Krotova Helminthograph

Alexey Ivanovich Krotov (1917 - 2005) - Soviet helminthologist who made a significant contribution to the study of helminths (parasitic worms).

Krotov was born in the village of Kamenka, Tambov province. Graduated from the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University in 1941. In 1949 he defended his PhD thesis on the study of animal filariae. From 1960 to 1980 he worked at the Martsinovsky Institute of Medical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine.

Krotov's main scientific works are devoted to the systematics, morphology, biology and ecology of helminths of humans, animals and plants. He described a new species of heartworm and two new genera of nematodes. Krotov developed an original system of animal filariae, based on the morphology of their oral apparatus. He also studied the helminth fauna of mammals and birds of the USSR.

Krotov made a great contribution to the development of the domestic helminthological school. He trained 15 candidates and 2 doctors of science. He is the author of the textbook "General Helminthology" and more than 150 scientific papers. For his scientific achievements, Krotov was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor.

Krotova Helminograph is a hardware and instrumental complex for the study of parasites. It is designed to detect helminths in animals and humans. The device is a set of tools and techniques that allow you to quickly and accurately identify parasites and determine their number in the human or animal body.

Krotov's Helminograph was developed by the Soviet helminthologist, Alexander Ivanovich Krotov. At one time, Krotov was trained at the institute by his father, a major specialist in this field. After graduation, Alexander Ivanovich began his research.

Using it, the author found a way to detect and identify parasites in the body of animals and humans, including fairly small quantities. Mole Helminograph consists of the following main components:

- Power unit;

- Microscope;

-Magnifying glass;

– Digital camera on a flexible stem;

• Removable disk for image recording.

The new helminthophage allows you to quickly diagnose and identify parasites in people (more than 50 types of parasites) and animals (sick animals and birds). The analysis is carried out quite simply and quickly. For analysis, it is necessary to take samples (excrement, urine, sputum, etc.), and then conduct a trial study. Carrying out such an analysis allows you to verify the presence of parasites or simply identify the presence of diseases.

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