in general, the manufacturer sought to create the best product that hides circles under the eyes, with the most natural composition. Caprylic will soften, aloe vera will moisturize, vitamin E will protect the upper layers of the skin from photoaging.

Concealer from NYX, which has only been tried by lazy people among makeup artists and simply lovers of cosmetics, will pleasantly surprise you with its moderate price and its ability to cleverly adapt to skin tone, masking bruises and dark circles under the eyes. The finish is matte and the concealer itself is not noticeable on the skin. The only drawback is that the product can get clogged in wrinkles if not distributed correctly.

3 Essence Camouflage Full Coverage Concealer


Essence Camouflage Full Coverage Concealer 5 ml is considered the best product with high coverage in the mass market segment. There are two tones on sale: 05 Ivory and 10 Nude. Both shades are great for covering up dark circles and blemishes under the eyes. The finish of the concealer is matte, the product does not emphasize wrinkles and boasts longevity. You will also be pleased with its reasonable price.

Liquid pigmented concealer from Essence, reminiscent of a cream in consistency, will create a rested look without puffiness under the eyes by evening out the tone. The manufacturer made sure that the product does not dry out the skin, but rather moisturizes and softens; for this purpose, lecithin and vitamin E were added to the composition; by the way, the latter also has protection against UV rays.

2 Yves Saint Laurent Touche Eclat High Cover


Yves Saint Laurent Touche Eclat High Cover provides dense yet natural coverage of dark circles, with a subtle light-diffusing effect. Especially for owners of even the most sensitive skin around the eyes, the manufacturer has used hyaluronic acid, which moisturizes and regenerates the skin; vitamin E, which protects against UV rays that contribute to tissue aging; caffeine, which enhances microcirculation, which is especially useful in the morning.

The concealer looks like a marker, which, as always, is made in the signature discreet style in black and gold tones, with a dispenser button on one side and a brush dispensing the product on the other. The shade palette is represented by 16 tones, adapting to any skin type. And although the content volume is only 2.5 ml, it will last for a long time, thanks to its economical consumption.

1 Becca Aqua Luminous Perfecting Concealer


Professional concealer Becca Aqua Luminous Perfecting Concealer with a volume of 5.3 ml effectively covers dark circles even with minimal application of the product, thanks to which it is economically consumed, which already justifies the not-so-cheap price of the product. The creators of the concealer sought to create the best concealer with a natural highlighting effect and they succeeded. The concealer naturally reflects light, making the skin in the eye area look rested and fresh.

The product lasts for a long time throughout the day and does not emphasize wrinkles. You will also be pleased with its weightless texture, which is easily distributed, as it consists of 32% water. Vitamin E is also involved. It is noteworthy that the concealer does not contain parabens and phthalates. Available in 9, mostly neutral, shades with pink or yellow undertones: from the darkest, Deep Bronze, to the lightest, Porcelain.

There are a lot of reasons for their appearance, the correct definition will help you find the most effective remedy for dark circles under the eyes. Circles and dark circles under the eyes can be caused by various reasons. Cosmetic measures can correct the situation. But if the circles do not go away even after a long rest, this is a reason to take care of your health.


The main causes of circles under the eyes

The main causes of darkening of the skin under the eyes are:

  1. thinning with age;
  2. various allergies;
  3. hereditary predisposition;
  4. constant lack of sleep;
  5. swelling due to excess moisture;
  6. consequences of sudden weight loss, anemia;
  7. constant nervous and physical fatigue;
  8. disturbances in the functioning of the heart and kidneys.

Thinning skin on the face is the first sign of aging, and the most delicate skin under the eyes ages first. More visible blood vessels cause dark circles. The process can be accelerated by constant exposure to sunlight.

Dark circles can appear as a result of exposure to allergens - poplar fluff, pollen, animal hair irritate and tire the eyes, causing swelling and dark circles. A similar reaction may occur to food or medications. Hereditary predisposition determines some physiological features - skin structure, eye position. Such circles often appear with deep-set eyes.

Lack of sleep, which is constant, weakens the body and makes the skin pale - against this background, the vessels under the skin will be more noticeable, and the circles begin to stand out. Dark circles usually appear after prolonged work at the computer, various types of visual stress - overload causes excessive blood flow and dilation of blood vessels.

Swelling, especially appearing in the morning, as a result of moisture retention in the body for various reasons, causes bruises under the eyes. Excessive fragility of joints is affected by smoking or constant stay in smoky rooms, and alcohol intoxication. Incorrectly selected diets, fasting, and insufficient supply of vitamins and microelements to the body cause painful conditions that affect the appearance of the skin and under the eyes.

