Lange Lamp

The Lange lamp is an ophthalmic device that was developed by Russian ophthalmologist Alexander Lange in the late 19th century. The Lange lamp is one of the first devices created for the treatment of eye diseases such as myopia and farsightedness.

A Lange lamp is a lamp that emits ultraviolet light of a specific wavelength. This light has the ability to penetrate the cornea of ​​the eye and affect its structure. As a result of this effect, the length of the eye fibers decreases, which leads to a decrease in myopia and farsightedness.

The use of a Lange lamp is an effective method for treating myopia, farsightedness and other eye diseases. However, before using this method, it is necessary to conduct an eye examination and determine the extent of the disease.

Currently, the Lange lamp is used in ophthalmological clinics and offices around the world. It is a reliable and effective tool for the treatment of eye diseases.