Blood Pressure Pulse

Blood pressure, arterial pressure (abbr. BP) is one of the main indicators of the general condition of the cardiovascular system of healthy people and one of the most important indicators characterizing the cardiovascular system of a sick person. This is the pressure in large arteries such as the aorta.

Normal values ​​for pressure are considered to be 120/80, where the first number corresponds to the upper pressure, the 2nd – to the lower. However, numbers of 139/89 or 116/78 are also the norm. Blood pressure can fluctuate throughout the day depending on physical activity, body position, emotional state, food intake, etc. It can also change in the same patient within one day. High blood pressure is called arterial hypertension, and periodically high blood pressure is called hypertension.

Arterial pulse is the pulsation of the artery wall due to changes in blood supply. At a heart rate of 60-80 beats per minute, the maximum filling of the pulse is approximately 85-95% of arterial blood volume. At diastole, the maximum volume of the artery