Treatment of hardening in the spleen

If you know that the reason for this is the assistance of abundant black bile blood, then you should bleed from the basil and the saving vein and allow the saving vein to close itself, if it closes before the strength falls. Sometimes you are forced to bleed from the left jugular vein, and sometimes after this you have to resort to emptying with the help of drugs that remove black bile, which were discussed in the paragraph on black bile jaundice. It is necessary not to forget the above-mentioned rule for the treatment of hardenings and to soften the tumors during any dissolution so that the juice does not harden. And when you are done with it or it is no longer necessary, be sure to use cleansing and tearing medicines that do not contain much heat.

Sometimes you find such properties in simple medicines, and sometimes you have to resort to a combination of medicines; simple medicines that act this way are medicines in which you find bitterness and astringent properties or moderate acridity and astringent properties. Sometimes among simple medicines you find medicines that act this way due to a special property, although they do not clearly manifest the qualities that we have just pointed out. If you find a medicine that is characterized only by bitterness, then add vinegar and a little alum to it: alum gives the ability to strengthen strength and dilute juices. The cauterization mentioned in connection with diseases of the spleen is done on the site of a vessel passing through the inside of the left forearm, although its effect is not clearly manifested in relation to what we have indicated. Sometimes a thinning treatment is sufficient to heal the spleen, and sometimes a fattening regimen is beneficial if it does not cause blockages or thicken the blood, or, if this is the case, the liver is strong enough to correct the damage. The fattening regimen, thinning the blood, balancing and correcting it, thereby breaks down the black bile. Sometimes the hardness of the spleen reaches the point that the help of drinking medications is insufficient for treatment and medicinal dressings cannot be avoided. All milk, except the milk of a pregnant camel, is bad for the spleen.

It seems that of the simple medicines used for this reason, the best is the bark of the caper root: it often removes urine - thick, bloody, bad, and heals, especially if taken with shikanjubin with seeds, which is somewhat sour. This is how not only she acts, but, for example, centaury and its squeezed juice, especially thin centaury! Myrtle berries, Dubrovnik polyum, Dubrovnik vulgare, pistachio with sikanjubin and horehound, especially with “forge water”, which we will mention shortly. Sea onions are good to the extreme in this case, and the shikanjubin from them works best; Scolopendra with squeezed tamarisk juice, watercress, nigella, agaric also helps - on its own, with sikanjubin, or with centaury - a one-time dose of any of these two compositions from misqal to two dirhams, or dodder - five dirhams in one uqiya of sikanjubin; this medicine, if taken repeatedly, drains the contents of the spleen and causes it to shrink.

Usshak, lupine work well, especially a decoction of lupine with sikanjubin, a decoction of Chernobyl with clean water - it is also drunk in sikanjubin or in a decoction of Dubrovnik polyum - wild sorrel with vinegar and sikanjubin, squeezed juice of fresh thorn or dry dill - it is taken twice every day dirham and then drink camel urine - or squeezed sapling juice, in the amount of two dirhams with water from a decoction of wormwood. Spinach with milk and camel urine is very powerful; it is accepted by both weak and strong patients, each according to his strength; The best milk is the milk of a camel, which is fed with willow, wormwood, celery, and fennel. When, after drinking this medicine, resorption of the tumor appears and the release of black bile becomes visible in the stool, then, after that, turn to strengthening the spleen. Or they take butm, which has been soaked in strong vinegar for seven days, and take three milakas of this outm every day, and then sip that vinegar.

Or they give you a drink of radish seeds - one and a half dirhams with strong vinegar, or a decoction of fresh nut leaves boiled with sea onion vinegar, or the juice of caper leaves with sikanjubin, or spikenard with sea onion vinegar. Among the remedies that follow the same path and have the same special property, use two dirhams of purslane seeds with vinegar or finely crushed corals in the amount of a mithqal with some drink for diseases of the spleen, or peeling a soft pumpkin, or the pumpkin itself, which is crushed, after drying and drinking in the amount of two dirhams with sikanjubin. Also useful are reed seeds, dodder seeds, Egyptian willow leaves because of their bitterness and astringent properties, sorrel seeds, quinoa seeds, tamarisk fruits and its leaves, fox lung and its liver in the amount of two dirhams in sikanjubin, or the spleen of a wild donkey, or the spleen of a horse or foal - any of them is given two dirhams when dried.

