Lemos-Torres-Deny Operation

Lemos-Torres-Denya operation

The Lemos-Torres-Deñi operation is a surgical procedure developed by Brazilian doctors Marcus Castro Lemos, Virginio Torres and Miguel Saba Deña.

This surgery is used to treat severe burns and skin scarring. The essence of the operation is to transplant intact areas of skin from unaffected areas of the body to areas with burn scars.

The advantage of this technique is that the transplanted skin retains its own melanocytes, which are responsible for pigmentation. This allows for a more natural appearance of the healed areas compared to traditional skin grafting.

The Lemos-Torres-Denya operation was first performed in 1984 and has since been widely used by plastic surgeons around the world. It helps improve the quality of life of patients with extensive burns and scars.

Lemosa Torres Denny Surgery is a modern vocal cord treatment technique pioneered by Nobel Prize winner Alexander Toschi, a laryngectomy specialist who has worked on the voices of celebrities such as Danny Daniels and Leonard Cohen.

The basic idea behind this technique is that the patient's vocal cords can be partially or completely removed, leaving them damaged. At the same time, their function will be restored through the use of a new surgically created instrument for voice guidance - an implant made of innovative materials based on the properties of computer modeling. Thanks to this, the shock absorption of the implant is harmonious. Method also