Dome of Pleura

The dome of the pleura is a small dome-shaped elevation of the visceral pleura covering the apex of the lung. It is formed by a layer of visceral pleura and is located between the root of the lung and the diaphragm.

The dome of the pleura plays an important role in the movement of the lung during breathing. During inhalation, the diaphragm lowers and the lungs expand. In this case, the dome of the pleura seems to stretch and allows the apex of the lung to move freely. During exhalation, the reverse process occurs - the diaphragm rises, the lungs narrow, and the dome of the pleura shrinks.

Thus, the dome of the pleura ensures mobility of the apex of the lung during breathing and protects the lung tissue from excessive stretching. Damage to the dome of the pleura can lead to disruption of the respiratory movements of the lung and the development of atelectasis.