Cases required to see a doctor

There are also more serious reasons for dark circles under the eyes, for which you need to see a doctor. This:

  1. malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas cause pale skin and the appearance of circles;
  2. kidney disease - kidney failure in which swelling and severe bruising appear in the under-eye area;
  3. pyelonephritis in acute and chronic forms; kidney prolapse and glomerulonephritis. For these pathologies, the presence of circles under the eyes is one of the visual symptoms;
  4. diabetes and other metabolic disorders often become a factor in the appearance of bruises - constant thirst leads to drinking too much water and subsequent swelling;
  5. increased fragility of blood vessels caused by insufficient production of certain hormones by the adrenal glands, bruises appear under the eyes and on the body even after slight mechanical impact;
  6. helminthic infestations;
  7. diseases of the cardiovascular system, in which venous congestion and dark circles are typical - microinfarctions, blood clots, etc.;
  8. eye diseases - blepharitis, conjunctivitis and others cause blood flow to the eye area and cause dark circles and bruises under the eyes, as well as problems with the outflow of venous blood in the under-eye area;
  9. viral and bacterial lesions cause fragility of blood vessels and the appearance of blue under the eyes.


The color of the circles under the eyes indicates the cause of their occurrence:

  1. reddish color - for allergies and kidney problems;
  2. yellowish - liver problems or blood diseases, the intensity indicates the severity of the process;
  3. purple - indicates oxygen starvation due to anemia or impaired lung function;
  4. black - for chronic fatigue.

To eliminate the problem and select remedies for dark circles under the eyes, you need to eliminate the cause of their appearance. To do this you should:

  1. regulate nutrition - it should be complete, providing the body with all the necessary vitamins, especially vitamin C and microelements, removing fatty, spicy, salty and sweet foods from the diet;
  2. the diet should contain a sufficient amount of berries, fruits and vegetables as a natural source of vitamin C;
  3. streamline your daily routine - ensure proper sleep, physical activity and walks in the fresh air.
  4. Or resort to blepharoplasty.

These products will also improve your well-being and overall appearance.

Getting rid of dark circles

For local treatment of dark circles, you should:

  1. wash with clean cool water;
  2. wipe the under-eye area with ice cubes;


  3. you can put your face in cold water and open and close your eyes in it;
  4. Apply squeezed bags of freshly brewed tea or slices of fresh cucumber to your eyes (it naturally contains vitamin K).

Products containing vitamin K and A will help improve blood circulation in the under-eye area. Care products containing blueberry extract and lipoic acid are well suited. But such an impact will only bring temporary measures. The means of plastic surgery will be more radical.

Plastic products for correcting circles

To successfully correct such circles under the eyes, plastic surgery products are used. These include:

  1. carbon dioxide therapy (carboxytherapy). The technique involves the subcutaneous injection of carbon dioxide in order to strengthen and lighten the skin and stimulate collagen production. The course of treatment consists of 6 procedures over 21 days;
  2. chemical and diamond peeling, which reduces enzyme secretion. Compositions that are least damaging to the skin are used - lactic and trichloroacetic acid. The course consists of at least 6 sessions;
  3. microcurrent drainage, which allows you to get rid of edema by influencing the capillaries using microcurrents and regulating the flow of fluid into the body - at least 2 liters of clean water. A course of treatment of at least 15 procedures with monthly therapy in one session;
  4. mesotherapy using vitamin-antioxidant complexes to improve blood circulation;


  5. biorevitalization with the use of drugs using a special technique of using one needle which reduces the number of punctures. The course of treatment consists of 4 procedures;
  6. Fractional laser therapy, performed to lighten dark circles, can be painful and cause swelling; you should not sunbathe for 90 days after the procedure;
  7. lipofilling is the transplantation of fatty tissue under the area of ​​dark circles from the patient’s thighs, which lifts and brightens the skin under the eyes. The procedure is one-time and requires repetition;
  8. tattooing is a relatively new method of correction, quite complex and painful.


Plastic surgery is a rather complex and expensive method of treatment, so daily care products will always be in demand.

Daily Remedies for Dark Circles

For the care of the under-eye area, you need to choose creams that restore blood circulation under the skin. There are creams on sale containing collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin. It is possible to use gels or serums of similar action. To increase the effect, the cream must be applied chilled - then the effect is enhanced.

For concealment, you can use a corrective agent - a concealer pencil or a concealer cream, since it is impossible to correctly apply a regular foundation to the under-eye area. The color is selected to match the tone of the dark circles, half a shade lighter than the skin color. The action of the concealer is based on the action of reflective particles in the composition of the product.

The products last up to 16 hours and also have a healing and rejuvenating effect.

Finger massage is effective - for this, the area under the eyes and around the eyes is tapped with the tips along the line from the temple to the bridge of the nose for 2-3 minutes. The effect is to stimulate the outflow of lymph and blood from the lymph node in the inner corner of the eye closest to the bridge of the nose.

After the massage, you need to apply a gel or cream to the eyelids to care for the under-eye area.

Masks and compresses for skin lightening

To improve blood supply to the skin under the eyes, use the best remedy for circles - contrasting compresses from herbal decoctions. To be effective, such procedures should be carried out once a week.

If new growths have appeared, then this is the place for you.

A cottage cheese mask for the under-eye area - chilled cottage cheese wrapped in gauze is applied to the skin. Tea compresses - apply cotton pads soaked in a strong solution of black or green tea to the under-eye area for two minutes.

Contrast compresses from sage herb - 1 tbsp. l. 100 g of dry grass is poured. boiling water, do push-ups. One part of the infusion is frozen, the second remains warm. A cotton compress of warm infusion and ice are applied alternately to the under-eye area.