Kundur - incense

He is famous. Incense is counterfeited with gums and ratiyaj. The incense burns, but the ratiyanaj smokes and does not burn. Incense also comes in Indian, greenish, and round varieties. It is cut into squares and then potted until the pieces of incense are rolled and become round. This kind of incense turns red if you stand it.

There is incense that is white, soft and moist, like mastic. Of the varieties of incense, large and small are used; and also take its crusts, soot and all parts of the tree, especially the leaves, and mix them with incense.

The best of these types of incense is masculine, white, round, sticky in the middle and golden at the break.

Its crusts are dried to the second degree and are slightly colder than incense itself. Incense is hot in the third degree and drying in the first; the crusts are dried within the third degree.

Actions and properties.
Incense is not very drying and only slightly astringent; the drying property is inherent in its crusts. Frankincense promotes ripening, which is not the case with its crusts. Its crust is not spicy and does not burn the meat; it stops the blood, and its abuse burns the blood. The soot of incense dries and binds more strongly.

Some doctors say: “Red incense is sweeter than white incense and the power of its soot is stronger than the power of incense itself.

Frankincense is applied with honey to the nailworm and this eliminates it. Frankincense peels are good for traces of ulcers. Mixed with vinegar and zift they help, in the form of an ointment, against a disease called myrmecia.X, and this is a disease from which something like warts appears on the body and it feels like ants crawling.

Tumors and acne.
With Kimolos clay and rose oil, incense is applied to hot tumors of a woman's breast. It is also included in medicinal dressings that dispel tumors in the viscera.

Wounds and ulcers.
Frankincense perfectly heals, especially fresh wounds, and prevents the spread of malignant ulcers. It is used with duck fat for lichens, and with pork fat for ulcers from burns and cracks from cold; it is suitable for ulcers resulting from burns.

Organs of the head.
Frankincense is useful for the mind and strengthens it; There are people who prescribe constantly drinking its infusion on an empty stomach. Excessive use of incense causes headaches. They wash their hair with it. Sometimes it is mixed with soda and it clears dandruff and dries out ulcers on the head. It is applied with wine to a sore ear, and if mixed with zift and olive oil or milk, it helps, in the form of an ointment, when cutting the auricle. Incense interrupts the outpouring of blood from the nose coming from the brain membrane. This medicine is useful for crushed ear.

Organs of the eye.
Frankincense heals eye ulcers, fills them and promotes the maturation of chronic tumors in the eye. Frankincense soot is useful for hot tumors, stops the flow of fluids from malignant ulcers and helps against

Respiratory and chest organs.
Frankincense mixed with Kimolos clay and rose oil helps with hot swellings that form on the breasts of a woman in labor; it is included in medications for the treatment of pulmonary tube.

Nutritional organs.
Frankincense delays vomiting, and its crusts give strength to the stomach and strengthen it. The incense itself warms the stomach more, is more beneficial for digestion, and its crusts are better at tightening a relaxed stomach. Eruption organs.

Frankincense prevents diarrhea, indigestion and bleeding from the uterus and anus. It is useful against dysentery, and if a wick is inserted from it, it prevents the spread of malignant ulcers in the anus. Fevers.

It is useful for mucous fevers.

If you drink a lot of incense in wine, it kills. The same thing happens if you drink it with vinegar.