Laughing Gas

Laughing gas, also known as nitrous oxide or N2O, is a colorless, odorless gas. This gas is widely used in medicine as an anesthetic, especially in dentistry.

The name "Gas Gas" comes from the euphoric effect that nitrous oxide has when inhaled. When inhaled in small quantities, the gas causes laughter, euphoria and hallucinations. However, prolonged inhalation of high concentrations can lead to oxygen deprivation.

In general, nitrous oxide is considered a relatively safe anesthetic when used under medical supervision. However, its recreational use as a drug comes with certain risks.

Excerpt: **Laugh Gas** - (laugh gas, lol gas), also known as nitrous oxide (N2O; lauf gas from the German "cough") is a laughing gas mixture that is used in for entertainment and recreational purposes.**

It is a colorless, odorless gas that is used to create mood for people at parties, concerts, movies and television, and in various entertainment venues. Laughing gas and its properties attract a huge number of users from young people to old people. To experience euphoria, it is enough to inhale the hype for a few minutes. The drug has a strong effect, causing the effect of “emotional intoxication”. The main sensations of the body when **using gas drugs** are dizziness, a slight laugh, a feeling of weakness, profuse sweating and, quite rarely, trembling of the limbs. However, it should be noted that many people do not feel any effects from the gas or only feel it for a short time.

Already in primitive society, our ancestors used laughing gases, since it is known that some types of plants, such as belladonna and henbane, caused a feeling of joy in people. In some areas of Europe, the production of these plants was prohibited even before the arrival of Christians.

Somewhat later, the Romans succeeded in using such substances for entertainment. They used hashish and tetrahydrocannabinol to heighten emotions and the mood for warfare. Then the use of opium began. They began to breed opium on purpose, collecting it from locust bushes. Even in the time of Aristotle, the plant was used for medicinal purposes, but as a means of distracting from pain. And in China, opium became a sign of higher wealth. This was due to the fact that the culture did not want anything to do with death and pain, so the use of opium became a real holiday, and the product itself was regarded as a sign of wealth. The first Chinese emperor Chang-Ti (554 - 479) forced all his courtiers to regularly use hashish in an attempt to spread his influence. The Chinese government fought drug addiction with such brutal methods that opium was even recognized as one of the drugs mentioned in D. Harlow’s book “The Opium War.” The code of Chinese opium production stated that if sowing takes no more than a week, then only the farmer will pay the fine, but if more than 2 weeks have passed before sowing, then the gardener and farmer will be executed.