Medicines are cold and slightly hot

These are, for example, coriander seeds, which are drunk for three days with maybukhtaj, or willow seeds - this is a very strong remedy that kills all worms, and they give it to drink in sikanjubin or sour milk, or they drink a decoction of the seeds. Starch also sometimes kills worms, as do the fruit of the areca palm, the leaves of the peach tree and the squeezed juice of the acacia tree.

acacia - this remedy is not very hot. Blackberries and the squeezed juice of sour or sweet and sour pomegranate rinds, boiled in water all night, then strained and drunk, also kill worms; The water in which its root was boiled has the same effect. Squeezed plantain juice is suitable for those who have both worms and diarrhea, just like dry plantain; A wonderful remedy is sumac soaked in water, or tarasis. Printed clay with wine helps amazingly, red ocher also works wonderfully; purslane seed, taken in large quantities, kills worms, as do bitter chicory, bitter lettuce, celery and capers soaked in vinegar. They say that melon kills and hatches dead worms; Tribulus is also close to these medicines. The power of these remedies is so great that they also drive out flatworms - I mean willow seeds, squeezed peach tree juice, coriander, bitter chicory, red ocher and others; they are given to drink either with churning, or with hot water, or with shikanjubin.