Or they take bats, cut them, dry them, pound them and take as many of them as can be grabbed with three fingers. Or they take seven fat bats, cut them up, clean them, put them in a clay pot, pour strong vinegar over them, cover the pot with clay and leave them in a heated oven. The pot is left there until the oven cools down, then the mice are taken out, soaked in vinegar and given to drink every day for two dirhams; This is a proven treatment method. Similar simple medicines mentioned at the beginning and at the end are good to drink with shikanjubin and vinegar or prepare dressings from them strengthened with vinegar. As for complex medicines before drinking, these are, for example, scolopendra with bamboo nodules, which are drunk two dirhams with sikanjubin, or cakes with capers and cakes with twigs in sikanjubin, or cakes of aristolochia prepared with caper root bark - they are drunk with them very sour vinegar, and this is done when there is no swelling - as well as madder cakes. Teryak of four medicines is very good if there is no fever.

Or they take watercress - one part, nigella - half a part and mix it with honey, from which the foam has been skimmed; one-time dose - three dirhams, in diluted vinegar. Or they use powders from Aristolochia and Kabul myrobalans - they take one milaka with camel urine or goat urine - or caper root bark - four dirhams, long aristolochia - two dirhams, twig seeds, pepper - six dirhams each; Flatbreads are made from this. Here is one of the remedies that we tested: take adiantum, caper root bark, purslane seeds, rue seeds, twig seeds, hyssop - in equal parts; At one time they give you three dirhams to drink in sikanjubin.

Or they take caper roots, raisins, turnip seeds and hyssop, pound them all and soak them in vinegar for one day and one night; the composition is boiled in a large amount of water until there is little left, sikanjubin with strong seeds is added to it, and the patient drinks it. Or they give you vinegar to drink, in which juniper berries and cypress cones have been well boiled, so that there is little vinegar left; the patient drinks it as much as he can, and a bandage is made from the sediment of this composition. Or they give her the milk of a pregnant camel that satisfies the condition, and give it to drink with pills from willow leaves. And one more thing: they take madder - twelve dirhams, caper root bark, long aristolochia and "orris root" - two dirhams each, grind well, knead in sikanjubin and turn into flat cakes; one-time use - one misqal in the juice of wormwood and caper roots, which were boiled together.

Or they take fresh blackberry leaves, caper bark, tamarisk fruits, scolopendra, baked sea onions, white pepper - in equal parts and turn them into flat cakes; one-time dose - two misqals with sikanjubin.

Or they take the spleen of a wild donkey and the spleen of a stallion in dried and ground form and drink them from a mithqal to two dirhams with diluted wine. They say that if you feed pigs with such medicines for several days, they will not have a spleen when opened.

Or they take dodder and caper root bark, in half the amount of dodder, mix it with honey and drink about five bowls of this. Or they take the barks of the roots of capers, scolopendra, tamarisk fruits, willow bast, madder, hoofed grass, calamus, boil it all with hot vinegar, then strain the vinegar and make honey sikanjubin from it. For a single dose, one dirham of ushshak is drunk with it; this is a wonderful tool. If a person suffering from spleen complains of diarrhea, in which there is no blood or pain, let him take powdered pomegranate seeds for three or four days, three dirhams every day, and give him half of what he usually ate for food. His diarrhea is splenic and the reason is that the body does not accept blood. Know that hot things are not very suitable for the spleen, as they compact and dry, thereby preventing resorption. If there is hotness in the urine, then it is best to give barberry cakes to drink.

