Medicinal Film Ophthalmic

Medicinal eye film (membranula ophthalmica, lamella ophthalmica) is a medical product that is used to treat eye diseases. It is a thin transparent film that is applied to the surface of the eye and contains medicinal substances necessary to treat a specific disease.

Medicinal eye film can be used to treat various eye diseases, such as glaucoma, cataracts, retinal dystrophy and others. It is applied to the surface of the eyeball and remains there for a certain period of time, ensuring a constant supply of medicinal substances to the tissues of the eye.

One of the advantages of medicinal ophthalmic film is its high efficiency and accuracy of dosage of medicinal substances. In addition, it does not cause allergic reactions and does not have side effects on other organs and systems of the body.

However, medicinal ocular film has its limitations and contraindications. For example, it cannot be used if there are open wounds on the surface of the eye or if there are contraindications to the use of certain medicinal substances contained in the film.

In general, medicinal ophthalmic film is an effective and safe treatment for eye diseases, but its use must be strictly controlled and carried out under the supervision of an ophthalmologist.

Ocular Medicinal Film: Description and Application Introduction Ocular medicinal film is a type of intraocular therapeutic system (IOTS) and is used for topical treatment of many eye diseases such as glaucoma, corneal dystrophy, etc. In this article we will look at the main characteristics and applications of ophthalmic medicinal films.

Description of the eyes