
Kwashiorkor is a disease that causes nutritional deficiencies in a child's body. It can be caused by various factors such as malnutrition, illness, infectious diseases and other reasons.

Kwashiorkor can lead to a variety of health problems in children, including stunted growth and development, digestive problems, mental retardation and even death.

To treat kwashiorkor, it is necessary to provide the child with proper nutrition, which should contain sufficient amounts of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. It is also necessary to treat infectious diseases and other causes that may cause kwashiorkor.

It is important to note that kwashiorkor is one of the most common diseases in developing countries, especially in Africa and Asia. Therefore, the fight against this disease is one of the most important health tasks in these regions.

An article against Kwashiorkor?

Every year, humanity faces many diseases that can have a significant impact on people's health and quality of life. One such disease is kwashiorkoro, which affects millions of people in different regions of the world. This rare disease is usually found in developing countries. In this article, we will look at the main causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention of kwashiorkor, as well as other aspects associated with this disease.

**What is kwashiorkore?**

Kwashiorkoro is a rare but very serious disease that affects children and adolescents in countries where there is a lack of nutrients, especially protein. Kwashiorkor is a serious deficiency of protein in a child's diet, which can lead to impaired metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, as well as general weakening of the body. This makes children more vulnerable to other diseases and infections.

The main causes of kwashiorkor include poor diet, malnutrition, frequent environmental pollution and low levels of education. At the same time, other nutrients may be inaccessible, such as iron, zinc and selenium, the deficiency of which can also cause the development of the disease. Often the reason lies in the poverty of some segments of the population who are unable to provide their children with adequate nutrition.

Symptoms of quadraiococus often occur in the first month after birth. They manifest themselves in the form of slow growth and development of children, scanty hair, dirty mouth and feet, daily diarrhea and anemia. It also leads to confusion, weakness and fatigue, decreased physical activity, pale skin and teeth, exhaustion and limited nutrition (exicosis). All these symptoms indicate a lack and inferiority of children's nutrition.

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