A useful remedy for chronic hardening occurring in the spleen. Take the roots of opopanax, usshak, the bark of caper roots, a type of bindweed called anthruniyun, the pulp of baked sea onions, ban seeds, wild garlic - one part of each; All this is mixed and taken in the morning, one darakhmi with sikanjubin or diluted vinegar. Another medicine: take the cores of ban seeds three darakhmi, wild garlic - six darakhmi, caper root bark - four darakhmi, bush - one darakhmi, usturufiyun - six darakhmi, dubrovnik polyum - three darakhmi, the root of a plant called kutulidun, and this is a species , known among us as sakarja, are two darakhmi. They say that kutulidun is a type of sakarja. This is a plant whose leaves resemble the leaves of myrtle, and in the middle it has something like a ring, similar to an eye, and the whole thing looks like a large tenacious plant. To this are also added the seeds of the large bindweed - twenty-five pieces, usshak - four darachmi, milk thistle - two dirhams, the seeds of the "tree of Mary" - one darakhmi, its roots - three darakhmi, wild caraway - one and a half darakhmi, sea onion seeds, that is unsala, fried - sixteen darakhmi. All this is mixed together and consumed with shikanjubin; at one time they give you one and a half darakhmi to drink, and most often - two darakhmi.

Other pills that act in the same way: take the seeds of iris - four darachmi, white pepper, Syrian sumbul, ushshak - each two dirhams, turn into flat cakes and use the same as the previous ones. Other flatbreads useful for those suffering from spleen: take usshak and buckthorn fruits - eight darakhmi each, caper root bark, tamarisk fruits, white pepper, wild garlic and peeled baked sea onions - two darachmi each. All this is kneaded in water and turned into flat cakes, each worth a gift; They give you one flat cake with honey wine to drink at a time. Other flatbreads: take the pulp of baked sea onions - two rittles, grapevine root - eight rittles, white pepper, celery, wild carrots, vetch flour, pine nuts - eight ukiy each; they turn it all into mush. When using any of these medicines, it is best to abstain from water or drink less of it, so that the medicine retains its strength and is not carried away towards the convex part of the liver thanks to the help of abundant water.

As for medicinal dressings, when using them, it is best to use the bath for a long time on an empty stomach and stay in the bath for a long time, and when the patient leaves the bath, let him take spicy, tear-off food that excites thirst, for example, salted fish, dried meat with mustard , small fish. He is given wine diluted with sea water, a gentle regimen is prescribed, and all this is done for three days, and on the fourth the patient is forced to move until he sweats and his breathing becomes rapid, and then a medicinal bandage is applied. All this is done if the disease is severe, and if it is weak, then they limit themselves to easier means. The medications we mentioned are used as medicinal substances for dressings. Ushshak by itself or with sheep feces, if you apply a bandage with vinegar from it, is a strong bandage. Burnt sheep feces, used as a bandage with vinegar, as well as ash from stoves, are a good remedy if you mix the ash with vinegar and apply a bandage from it. A medicinal bandage made from a white vine, also with vinegar, or from cabbage with vinegar, or from yattu leaves with vinegar, or from wine and vinegar is also good. If you take the feces of grazing cows, which is first dried and then boiled with vinegar, it makes a good medicinal dressing; sometimes it is sprinkled with yellow sulfur. Applying bandages made of the “color” of salt also helps remarkably. Remedies of this kind include squeezed juice of bana seeds with vinegar, as well as harmala along with seeds, which is boiled in vinegar until it is boiled and applied as a bandage. Among the substances that are closer to balanced, use beets boiled in vinegar or marshmallow roots mixed with vinegar.

Complex medicines for this case include the basilikun patch, the Galen patch, the Asclepiades patch, as well as the “golden” medicinal bandage, the Galen bandage from sabur and a patch made from caper bark, which is soaked in vinegar for several hours so that it becomes soft, then dried, finely crushed and turned into a plaster using wax and henna oil. Or they take the soot from copper cauldrons and prepare a dressing from it with barley flour, vinegar or sikanjubin, this is a powerful dressing. Or they use a mustard dressing - it is very strong.

Another dressing that resolves hardenings: take ushshak, wax, pine resin - up to eight darachmi each, turpentine tree resin, bdelium, milk thistle - six darachmi each, frankincense, myrrh and mad cucumber oil - four darachmi each. Melting substances are diluted in vinegar, mixed and consumed. Another dressing: take fenugreek and lenticular vetch - two ukiyas each, ushshak and turpentine tree resin - five ukiyas each, caper root bark, twig fruits, wild garlic root and madder dye - each darakhmi, wax - two ritls. {All this is soaked in vinegar, mixed in old olive oil and consumed. Or they take fenugreek flour, white mustard and soda, or figs boiled in vinegar, to which they add ushshaka - one sixth of its amount.

