Buckthorn Syrup

Buckthorn syrup: an effective herbal remedy to combat chronic constipation

Buckthorn syrup is a medicine produced in Russia by the companies Vifitech and Fito-EM. The main active ingredient in the syrup is alder buckthorn extract, also known as buckthorn. Alder buckthorn is known for its laxative properties and is widely used in pharmacology as a laxative herb.

The composition of buckthorn syrup includes anthracene derivatives, triterpene compounds and resins. These components have a stimulating effect on the intestines, promoting peristalsis and facilitating the evacuation of feces. As a result, buckthorn syrup is effectively used to treat chronic constipation.

According to the reference book "Medicinal Herbal Remedies" edited by G.E. Pronchenko, 2002, no contraindications to the use of buckthorn syrup were found, and there is no information about side effects or interactions with other drugs. There is also no data on overdose and special instructions for use.

Chronic constipation is a common problem that many people face. They can be caused by various factors, including poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, stress and others. Buckthorn syrup is one of the treatment options that can be used to improve intestinal motility and facilitate bowel movements.

It is important to note that before you start using buckthorn syrup or any other medicine, you should consult your doctor or pharmacist. They will be able to give recommendations regarding dosage and regimen, as well as take into account the individual characteristics of the patient and possible contraindications.

In conclusion, buckthorn syrup is an effective herbal remedy that can be used to treat chronic constipation. It is produced in Russia by the companies Vifitech and Fito-EM, and its main active ingredient is alder buckthorn extract. Before you start using buckthorn syrup, it is recommended to consult a medical professional.