Medicines used for toothache

These include rinses, and all of them must be kept in the mouth for a long time, for example, the vinegar in which snake skin was boiled, or the vinegar in which coloquint was boiled, this remedy is strong and very useful. If the coldness of the tooth’s nature is obvious, then rinse the mouth with wine, or zurunbad, or saliva, or asafoetida with mustard, or caper bark, or pine bark, or mint, or plane tree leaves, or polyum, or its bark with vinegar or water. They also use laurel leaves and chaff, or garlic stalks with saliva, or vinegar in which they put cachima, these drugs are kept in the mouth, or they use saliva and tamarisk fruits in vinegar, or dry marjoram, as well as the root of the mad cucumber or its squeezed juice with with vinegar, as well as with harmala, both are boiled in vinegar, or buttercups are boiled in vinegar.

For throbbing pain, a decoction of unripe galls with vinegar, or nightshade with vinegar, or a decoction of henbane with vinegar, or burnt deer antler boiled with sea onion vinegar or ground and placed in shikanjubin is useful. This also includes gargling with the same medicines that we mentioned when talking about mouth rinses. Boil raisins and garlic in water and gargle with them, leaving your mouth open so that a lot of saliva flows. Chewable ones also belong to these means; they are made from the mentioned drugs or the like. They take mountain mint, saliva, white pepper and myrrh, mix it with raisin pulp, turn it into nuts and chew a nut every day. This also includes thick ointments, steam fumigations and medicinal dressings prepared from known dissolving drugs. They are mixed with substances that have a thick composition, such as honey or kitran, or with anything dissolved in water that can dissolve in it, or they are consumed mixed with water alone. Or they take sulfur with khudad and lubricate it. When there is a beating in the tooth, take grated mustard and apply it to the base of the tooth.

We also tried to take peach kernels and, in half the quantity, pepper; this is mixed with kitran and rubbed on the tooth or glued to it. Either the tooth is smeared with one teryak or one asafoetida, or they take colchicum or nigella grated and mixed with olive oil and smear the base of the tooth with it. Among the tested remedies are the following: take pepper, saliva, larkspur, ginger, one part each, and Armenian bavrak, one and a half parts, finely grind them and smear the teeth and gums with this mixture. This helps a lot.

Sometimes medicinal dressings are applied to the jaws, for example, from marshmallow, chamomile, dill, fenugreek, flaxseed with dill decoction and dill oil, and they are consumed. Galen claimed that if you put gecko liver on corroded teeth, it immediately soothed the pain. This also includes external poultices, which should be applied either two hours before meals or four hours after meals; this is necessary in case of severe pain. Steamed, for example, with salt and heated millet, warm olive oil, or melted wax. One poultice after another is applied to the jaws to attract the matter to it; when the jaw is swollen, the pain will calm down, especially if you burn the tooth with boiling oil, then the pain will immediately subside. This also includes cauterizing agents. For example, boil olive oil with one of the mentioned dissolving medicines or oil alone, then take a knitting needle, heat it up, immerse it in this oil and insert it into the cavity of a tube attached to the diseased tooth until it reaches the tooth and cauterizes it. .

Sometimes wax, dough or something else is placed on the areas adjacent to the tooth in order to isolate the tooth and adjacent areas from other teeth and gums. The benefit of this is greater if the matter is located in the tooth itself. And sometimes boiling oil is dripped into a tube attached to a sore tooth, taking the previously mentioned precautions. Olive oil is more suitable than any other oil. Often when cauterizing, you have to drill the tooth with a thin drill to allow the cauterizing force to penetrate the tooth. And when treatment measures do not have an effect, the tooth is cauterized with a hot needle several times until the cauterization is done thoroughly, so that the pain subsides and the tooth crumbles.

This also includes rubbing medicines made from the previously mentioned substances. Ginger with honey is a good rub, as is vinegar with salt, or vinegar with colocynth pulp and saliva extract. This also includes fumigation with smoke and vapors, and it is best done through a funnel. Sometimes fumigations are prepared from solvents, such as from the roots of coloquinth or its seeds, and also from mustard seeds, or from donkey's hoof, or from onion seeds, especially against worms in the tooth; They also use leaves of myrtle, or Dubrovnik polyum, or leaves of rue, or saliva.

Dental medicines also include dissolving substances that are injected into the nose, such as mad cucumber juice, squeezed juice of beet roots or alfalfa or marjoram, as well as pain drops put into the ear on the side of the diseased tooth.

For example, the above-mentioned medications or squeezed juice of fresh capers are used for administration into the nose and into the ear in the form of drops. These same remedies include filling for a corroded tooth if the cause of the pain is corrosion. You must act carefully and do not fill the tooth roughly or forcefully, so that the pain does not become severe. For filling, use, for example, sukk with syty or mastic. Stronger than this is asafoetida with buttercup, or nigella ground with olive oil, or pepper, or burnt wine grounds, or furbiyun, or salivagon. Or the tooth is filled with medicine from the kernels of peach kernels or the pepper mentioned above, and the hot tooth is filled with cold substances, and the cold one with hot ones. This also includes means that remove teeth, to which we devote a separate paragraph. They should be used only when there is pain in the tooth itself, not otherwise.