Treatment of headaches that occur as a side effect of fevers and acute illnesses

This includes a headache that appears when the disease intensifies or during an attack, which then goes away, as well as a headache that remains after the end of the disease or the end of the attack. The headache that occurs during fevers sometimes causes such anxiety in the patient that it intensifies its cause, namely the fever. A similar cause of headache is sometimes indicated by a sudden discoloration of urine and its transition to a quality similar to donkey urine; however, the similarity of the patient’s urine to the urine of a donkey is often a sign that the headache is just beginning, and sometimes that it is passing. Therefore, you should also pay attention to other signs. As for the correct treatment, you should immerse your head in the oil of unripe olives, adding ordinary rose oil or rose oil diluted with vinegar; In winter and with mild fever, the oil should be heated, and in summer and with severe fever, it should be cooled.

If the vapors cause suffering with their pungency, then it is also useful to lick the head with a decoction of barley, poppy, violets, roses, but if the vapors cause suffering with their abundance, then do nothing of the kind, but perform a bowel movement and use medicines that gradually dissipate the vapors, for example, olive oil , in which thyme or a shepherd's crook, or marjoram with a shepherd's crook, were boiled, when it was desirable to disperse them. Some ancient doctors even considered it useful to lubricate the head with chamomile ointment. If, due to severe pain, you are forced to use drugs that cause numbness and sleep, then do this carefully and with caution. At the beginning of such a headache, the rise of juices is prevented with the help of oatmeal and plantain, which are also given to drink; sometimes this is prevented by using coriander and rose oil, and sometimes blood-sucking cups are installed. As for bandaging and rubbing the limbs and the treatment regimen for those suffering from a hangover, it is also very good to use in this case. When prescribing bandaging of limbs, after removing the bandage, you should immerse them in hot water. If the headache does not calm down even from all this, then you need to shave your head and apply a medicinal bandage of chamomile, marshmallow, violet and, especially, tribulus; This is done after shaving the head. Sometimes we have to use bloodsucking cups and leeches. Often headaches do not go away after fever and acute illnesses. The treatment in such cases consists of cooling and moistening the nature of the food and strengthening the head with rose oil and chamomile oil. At the same time, the patient’s hands and feet are poured with hot water and rubbed with violet oil twice a day, morning and evening, then, when a clear decline in the disease appears, they are helped with the help of thinning agents.