
Xenogeneic is a term used in medicine and biology to refer to foreign objects or substances that enter the human or animal body and can cause various diseases or health problems.

Xenogeneic materials can be different, for example, metals, plastics, glass, rubber, fabrics, etc. They can be introduced into the body in a variety of ways, such as surgery, injection, inhalation or through the skin.

When xenogeneic materials enter the body, a reaction of the immune system occurs, which can lead to various consequences, such as allergic reactions, infections, tumor formation, etc.

To prevent xenogeneic infections, it is necessary to observe rules of hygiene, use sterile instruments and materials during operations, and also regularly diagnose and treat diseases associated with xenogeneic materials.


Xenogeneic life is a type of life that lives in regions that are very different from its usual environment. Xenogeneic organisms can be adapted to extreme conditions that are radically different from those to which they were genetically adapted