Treatment of embers and Persian fire

To remove yellow bile blood, bloodletting cannot be avoided, and if the disease is frighteningly severe, then inevitably the patient must be brought to the point of fainting. Sometimes, especially with embers, in order to remove trapped bad blood, which has the nature of poison, a deep cut is required; if the matter is rather yellow-billed, this is not done. As for local treatment, it is impossible to do without the same measures as in the treatment of erysipelas, but mud cakes should not, as with erysipelas, cool too much, since the matter is thick, and returning even a small amount of it inside is unacceptable, because this the matter is poisonous. You should also not use strongly astringent medicines, since the matter is thick and dissolves slowly, and absorbable substances are not allowed to be used at first, after the appearance of a rash, or when the inflammation begins to calm down, because this would increase the bad quality of the matter. On the contrary, it is appropriate to prescribe drugs that are drying and somewhat cooling, dissolving and expelling, for example, dressings prepared from large plantain, lentils and bread with a large amount of bran - the substance of such bread is more rarefied - or dressings similar to these, recorded in the Pharmacopoeia; They also use galls with wine vinegar and alum with wine vinegar.

One of the good medicines at this time and later is this: take a sour pomegranate, cut it in half and boil it in vinegar until softened, then grind it, put it on a rag and use it; it is suitable at all times and eradicates this disease in the beginning and in the end. Among the medicines for this stage of the disease, fresh nuts and their leaves with oatmeal, raisins, and figs are sometimes used with wine and black poppy oil; It’s best to make a bandage out of all this.

Here is a medicine that is useful in most cases: take opium, acacia, vitriol, suri, pomegranate peels - two dirhams each, copper color - dirham, henbane seeds - dirham. This medicine is applied only to a tumor that has not ulcerated, and in case of ulceration, strong drying agents are needed, for example, medicines from anzarut, or horehound, as well as buluvandrus cakes, medicine from pumice with sweet wine or maybukhtaj and other medicines mentioned in the treatment of ulcerated erysipelas and millet herpes; dressings should be applied twice during the day, and once or twice at night; Do not use blister medications while you can, because they increase the malignancy of the disease.

It is necessary to constantly cover the sore spot and the place where it burns with Armenian clay with vinegar and wine and other cooling and distracting substances; Wool with lanolin soaked in wine is close to this in its effect. When the inflammation passes and ulcers remain, they are treated with resistant plasters, diabutamus plasters and other medicines for corrosive ulcers mentioned in the Pharmacopoeia. Old buttery nuts are good on Persian fire at this time.