Lagophthalmos Paralytic

Lagophthalmos is a pathology when contractility of one or both eyelids is completely or partially absent. It is worth noting that the pathology occurs in both adults and children. In any case, the disease causes a lot of discomfort. It usually develops as a result of brain pathologies. In second place are injuries, followed by infections. Less commonly, paralysis occurs after eye diseases. If we talk about the reasons for the development of pathology, then in most cases we are talking about various injuries. They can be either open or closed. Many people die from the consequences of injuries because doctors are unable to restore mobility to the eyelids. Lagophthalmos is preceded by a disturbance of innervation associated with many factors. One of the common causes of the disease is infection. Viral agents have a very detrimental effect on the nerve fibers through which the impulse travels to the muscle fibers responsible for the work of the external muscles of the eye. Accordingly, a viral infection is always accompanied by dysfunction