Treatment of indigestion

They begin by removing every last drop of spoiled food through vomiting or laxation and streamlining the eating and drinking regime, returning all the circumstances of the patient’s life to what they should be. He should delay eating until he is truly hungry and cleanse his stomach by drinking rose water. If indigestion occurs due to the hotness of the stomach or the outpouring of yellow bile there, then the patients are given rough food, leaning towards colder food, so that it is something like beef with vinegar. At the same time, cold and liquid food is not prescribed, because delicate nutrients quickly deteriorate in the stomach of such patients; Those suffering from yellow bile should induce vomiting before eating. If the disease occurs from coldness of the stomach, then this coldness is treated with the remedies mentioned in its place, and if the cause is looseness of the stomach tissue, it is treated with the above-mentioned fragrant astringent medicines and dishes that give good chyme and are quickly digested, to which are artificially given absorbent and astringent properties , as well as spices and other substances mentioned in the general part.

If the patient has indigestion due to the effusion of bile in the above-mentioned and rare manner, then he should be taught to vomit repeatedly before eating. If after this he revives and begins to eat, then this custom should be abolished so that the stomach does not weaken. At the same time, such patients should take thickly brewed juices after vomiting, which strengthen the stomach and drive away what is poured into it, and constantly apply medicinal bandages to the stomach area, giving it the ability to expel what is poured into it. Then the patient is given treatment periods during which he is induced to vomit before eating, in accordance with what was mentioned above.

As for the indigestion that causes sour food in the stomach of such patients, if the acid is small and occasional, it is beneficial for patients to suck on sweet apples. Coriander helps them if you drink it with water before meals, as well as mastic if you take it in a drink. And if the acid is strong, then one of the remedies that brings great benefits is the inflorescences of fragrant rush with cumin, as well as all the hot juvarishna and juvarishna with iron scale. Sometimes julanjubin diluted with hot water helps them, and sometimes it is useful to take the following medicine before bed: pepper, cumin, dill seeds, one part each, red roses, with the cups torn off, two parts. All this is sifted, having previously been ground, through a silk sieve and drunk with diluted wine at one half dirham.

When a stronger remedy is required, you should vomit, after first taking something salty, sour or caustic like fukka and waiting some time until the substance taken is established in the stomach. Then they induce vomiting with warmed honey sikanjubin, squeezed turnip juice or something that works the same way, for example, water sweetened with honey and the like, and after that they treat the patient with large pink cakes and atriful. Often there is no need for vomiting if the cause is coldness without matter, due to which the food turns sour in the stomach.

If food turns sour in the summer, it upsets digestion more. The patient should then avoid soups and broths and eat foods that absorb moisture and are fried over coals or in a frying pan, as well as red meat; In such people it is only necessary to change the nature of the stomach. Any food that spoils in the stomach must be vomited. If nature itself provides this, then let it provide it; if nature does not provide this, then they take Kammuni as much as is needed, and if this is not enough, they resort to the help of some laxatives of the appropriate juvarishns. They are taken in small quantities, just enough to remove feces; Quince medicine is one of the selected medicines of this genus. As for the signs of proper food intake by the stomach and good digestion, healthy to the limit, as well as the conditions opposite to this, these are the signs that we mentioned in the paragraphs devoted to methods of judging the state of the stomach; if the signs mentioned there are absent, but there is a feeling of heaviness, nausea and the need for the heaviness to go down, and shortness of breath occurs, then know that the stomach firmly embraces food, but it is burdened by the presence of food in it in relation to its quantity. Know also that digestion is inherent in the bottom of the stomach, and appetite is inherent in the mouth of the stomach.