Laryngocele Acquired

Laryngocele acquired

Laryngocele is a cystic formation that occurs as a result of mechanical obstruction and increased pressure in the laryngeal cavity due to an increase in the soft tissue of the larynx, capable of producing pachyelastic tissue.

_**Symptoms and clinical manifestations:**_

* Difficulty swallowing * Dry cough * Sensation of a foreign body in the throat * No bad breath * Moderate shortness of breath * Increased neck size. ***Bleeding**_ If the vessels of the cyst membrane are damaged or the membrane is eroded, bleeding may occur, but this in itself does not lead to a decrease in the volume of the cyst. The intensity of bleeding depends on the size of the membrane defect. Bleeding can also be caused by changes in pressure in the cyst. ***Infarction of the cyst wall*** Progressive anaerobic infection can lead to infarction of the cyst wall, as well as destruction of its contents. If the infection is associated with suppuration of the membrane, the wall of the organ, an internal fistula of the walls is possible