Labyrinthitis Traumatic

Traumatic labyrinthitis (Latin labyrinthitis traumatica, English traumatic labyrinthitis) is an inflammation of the atrium (left ventricle), which develops as a result of trauma to the chest area. This condition can be caused by a blow to or compression of the heart, as well as other injuries such as broken ribs, falls from a height, etc.

The main symptoms of traumatic labyrinthitis are chest pain, shortness of breath, coughing up blood, palpitations and loss of consciousness. Treatment of labyrinthitis includes the use of antibiotics and painkillers, and, if necessary, surgery.

However, it should be noted that any chest injury should be immediately evaluated by a medical professional to prevent the development of complications such as chronic cardiac disease, heart attack or heart failure.

Labyrinthitis is a serious disease that can lead to various complications if not treated promptly. Therefore, if you have chest injuries or other symptoms that indicate