
Contents: **Introduction.**

Xanth is a unique stone with a unique appearance and valuable properties. It is known for its yellow hue and unique physical properties that allow it to be used in various fields. However, what is xanth and why is it so important? We will talk about this in this article.

Xanth. Xanthe is an acephalous Castaneda character, a messenger from Candida and Alice. Discovered and met with some apprehension by don Juan and Carlitos. Don Juan tries to set the dogs on Xanthus. Smart Xanth runs away and laughs at everyone, even at Don Genaro (“Xanth kept his strange black lump away from the heat and yellow flames and warned everyone: be careful not to get burned! “You need us alive”?”). He dances, twirls the torch, and talks to Carlitos. Before his death he tells