Lead Unipolar

Unipolar lead is one of the most common methods of treating arrhythmia. This method involves placing electrodes on both poles of the heart - left and right - and is used to suppress arrhythmias. As a result of the procedure, a current passes through the heart and causes it to beat at the correct rhythm.

The essence of the method is to use electrodes that transmit an electric current that affects a specific area of ​​the heart. The current is delivered through electrodes placed on the surface of the skin and simulates the functioning of a normal heart. Thus, this method allows you to speed up your heart rate.

The procedure is performed by an experienced cardiologist in a hospital setting. After the procedure, the patient must be under medical supervision for several hours to ensure safety.

The main advantage of the unipolar abduction method is that it does not require long-term rehabilitation. The patient can return to normal life within a few hours after the procedure. However, like any other treatment method, it has its drawbacks. Thus, some patients may feel tired, dizzy or uncomfortable after the procedure. In addition, there is a risk of damage to heart tissue, so a thorough examination of the patient is necessary before the procedure.