Treatment of headaches from wind penetrating from outside to inside the head

If you have a headache from wind penetrating from outside, you should recognize what kind of wind it is, hot - summer or cold - winter, then you should pay attention through which place the wind entered, if the wind is hot and entered through your ears, then drip warm chamomile oil into them or oil of wallflower or dill, diluted with a small amount of rose oil, and if it entered through the nose, then drip the same oils into the nose; also use watering from the means we mentioned, which gradually dissipate the winds. If a hot disorder of nature follows this, then it is treated with caution, starting with less cold medicines, and if this does not help, then the coldness is increased. If the wind is cold, then whichever of the two ways they should be introduced, hot oils with beaver stream and musk are used; their number is reduced or increased, depending on need. They also use the hot dissolving pours and medicinal dressings mentioned in this regard and avoid everything that swells the stomach and softens the nature.