Blood pressure

Blood pressure is the pressure that blood exerts on the walls of blood vessels and the heart. This is an important indicator of a person's health and is often measured during examination by a cardiologist. Normally, blood pressure should not be higher than 140 and 90. This indicator is individual for each person, however, exceeding the norm may indicate cardiovascular diseases - hypertension, myocarditis, coronary artery disease. In addition, in some cases, high blood pressure may not be felt at all, but is detected during a medical examination. That's why it's so important to pay attention to your health. Neglected cases can lead to dire consequences, including death.

Low blood pressure is also dangerous. Although it usually accompanies cold extremities, drowsiness and tinnitus, heart failure can also develop here. With hypotension, the body needs external stimulation to feel dizzy: for example, the patient may

Blood pressure is the pressure of blood on the walls of blood vessels. The arteries carry blood from the heart, where it is rhythmically ejected with a force of up to three atmospheres. This is explained by the need to maintain a high level (not lower than 80 mm Hg) of the blood wave while the blood flows through the vessels