
The larynx is the organ of voice production; In addition, through the larynx, the air inhaled by a person enters from the nasal cavity into the trachea. The larynx is located in the front of the neck above the trachea. It is based on nine cartilages (see Fig.) - epiglottis, thyroid, cricoid, arytenoid (two), corniculate (two) and sphenoid (two); they are connected to each other using joints and ligaments; equipped with striated muscles. The laryngeal cavity is lined with mucous membrane. The larynx contains a pair of vocal folds formed by vocal cords covered with mucous membrane. Due to their vibration, a person develops a voice.

Laryngeal - relating to the larynx.

Larynx (Larynx): organ of voice production and air exchange

The larynx is an organ that plays an important role in voice production and breathing in humans. It is located in the front of the neck above the trachea and is a transitional link between the upper and lower respiratory tract.

The basis of the larynx is made up of nine cartilages, which are connected to each other by joints and ligaments. The epiglottis, thyroid, cricoid, arytenoid (two), corniculate (two) and sphenoid (two) cartilages form a framework that maintains the shape of the larynx and protects it from damage.

The cavity of the larynx is lined with a mucous membrane, which contains many glands and capillaries. The larynx contains a pair of vocal folds formed by vocal cords covered with mucous membrane. The vocal folds can change their shape and tension, allowing you to change the tone and pitch of your voice.

In addition, through the larynx, the air inhaled by a person enters from the nasal cavity into the trachea. During swallowing, the larynx is closed by the epiglottis and epiglottis, which prevents food and liquid from entering the airways.

The larynx is controlled by centers in the brain that control the muscles responsible for opening and closing the vocal folds. Some diseases, such as laryngitis, laryngeal tumors, and vocal cord paralysis, can cause voice and breathing problems.

In conclusion, the larynx is an important organ that not only provides voice production but also protects the respiratory tract. Its anatomy and functioning are complex and require careful study to understand the mechanisms of speech and breathing.

Larynx (Larynx): structure, function and role in voice formation

The larynx, or Larynx, is an important organ of the human body, playing a key role in voice production and breathing. Located in the front of the neck above the trachea, this organ is the crossroads between the respiratory and digestive systems and is also part of the upper respiratory tract.

Structure of the larynx

The larynx consists of nine cartilages connected to each other by joints and ligaments. These cartilages include the epiglottis, thyroid, cricoid, arytenoid (two), cornoid (two), and sphenoid (two). They form a box that protects and supports the vocal cords.

The larynx is also equipped with striated muscles that control the tension and position of the vocal cords. The cavity of the larynx is lined with a layer of mucous membrane, which contains numerous glands responsible for the production of mucus.

Functions of the larynx

One of the main functions of the larynx is to produce voice. The vocal cords, located inside the larynx, vibrate as air passes through them, creating sound. To change the pitch and timbre of the voice, the muscles of the larynx change the position and tension of the vocal cords.

In addition, the larynx plays an important role in breathing by controlling the passage of air into the lungs. It also protects the respiratory tract from food and other foreign objects.

Pathologies of the larynx

Despite its importance, the larynx can be subject to various diseases and dysfunctions. Some of the most common problems associated with the larynx include laryngeal melancholy, laryngitis, laryngeal tumors, and trauma.

In conclusion, the larynx is not only a key vocal organ, but also an important component of the respiratory system. Its structure and function allow us to speak and breathe, making it one of the most important organs of the human body.