Xerophthalmia Parenchymatous

What is xerophthalmia?

Xephthalmos is an inflammatory disease of the eyeballs that occurs during prolonged exposure to conditions of lack of moisture and low temperatures.

Such a disease can develop due to a lack of moisture in the environment or when the limits of water removal from the human body are exceeded. It is this mechanism that works as a protection against dehydration: when a person has eaten or drank liquid, the outer contents of the intestine come into contact with water, resulting in the formation of a toxin - urea, which removes water from the body. And people develop thirst very quickly and become dehydrated. And that is why there is a myth in medicine that if a person is dehydrated, coffee will save him from thirst. In fact, drinking a cup of coffee is the first signal of severe dehydration, which will subsequently lead to a lack of intracellular energy, so the body will begin to lose moisture. But the same effect can be achieved with the help of any other drink, then it will be unnecessary to harm yourself even worse.