Laryngitis Submucosal

Submucosal laryngitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Submucosal laryngitis, also known as laryngitis laryngitis or laryngitis follicular, is a common disease of the upper respiratory tract. It is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, which leads to various symptoms and discomfort in the patient.

The causes of submucosal laryngitis can be varied. The disease is often caused by viral infections such as respiratory syncytial virus, influenza, parainfluenza and coronavirus. Bacterial infections can also cause submucosal laryngitis, although they are less common.

The main symptom of submucosal laryngitis is soreness of the throat and larynx. Patients may complain of itching, dryness and a foreign body sensation in the throat. The voice becomes hoarse and a cough may occur, which may be dry or contain little phlegm. Swallowing may also cause pain or discomfort.

The diagnosis of submucosal laryngitis is usually made based on clinical symptoms and physical examination of the larynx. In some cases, laryngoscopy may be required, in which the doctor carefully examines the larynx using a special instrument.

Treatment of submucosal laryngitis is aimed at relieving symptoms and eliminating the cause of the disease. In case of a viral infection, it is recommended to rest the vocal cords, avoid smoking and second-hand smoke, humidify the air and drink enough fluids. Pain can be relieved by using painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.

If you have a bacterial infection, you may need to take antibiotics. However, the decision to prescribe antibiotics should be made only by a doctor after assessing the clinical picture and the necessary laboratory tests.

To prevent submucosal laryngitis, it is recommended to maintain good hand hygiene, avoid contact with sick people and avoid hypothermia. It is also important to maintain a strong immune system through proper nutrition, physical activity and stress management.

In conclusion, submucosal laryngitis is a common disease of the larynx caused by inflammation of the mucous membrane. Causes may be viral or bacterial infections. Treatment is aimed at relieving symptoms and treating the cause of the disease, including resting the vocal cords, humidifying the air, and taking pain medications. If there is a bacterial infection, antibiotics may be needed. Preventing submucosal laryngitis includes practicing hand hygiene, avoiding contact with sick people, and maintaining a strong immune system.

If you experience symptoms of submucosal laryngitis, it is important to see a doctor to receive a correct diagnosis and effective treatment. Self-medication may be ineffective and delay recovery. Follow your doctor's recommendations and take steps to keep your larynx and airway healthy.

Submucosal laryngitis - description of the disease. Submucosal laryngitis is a disease that affects the larynx and upper respiratory tract. It is manifested by inflammation of the mucous membranes and tissues, which can lead to serious complications if not treated promptly.

Symptoms of laryngitis under the mucous membrane

- High body temperature - Chills - Headache - Cough with phlegm - Sore throat - Feeling of a lump in the throat

Often the disease occurs without pronounced symptoms, but at the same time has a negative effect on the functioning of the vocal cords. All this can be a harbinger of laryngitis.

The causes of the disease can be: - Weak immunity - Smoking - Working in hazardous industries - Alcoholism - Hypothermia - Allergies - Viral infections (flu, acute respiratory infections)

If you are bothered by a prolonged cough, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible and begin treatment. After examination, the doctor will determine the severity of the disease and prescribe the necessary treatment, which