Or they take honeycomb, spread it on a piece of paper the same size as the tumor, sprinkle mustard on the paper, put it on the spleen and leave it as long as you can endure it. Or they take ten pieces of fatty figs and soak them in vinegar for three hours. Then the figs are boiled until they are softened, the broth is filtered and the same weight of mustard and caper root is added, taking them together, and the whole thing is mixed by grinding; sometimes they add more usshak and wolf's bast as needed. From all this an ointment or medicinal bandage is prepared. Or they take fenugreek, wild cumin, bavrac, lime with vinegar and leave it on the spleen for several days until the medicine disappears by itself. One of the tried and tested remedies, which al-Kindi preferred, is this: rue, caper root bark, wormwood, mint and cdmap are boiled in hot vinegar, placed on a piece of felt and applied as a hot bandage, renewing it as soon as it has cooled for twenty once; This is done on an empty stomach. Here is another very good dressing: take two ritls of acorn flour, leave it on the coals, add ritl nura, mix both substances and prepare a dressing from them.

Or they take bavrak, nura, salivagon, mustard, tie it all with kitran and spread it; it is not suitable for fever. Or they take saliva - five ukiya, mustard - fifteen dirhams, wolf bast seeds - four ukiya, wild cumin - three ukiya, allspice nuts - one ukiya, pepper - four ukiya, all this is tied with sea onion vinegar and applied to the spleen as a bandage. for three hours, after washing the sore spot with mustard and soda.

For chronic hardening, use the following ointment: ushshak and bitter almonds - ten parts each, dried rue leaves - five parts; An ointment with vinegar is prepared from this. Or they take goat feces and fresh mustard, mixed with some healthy squeezed juices with a small amount of vinegar. The water used for irrigation is the water in which lupine, rue and pepper were boiled. Here is one of the strong, powerful dressings: take black hellebore - three uqiyas, white hellebore - four uqiyas, ushshak - three uqiyas, soda - three uqiyas, scammonium resin - two uqiyas, pepper - thirty grains. Then they thicken the wine with the resin of the turpentine tree so much that it can be mixed with these substances like a plaster, and spread it on the sore spot, having previously warmed it up by friction. This medicine is also laxative.

If the medicines do not help, then cups should be placed, making an incision, and sometimes, if black bile juice and blood overcome, it is necessary to bleed from the left jugular vein and cauterize the spleen in five or six places, not allowing the cauterized area to heal. If the patient cannot tolerate fire, then they use cauterizing medicines, for example, a bandage of figs and mustard, or a bandage of atanasiya and others. If the patient is overcome by fever and cannot tolerate strong bandages, then his spleen is doused with vinegar vapors rising from a hot stone, or he lies down with an empty stomach on his back and a piece of felt moistened with heated vinegar, especially the vinegar in which they were boiled, is placed on his spleen. rue, or soaked in heated vinegar grounds. It is best for the patient to go on an empty stomach to a hot bath, if he can bear it, lie there on his back, and all the time pieces of felt soaked in vinegar would be placed on his spleen, one after another, as long as he can bear; this is repeated for several days in a row. This is a powerful treatment. A similar method, suitable for a hot tumor: take chicory seeds, purslane seeds, dried pumpkin and basil seeds and give two bowls of this to drink, with very sour sikanjubin, and then treat with pieces of felt and vinegar. Many people suffering from hardening of the spleen with fever are cured by chicory juice with sikanjubin, if given repeatedly.

As for food, these should be light and fatty broths, prepared, as you know, from light, gentle and moderately warming substances, as well as capers in vinegar, pistachios in vinegar, and so on, which you learned about in the appropriate places. With this, you should also use thinning substances, for example, mustard and the like. And the drink for such patients is “forge water” and water in which hot iron has been extinguished several times.