
Lekozim: an effective pharmacological agent for purulent-necrotic processes

Lekozim is an enzyme preparation produced in Slovenia by the Lek DD company. It belongs to the pharmacological group of enzyme agents used in purulent-necrotic processes. Lekozim is a lyophilized powder for the preparation of an injection solution containing 70 IU (units of action) of the active substance.

The composition of Lecozyme includes a mixture of three proteolytic enzymes: papain, chymopapain and proteinase, which have a similar structure, as well as the mucolytic enzyme lysozyme. These enzymes are stabilized and activated by appropriate additives, which ensures their high activity and effectiveness.

Lekozim is widely used in various fields of medicine, including traumatology, neurosurgical, orthopedic and ophthalmological practice. It is effective in the treatment of conditions such as spinal osteochondrosis, intervertebral disc herniation (especially in the lumbar region), basal arachnoiditis, lacrimal duct obstruction, keratitis, corneal and vitreous opacities.

However, Lekozim also has contraindications. It is not recommended for use in cases of progressive neurological disorders, pregnancy, incomplete growth, fecal and urinary incontinence, and allergic diathesis. In children under 9 years of age, the drug is not used in traumatological and neurosurgical practice. Intravenous and intramuscular administration of Lecozim is also not recommended.

Side effects may occur when using Lecozim. When the drug is injected into the eye tissue or intervertebral discs, pain may occur. Therefore, before its administration, it is recommended to prescribe analgesics and corticosteroids as premedication. If hypersensitivity occurs, antihistamine therapy can be administered to relieve itching and reduce fever.

There is no information yet on the interaction of Lecozim with other drugs. There is also no data on a possible overdose of the drug.

It is important to note that aqueous solutions of Lecozim remain active for 1-3 hours, so it is necessary to prepare and use them immediately before use. The prepared solution should be transparent and free of visible particles. The sterility of the prepared solution is also an important condition for its use.

Lekozim is an effective pharmacological agent for purulent-necrotic processes and is widely used in various fields of medicine. However, before using it, you must consult your doctor and strictly follow the recommendations for use, dosage and possible side effects.