L-Lysine Hydrochloride

They arrive at the pharmacy in the form of a white crystalline powder or granules that dissolve in water when heated. The drug is a protein substitute consisting of natural amino acid residues. L-aminoacetic acid contains an N-methyl group. Pharmacokinetics Once in the human body, it has a slight effect on the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines and activates the enzyme process. In addition, it increases the rate of secretion of gastric juice at night. The drug does not slow down the reaction and does not affect psychomotor activity in patients.\n\nHL is the base of the molecule, so it is retained in the blood for a long time. The clinical effect when administered orally appears 2 hours after consuming the product. After oral administration, rapid absorption occurs. The dose must be accurately calculated by the doctor, since the drug is a strong drug, and overdose and side effects can occur even with a slight increase in the dose or incorrect calculation. The course of therapy is designed for a month, and the daily dosage is 1–4 g.\n\nThe amino acid is used for precise calculation, and the exact dosage may vary depending on the disease. Taking this drug is important for improving the processes of growth and restoration of body tissues. This remedy is used to treat children suffering from malabsorption syndrome or lactose intolerance. Indicated during painful conditions in infants, including cystic fibrosis. For disorders in collagen synthesis, HL may also be useful in patients with specific skin disorders such as keloids and hematomas. The drug is also used to prevent osteoporosis in patients with impaired activity of the gonads. An important function is to strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of autoimmune diseases.