Laboratory of Aviation Medicine

This is a unique laboratory that is engaged in research and development in the field of aviation medicine and flight safety. It was created in the early 1960s in Russia, when there was a need to develop effective methods for treating and preventing diseases associated with long-distance air travel. The laboratory actively works with government organizations and airlines, conducting research and expertise in the field of aviation medical issues.

One of the main tasks of the laboratory is the development and implementation of new methods for diagnosing and treating diseases that may occur in air passengers during a flight. For example, LAM specialists are researching new ways to diagnose viral infections and other diseases, as well as developing effective treatments for these diseases. In addition, LAM researchers are constantly working to improve travel conditions for passengers and minimize their health risks during a long flight.

An important function of the aviation medicine laboratory is to create and maintain the necessary database on aviation medical issues. LAM has the largest database containing information about

The Aviation Medicine Laboratory is a place where research in the field of aviation healthcare is created and conducted. LAM is designed to ensure the safety and well-being of aviation passengers and crew members.

The main goal of the laboratory is to develop advanced testing and diagnostic methods to monitor the level of health of air passengers, as well as improve its quality on board. This is especially true in light of ongoing COVID-19 infections and other illnesses that can have serious health implications for passengers and airmen.

The Aviation Medicine Laboratory is organized on the basis of modern high-tech equipment and instruments that allow complex tests and diagnostics. A special technique for analyzing data has been developed to ensure the accuracy of the research results, which is necessary to obtain reliable information about the health status of passengers.

LAM employs highly qualified specialists who are competent in their fields of knowledge. They carefully study the individual needs of each patient and provide quality medical care. The safety and reliability of LAM is ensured by quality control, reporting, compliance with legal requirements and data confidentiality.

For passengers, LAM means reliability and confidence in protecting their health and providing the best level of service on board the aircraft. Airlines rely on LAM for regular medical monitoring of the health of their air passengers. In addition, regular analyzes are becoming increasingly important due to the increase in air travel and the expansion of international routes.