Vicious Stump

What is a stump? Every person dreams of this, and everyone wants to get rid of this problem. A stump is when a limb is missing from its place. Therefore, many people wonder how to prosthetize a given limb if a limb is simply missing. But even a completely replaced stump cannot always be replaced with prosthetics. This is explained by the fact that a person may have various diseases and they can have a negative impact on prosthetics. There are other reasons for the impossibility of installing a prosthesis. Sometimes the prosthesis is not installed due to contraindications. If the stump itself is deformed, then difficulties with prosthetics may also arise. In this case, a prosthetist can help. After a thorough examination, the doctor gives a referral to his colleague, and the orthopedic doctor, in turn, provides information to the limb prosthetics specialist until the issue of prosthetics is resolved. Those. prosthetics is a rather long process. And unfortunately, the stump does not allow the installation of a prosthesis at the level of quality that would make the patient comfortable using it. Usually, people with such limb defects have to deal every day with the problem of getting into mechanisms and difficulty putting on shoes. There may also be problems with changing clothes. Most people have a desire to completely erase these defective limbs, but the desire is not yet the opportunity. Many people seek help from people around them with a similar situation, but often do not find support. Most often, people face misunderstanding from society. Not everyone understands what this diagnosis is and why a person with this diagnosis put aside many years of efforts to finally get help. The main thing is not to despair - it is very easy to get a disability today! After all, there is a solution! Call a specialist from the Vo Blago Foundation at **8-916-371-27-13**, he will advise and help you, your need will definitely be solved!

How to support someone after amputation

If the thought comes to you that you can no longer support a person in a difficult situation, giving advice is easier than it seems. With support, you can look weak and to some extent flawed, because in the eyes and feelings of others you will not be able to seem strong. But a strong person also has weaknesses and fears that can be overcome. Here are a few things to do anyway: * Be a support. The most obvious idea, but the most difficult to execute. A healthy person actually finds it easier to open up and confide in someone he trusts. Once

The stump is vicious. Description.

A stump is a limb that cannot be used in normal life due to injury, infection or other reason. This may be the result of illness or injury. In this article we will look at what a vicious stump is and how to treat it.

Symptoms In most cases, a vicious stump is accompanied by symptoms of pain and decreased quality of life. Among them may be:

* Constant pain in the stump; * Difficulties in movement; * Loss of sensitivity; * Weakness of muscles and joints; * Increase in stump size; * Recurrence of infections; * Decreased quality of life.

Diagnostics To diagnose a vicious stump, you should consult a surgeon. He will conduct an examination and may prescribe additional tests: blood tests, x-rays or a computer

What is the Vicious stump for the article?

A stump is a defect of a limb that arises as a result of injury, wound, disease or congenital anomalies and is a section of a shortened or missing limb. In the case of a stump injury, a defect in the soft tissue is called.

Vicious stump is a limb defect in which full prosthetics are impossible. This may be due to scars, ulcers, or other pathological tissue changes that interfere with the normal functioning of the limb. Typically, this condition occurs after injury or illness.

In addition, stumps are sometimes caused by improper surgery or other medical procedures. For example, people often get stumps after amputating a limb. These stumps may appear as short or untreated patches of skin and tissue. But they still remain part of the human body. Stumps in medical terminology are called a defect or deformation of a limb - after they have been lost due to various reasons: congenital malformations, trauma, wounds, tumors and many other diseases. Most often, a limb stump is obtained by surgically removing malignant tumors.